Israel In Hot Water? Are We Surprised?

in #israel6 years ago

The last few days have been a bit weary on Israel, but what else is new when it comes to Israel? After booting out the people of God a few years back, they've seen an increase in conflict from Hezbollah and more and more threats coming from Iran and other enemies. They aren't doing themselves any favours either when they're going around striking bases or areas that belong to neighbouring countries that they already have some bad blood with. After an Israeli attack on a Lebanese drone in Beirut. The President of Lebanon declared this action an act of war!

"What happened is a declaration of war," Michel Aoun told Jan Kubis, the UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon, in a meeting on Monday.

"This allows us to resort to our right to defend our sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity," he added, in a statement released by his office.


Iran, being an ally to Lebanon, is now furious after Israel's widespread attacks from Syria, to Lebanon, and even Iraq. In the last nineteen months, there have been at least four attempts by Iran, or militias working on its behalf, to launch either attack drones or missiles towards Israel. Hezbollah even launched 3 missiles into Israel the other day, one of which was a successful hit into Israeli territory. So what steps are next and exactly how long do we have before we see a real war in Israel with major casualties? Are you prepared?

Arclight WorkSm.pngThis article was written by @cifer44

Nearly all religions believe we are presently in the "end times", that period of history when the world will undergo divine judgment, followed by the establishment of the everlasting Kingdom of God that is reserved for the chosen.

Most believe the Messiah will come just prior to this judgment, offering the people one last chance at salvation. Lord RayEl is that prophesied Messiah. Though "faith" is important, we will still provide evidence of his divinity.
God bless.

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