Well, when was the last time you saw CookieMonster at you hood?
Purim is here! It's a jewish holiday, which everyone get costumes and go out celebrate! Everything is so happy, people dressed up in original costumes and some of them are really creative.
I want to share you guys pictures from my last Purim 😉
The right one is @arinush, dressed up as dalmatian dogs with her friends.
A frog and a boy dressed as a girl lolz
Very cool group costume - take a look at those muumies! My friend's and I dressed up as women from the sixties!
Take a look at those smurfs:
They dressed up as boobs lolz they made me laugh so hard
And the last one - my friend dressed up as a bride
Please tell me what costume you liked the most!
Well I hate you for posting an embarrassing pic of me but i guess its a revenge haha
I miss all the people on the photos, really good times that Im missing.
Purim is my favorite by far. (Aww after Passover - a long vacation from Hell )
Lolz revenge indeed! Me too my dear, me too.
Niiice! 😊 Thanks for a wonderful pics! 👍😃
Thank you ❤
Happy Purim
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