I am a teenage girl from Nigeria
Who grew up in a Cristian and Church loving home . I believe in Christ and thought that Israel is the Chosen city of the Lord . I always believed that Israel 🇮🇱 is a Christian country filled with God fearing bishops and saints little did I know that ;
One day , while chatting with my friends and surfing the internet
I got to discover that the country Israel is a jewish country, and the number of muslims in the country is more than that of the christians
This has made me as my self different questions
Where Exactly did Christianity come from?
Which is the ChristiAn country
Christianity came from God. It did not come from man. God used men to write down his word but Christianity is not a man-made religion. And to respond to your last point, there is no such thing as a Christian country. There are Christians who live in countries but there is no such thing as a Christian country.
In the Old Testament, the Israelites were God's chosen people. They were the people God chose to be his own. But not every Israelite is a Christian now. A person becomes a Christian by realizing they are a sinner, who has sinned against a holy God. In order to be made back into a right relationship with that Holy God, a sacrifice has to be made. So God sent Jesus to be the final sacrifice for those who repent and believe. And now we are called to repent of our sins, believe in the finished work of Jesus Christ, and be reconciled to God. That is Christianity. No nation can do that. It is an individual faith and an individual repentance.
Man made Christianity. look up Constantine. Jesus never said a thing about being in a religion, meaning you have to join a religion or anything like that. All you have to do is believe in the words of Christ and search for the truth. Learn more to understand heaven, hell, and earth. There is a lot of lies and misunderstanding in most religions. For example Paganism, and the belief on if Jesus is god, the son of god, or a thing called the trinity. So do your research don't just take what people tell you, and believe it like that guy (tslade1425) saying Christianity came form god. -_-
If you know the history of Christianity, the Christians can also be seen as a jewish group. So, Jesus was a Jew and Israel is a jewish country.