
in #issue7 years ago

Promoting the Profession, Enhancing Social Well-Being

The services that social workers provide are vital to supporting the well-being of people throughout the United States. Social workers have become even more essential as economic inequality and health disparities increase, as the population ages, and as the middle class struggles to maintain stability.

Federal policymakers play critical roles in promoting policies that help individuals, families, and communities to fulfill their potential and to lead healthy, productive lives. To assist in this effort, NASW proposes public policy recommendations for consideration by the executive branch and Congress. NASW’s federal advocacy efforts focus on the three R’s: Reimbursement, Respect, and Resources.

Key Policy Issues
Following are the key issues that NASW is working on in the 115th Congress. Although a great part of the association’s energy is spent on these issues, NASW’s work on Capitol Hill is not limited to these areas, but is driven by the agenda that members of Congress set for themselves.6.jpg