
Yeah Eve i think it would be an easier choice if it wasn't such an expensive lifestyle here.

OMG with your active lifestyle I am surprised you are not taking any! Consult with your physician.

Well my case is a little special, since I do eat eggs sometimes. I have access to eggs from happy chickens here on our property, and that's why I don't like to call myself a 100% vegan. I prefer the term cruelty free instead.

I gave up meat and dairy products completely though...I feel very good, full of energy. I think when the body is missing something, it tells you through symptoms of fatigue, weakness, etc, and I don't have any of that =). I have 100% vegan friends who are also athletes, and they are fine too. I think also the key is to learn how to prepare a balanced meal, which is something vegans have to re-learn.