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RE: Even CS Masters Students At Purdue Are Struggling To Get A Job 😬

in #it10 days ago

These are the ones I usually get but they have been out of stock at Walmart and they had raised the price on them in store several weeks ago. My friend in California said they were $12 out in Los Angeles County.

Pasture raised though so they can go around eating bugs and worms and having a normal food chain. The yokes end up being way darker. I try to stick to those and Angus steak cuts.

My worry is that we are just headed to where Japan is in 10 years. Where it is so expensive people just struggle working endless hours just to buy low quality noodles and have low testosterone. They had a big period of inflation where prices in Tokyo went insane and then followed by deflation and their citizens have really been in quick sand for decades in a lot of ways.

There are over 7 million vacant homes in Japan.


That's pretty crazy. I have a friend who raises chickens for eggs and yes the yolks are definitely a lot darker. They don't hard boil the same either. They are harder to peel after the fact. I hope we can sort things out before we get that bad.

Maybe you have talked to him more about if it is worth it which is always hard to figure out I guess but my dad was thinking about getting this moveable chicken coop and then after they wear down the grass you move it forward. He has the space for it. But I guess the chickens can only lay eggs for 3 years or so and places like Indiana and Michigan it would seem they would have to be given grain when it isn't summer. I always worry about those eggs coming from the industrial farms. The chickens can't move around and they aren't really getting fresh air and sun and able to eat worms and bugs.

He was running into issues with predators getting the chickens. I think that was his biggest problem. We have tons of people around where I live always selling eggs on the side of the road. I work in a farm community so there are always people selling them at work too.

It's probably going to turn out to be a good business for a lot of people these days.