export class Series { series: string; constructor(series: string) { this.series = series; if(this.series.length === 0) throw new Error('series cannot be empty'); } slices(sliceLength: number): number[][] { let res: number[][] = []; if(sliceLength < 0) throw new Error('slice length cannot be negative'); if(sliceLength === 0) throw new Error('slice length cannot be zero'); if(this.series.length < sliceLength) throw new Error('slice length cannot be greater than series length'); for(let i=0; i<this.series.length-sliceLength+1; i++){ res.push(this.series.slice(i,i+sliceLength).split('').map(Number)); } return res; } }
6 days ago in #ita by drago18121996 (72)
- Pending payout amount: $0.16
- Breakdown: 0.08 HBD, 0.16 HP
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