Yeah stuff really get's interesting when a person dives deep into their own unique side. Many times when people try to create a group around something it just ends up where everyone is starting to behave the same way! They are monkey-ing each other 🐒Can truly create a boring and sameness culture which is an insult to life.
But I can also see why most do this. Some people have a deeper desire to explore their own side of things while others rather have a large group for that. There is safety in the herd. And many rather have safety than a deep real authentic experience of life. And that many people are very afraid of standing with their own unique side. As that is a pretty intense way to live in many cases.
This phrase is a fantastic cue for reflection, I find it wonderful when a post can find value in the comments like yours or that of others. But in your particular, I find an essential thing that I particularly like, "the desire to explore ourselves in order to live fully the life experiences", I really like it.