Crazy Fish in Italy - Verrückte Fischchen in Italien!

in #italy7 years ago

Bildschirmfoto 2018-06-02 um 12.06.28.png

Hey guys! If you are looking for a few exceptional marine animals then Livorno Aquarium "Acquario di Livorno" will be a perfect place to visit! I saw some crazy stuff there, as I have not been an aquarium hobbyist until now, the one or the other sea creatures surprised me pretty much. Suddenly I realized where all the cartoons stole their ideas ^ ^ The ground floor has 33 tanks, a tunnel and a pool. On the second floor you could see some insects, but I devoted my time only to aquatic animals, because time was running out and my parents wanted to continue to the south to Piombino.

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Lets observe some strange stuff

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This is a Napoleon fisch! But why does the fish got the name of Napoleon? Well, this kind of fish has a pronounced spherical hump on the head, this hump is going bigger after a while and supposedly this hump has a very close resemblance to Napoleon's hat :)

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Thats how a typical hat from Napoleon looked like, source

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I made some pics of Napoleon fish, look at these huuuggeeee lips xD

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My model :D

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Hello sweeties :D Two eagle rays

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This purple creature looks a bit dangerous :O

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Muahahah "Exhausted fish"

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This turtle wants its private space and do not want to be in company :P

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Fish is chilling around

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So pretty and colorful

Wish you all a nice Saturday - See You Soon - Big Hug Lena <3 <3

deutsch / same post in German

Bildschirmfoto 2018-06-02 um 12.06.28.png

Hallo Ihr Lieben! Wenn ihr auf ein paar aussergewöhnliche Meerestiere steht, dann ist das Aquarium in Livorno „Acquario di Livorno“ genau das richtige! Abgefahrenes Zeug hab ich dort gesehen, da ich bis jetzt kein Aquariumgänger gewesen bin, haben mich die einen oder anderen Meerestierchen optisch ziemlich überrascht. Plötzlich wurde mir klar woher die ganzen Zeichentrickfilme ihre Ideen geklaut haben^^ Im Erdgeschoss befinden sich 33 Tanks, ein Tunnel und ein Pool. Im zweiten Stock konnte man einige Insekten beobachten, jedoch widmete ich meine Zeit nur den Wassertierchen, da die Zeit knapp wurde und meine Eltern weiter südlich nach Piombino aufbrechen wollten.

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Lasst uns einige seltsame Dinge beobachten

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Dieser Fisch wird Napoleon-Fisch genannt! Jedoch warum Napoleon? Und zwar der Napoleonfisch hat einen ausgeprägten kugelförmigen Höcker auf dem Kopf, dieser wächst im Alter und angeblich hat dieser Höcker eine sehr grosse Ähnlichkeit mit Napoleons Hut :)

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So einen Hut trug Napoleon oft, Quelle

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Einige Bilder musste ich von Napoleon machen, schaut euch mal die feeeeettteeeen Lippen an xD

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Mein Model :D

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Hallo ihr süssen :D Zwei Eagle Rays

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Diese lilafarbene Kreatur sieht etwas gefährlich aus :O

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Muahahah "durstiger oder kaputter Fisch"

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Diese Wasserschildkröte braucht definitiv Privatsphäre und möchte nach dem Gesichtsausdruck zu beurteilen nicht in Gesellschaft sein :P

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Fisch chillt herum

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Schön und farbenfroh die Welt im Wasser

Wünsche euch allen einen schönen Samstag - Bis Bald und nen fetten Drücker - LG Lena <3 <3


how crazy fish of italy.just excellent my dear friend. @lenatramper you giving alots of animal picture today in your post.absolutely mindblowing thought.. its very talented shots photography.. very well done for your good of luck of your great work and take care yourself.

very big fish @lenatramper, I'm afraid you'll be bitten, I do not want you to bite big fish, I love you @lenatramper

This is a singular article @lenatramper, neither places of worship nor Castle but something new: A tour a ' giant Aquitaine ' is a very good idea dear friend. Have a nice day 🙂🙂

Have a good Day, fantastic Italiano

wooooww @lenatramper .. this is a very good post. be careful dear you later on fish bite

Beware do not come near you later bitten

Very cool friends

Wonderful italy...
Fabulous photo click @lenatramper

Lots of species of marine animals that can spoil the eye, successful greetings for you @lenatramper.

Hallo Lena nie lange an einem Ort kurz umschauen und schon ruft der nächste Ort ;-)

Solange man noch jung ist muss man es ausnützen xD

Wer die Gelegenheit hat der sollte zugreifen! Ich mag deine Post mach weiter so

Do not give this hand to the fish's mouth can bite

how are beautiful, hopefully a good day, I was amazed with you dear

Amazing, good post @lenatramper

Love to see you there :)

wah ..... a great aquarium, your traveling is very interesting @lenatramper. I love it

Have a good day in italy lena 👍

Good posting mrs @lenatramper.

a giant aquarium many aquatic animals that are huge shrimp, fish, squid, and you become a prima donna here, very beautiful, perfect amazing, @jhoni like Lena, ☺️

Very great! I enjoyed reading it and see some fish!

hi @lenatramper. Have a nice day. but the fish was very nice I am very interested. be careful on the way ya my friend

Thanks you for sharing sis..!!!

Wow ... like living in the aquarium, the place I live nothing like this, I want to enjoy it

wow .... big reef fish member whether the fish belongs from familia Labridae, it looks like napoleon hat ya @lenatramper, i like

Hy again sweet heart traveler @lenatramper. I have not seen your family members on your post. Do not they want to be taken photo too? Mmm anyway I like the scenery of fish in that big aquarium. Thanks for sharing my friend.

I love you fullGreat ...dear @lenatramper

Sehr interessant.
Du bist sehr perfekt.

Like in the sea world?

This post has received a 0.94 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @patternbot.

zufällig aufgewählt und unterstützt.
Hier ist Ihr Glückskeks:

Fenster verschmutzen viel weniger, wenn man die Scheiben herausnimmt.Glückwunsch! @patternbot hat Sie

Woowwww big fish lenatramper

it's very beautiful, as if you took a photo under the sea.
enjoy your journey @lenatramper

Super! Very interesting fish!
I have a new post. It would be great if you could look at him:)

It seems you had great fun visiting Livorno Aquarium.

Hello darling !!

I think you really like the fish like that, what if you are holidaying to my country?

Here so many fish, then nature is so beautiful and the beaches.

Have you ever been to Bali, Indonesia?

Bildschirmfoto 2018-06-02 um 16.08.01.png

I mention this fish name: ikan lohan. the price of these fish is very expensive.

hi lena, how are you? are you busy? and do you still in italy.
i miss your new article.

betapa gila ikan italy.just excellent dear temanku. @lenatramper Anda memberikan banyak gambar hewan hari ini di postingan Anda.pikiran yang sangat mindblowing .. fotografi pemotretan yang sangat berbakat .. sangat baik untuk foto-foto bagus Anda.terbaik

good travel and big fish. i like all pic... my sistar @lenatramper

Hy lena. Semoga engkau baik - baik saja.