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RE: Italy vs. The Banksters

in #italy6 years ago

Sticking it to the trash in Brussels is always a good idea. However, what Italy is doing is reading from the Zimbabwe playbook. They are going to increase debt with those phony BOT's IF anyone goes along with this ludicrous scheme.

Everyone knows Italy is too deep in debt to ever pay it back with an honest settlement. The BOT's are just another scheme to defraud the stupid willing to lend. I guess anyone dumb enough deserves to lose his 'investment', but if Italy forces this into general use by their population as a whole, then the gov't is actively defrauding the people. So, what else is new?

Italy's moves are smart in one way to just give Brussels the middle finger openly and proudly. But to start this BOT business to increase spending now is just plain stupid. If the gov't had any intelligence, which they don't, they would start Italexit immediately, bring back their own currency, and use the Euro in the interim.