What joy is felt like when you are grateful!
I'm glad to announce to everyone that I've been nominated for a Thanksgiving Challenge by @doris-adioha.
It's a seven day Thanksgiving Challenge where I have to tell 3 things each day that I am thankful for.
Oh! They are usually a lot, but I'll try to dish out the most interesting ones.
So guys, hang on and see for yourself that you too have a lot to be thankful for.
You will be surprised to see them, for instance @doris-adioha said in one of her thanks giving challenge post that she's thankful for the weather, though it was really hot, but then she adds, "it is better to be thankful for something than complain".
Slow down now for a moment and think, if she feels bitter about the sun and complains, would that change the weather? Again, her feeling of gratitude prevents her from anxiety and depression, so she stays healthy and positive. What's more, the hot sun is helping someone else, drying someone's clothes and food stuffs, and making plants grow.
So now tell me, which is better, to complain or be grateful?
In fact, if I were to start today. For one, I'd be grateful for the challenge but tomorrow will be day 1. After my seven days challenge though, I'd be nominating others who had shown interest. So you can still partake too!!! 😀
That lady has good thoughts if you cant change it, find something good about it.
Yeah, That's the thought! You sabi am
OK, my turn to learn Nigerian, bugger
Yeah, and you will, no sweat.
'You sabi am' means you know it
so after you have taught me I will be 'You sabi am'
Lol! After you have learned, 'You go sabi am' (you will know it).
Then you can say 'I sabi am', that is, 'I know it'.
Referring to the future you can say, 'I go sabi am', that is 'I will know it'
All the other words are all English vocab. except sabi, which means, know
Sounds like Sabi come from, or became, savvy.