Hello Steemians! I haven't done my message of the day for a few days now while I try different things and felt it necessary to limit my posts. After all, quality over quantity! This is something that I've always lived by.
I hope that my post can help and encourage someone reading that may be struggling with an addiction to take that first step and overcoming their addiction.
Just a few days before the new year hit I decided that I was going to quit smoking cigarettes for good. During the last week of 2017 I did some preparation and cut back on smoking dramatically. This has made the transition to being a non-smoker a little easier. So far here are the results and I plan on providing updates.
My last 'official' cigarette came in around 9:30 PM just before the new year.
I actually fell asleep and didn't wake up til around 12:30. by 6:30 am I was desiring a cigarette pretty badly and I caved
On January 1st I had 4 puffs of a cigarette at 6:30 AM but then I decided "No, I can do this!" and I threw it out. Then I wrote my new years post stating my resolution to quit. I prayed and I was able to hold off for the rest of the day.
On January 2nd I caved again and had 2 puffs of a cigarette around 4:30 PM and could not bare to take a third. I was determined. I threw the rest out.
After this I did some thinking. If on the first day I had 4 puffs and on the second day I had 2, then on the third day I should restrict myself to one puff. Then the Lord spoke to me and said "You took 2 less puffs on the second day, and on the third day you should also take 2 less puffs."
It wasn't easy to do, but I did it. and I'll explain how in a minute! On January third I took two less puffs for a whopping total of zero puffs of a cigarette the entire day. This means that the last puff of a cigarette I had was on January 2nd at 4:30 PM. That puts me at 48 hours nicotine free as I write this post.
I am on my fourth day, whereas I have taken a total of 6 puffs since I decided enough was enough. 4 on the first day, 2 on the second and none on the rest. I am hoping to keep this up and I have Jesus to thank! Which leads me to the message of the day:
But let all those that put their trust in thee rejoice: let them
ever shout for joy, because thou defendest them: let them
also that love thy name be joyful in thee.
Psalms 5:11 KJV
I can't tell you how the message of the day for today ties into my life perfectly. So because of Jesus I was able to quit cold turkey. About 5 minutes ago I was listening to a chantix commercial on the TV. The lady explained how she tried to quit smoking cold turkey and it didn't work. I thought to myself "I'm doing just fine!" I wonder why she couldnt do it?
It was like Jesus spoke to me and said "You're not quitting cold turkey. You have my help" and it hit me.
As someone with an addictive personality where something as much as an upvote can trigger a cigarette being lit, it suddenly hit me. In the sense of how I'm quitting, I am quitting cold turkey. However; Jesus is helping me. It's making it real easy! It took a lot of prayer. I've been praying for 1 1/2 years to quit smoking. Sometimes you have to meet him half way.
I testify that Jesus Set me free.
Jesus set me free from the grip of addiction.
Jesus set me free from demons and all that is of the devil. (past experiences prove this to be true)
There is also a beautiful meaning behind Jesus Set me free. Can you tell me what it is?
I look forward to the day I can say that my lungs are fully healed. I've been reading milestone charts online and according to those I've provided my progress so far!
Here are the milestones I've passed:
20 minutes after quitting:
- My blood pressure has returned to normal
- My pulse rate has returned to normal.
- The temperature of my hands and feet have returned to normal.
8 hours after quitting
- The Remaining nicotine in my blood streem has fallen to at least 6.25% of normal peak levels, a 93.75% reduction.
12 hours after quitting
- carbon monoxide level in my blood has dropped to normal
- oxygen level in my blood has increased if not hit normal levels
24 hours after quitting
- My anxieties have peaked in intensity and within two weeks should return to near pre-cessation levels.
Note: I've definitely feeling anxiety all day but I am doing a pretty good at keeping busy and keeping calm (Thank you Jesus!)
48 hours after quitting
- Damaged nerve endings have started to regrow
- My sense of smell and taste are beginning to return to normal. (I am definitely starting to smell smells that I haven't picked up on for many, many, many years and these smells are giving me flash backs from when I wasn't a smoker)
- Cessation anger and irritability will have peaked. (Boy HAS IT EVER! I can't tolerate the kids right now and I am getting very frustrated very easily.)
Next Milestone: 72 hours
- At this point, my body should be 100% nicotine-free. Most of the junk should have passed through my urine and I will begin to have a peaked intensity for withdrawal symptoms. This includes restlessness and crave episodes. On the bright side, breathing will be easier and my lungs functional ability will start to increase.
Can I reach the next milestone of 72 hours? Well, I am only 24 hours away! Hopefully it's not that difficult. I am praying about it and I am certain that I will get there!
Thank you for reading and God Bless! With Jesus you can achieve anything!
Grats on quitting. May it stick.
Thank you and it will! I know it! I am determined to hit each mile stone. No more nicotine!
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God bless you.