World Books Day.

Today, we celebrate the World Books Day.
As a bookworm, or someone who loves books, I would want to celebrate it by posting it on steemit!
Learn to love books, it will not hurt you nor leave you and the best thing about books? It will choose you the way you choose them!
And, I just wan to share that my favorite Author was, is and will always be Nicholas Sparks!



Well then, happy world books day! My favorite aithor atm is Lovecraft, can't help but love his dark and morbid writing

will see what i can do to check books of your fav. author! it's good to read some other books :)

I'd warmly recommend it if you're into darker stuff at all, he's the author that inspired stephen king and other great authors of that genre ^^

Owh. makes me more curious. because I read books of Stephen King too. :)