I moved to Vietnam. | Before that, I hung out with Matt Kurtz, Heidi, etc. Then, hung out with Mike Kurtz and others at The Salvation Army Gresham Corps. These are the people I hung out before exiting America on Tuesday, the 27th of November of 2012. It was extremely difficult to leave as I was hanging out with people that I love. During my last five days in America, I thought a lot about everything and yet I was already committed to moving to Vietnam forever. Ironically, that followed with my first five days in Vietnam which were somewhat good until I was fired on the sixth day, that is Tuesday morning around 07:00 AM ICT or something like that which was Monday night in Oregon time (AKA the 7th day from the previous Tuesday). I ended up returning to the United States of America (USA) in November of 2017, five years later, 2012-2017, but I was really intending to be in Vietnam for the rest of my life.
will.i.am - Scream & Shout ft. Britney Spears (Official Music Video) | Ke$ha - Die Young | Rihanna - Diamonds
My Life in Vietnam
2012 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12
2013 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12
2014 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12
2015 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12
2016 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12
2017 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12
My Autobiography
1980 | 1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989
1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999
2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009
2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019
01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12
November of 2012
Created on 2019-11-30 - Saturday - 12:43 PM | Published on 2020-01-14 - Tuesday - 09:32 PM
By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Published in January of 2020
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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted. I was living in Vietnam (2012-11-2017-11) where the local time is Indochina Time (ICT) which is 15 hours ahead of PST and 14 hours ahead of PDT.
UKIP Nigel Farage
Infowars Alex Jones Interview with Nigel | Banned.Video
Mea Omnia
2012-11-01 - Thursday - 01:19 AM - Google Chat - Brent Groth on our Mea Omnia website we were building that year: "We just had all of our themes and plugins, and now they are gone. Is Godaddys strategy to have us figure this out on our own. Did they magically take our stuff away again on purpose. If so, it would be great if you could go ahead with the Filezilla, and just do this, and keep GoDaddy just for our server purposes." | 04:38 PM | Filezilla | Mea Omnia
Wreck-It Ralph
2012-11-02 - Friday - 11:09 PM - Google Chat - Joy Sanchez was saying she was still working a lot even with Janice, the new teacher that was added late in October 2012. I told her that Robin Baker, my dad's GF, was threatening to throw me in jail again on Sunday like she did in July 2012. | Wreck-It Ralph
2012-11-03 - Saturday - 12:25 AM - Google Email - I replied to Brent Groth: "Popular youtube videos usually starts with commercials. That means commercials are outsourcing. They have to do their best to find and force people to watch their ads. They are also getting better at targeting audiences which can mean that if I like cars then I might run into a car commercial right before watching a video on youtube."
2012-11-04 - Sunday - 08:21 PM - Email Chat - I replied to Brent Groth: "You told me in October that you have been to our database. But if you have never got past this tool button, then it means that you have never actually been to our database before in dedicated......... you went into Plesk.... and then what did you do after that? after you went into Plesk, you click on just servers or database servers?"
2012-11-05 - Monday - 03:53 PM - Email Chat - I replied to Brent Groth: "Our Mea database is not our database. Because I remember importing our Mea database into our newer wordpress_b database............ because when I installed our wordpress builder to our site, it automatically added our new empty database with it..... it is a two for one deal..... you get a free database when you install wordpress.... so wordpress_b is that new empty database for our builder....... but then I stuck in our old Mea database into that new wordpress_b empty database.... now our new empty wordpress_b database has stuff in it."
Two Things
2012-11-06 - Tuesday - 10:00 AM | Jennifer Pableo | Chu Quân worked at Papa Foods with me in December 2012 and also in January 2013.
Getting Hired in Vietnam
2012-11-07 - Wednesday - 06:27 PM - I emailed quyết phùng of New Star Language Center in Bac Ninh, the boss of Joy Sanchez: "Will you hire me?" 11:33 PM - He replied: "yes, of couse. when u come Vietnam?" No response.
I joined The Jedi Council Forums at Boards.TheForce.Net - I made this account - joeyarnold.1375064
Waiting For The Visa
2012-11-08 - Thursday - 11:48 AM | Marilyn Mitchell - "prophecy from Joey Arnold on June 1, 2012 - THIS IS STARTING TO COME TRUE, NOW THAT OBAMA HAS BEEN RE-ELECTED: spiders in the sky. counting their eggs. waiting for the rainbow to hit zero." | 03:39 PM - My Vietnam Visa Email | 03:46 PM - Joy Email | Ke$ha - Die Young | Rihanna - Diamonds | I emailed Joy's boss again: "When will you send me a letter?" No response to that email. I think he responded to a few emails but not too many.
Tourist Versus Business Visas
2012-11-09 - Friday - 12:02 PM - Joy Email
Dual Citizenship
2012-11-10 - Saturday - 03:15 PM | 04:21 PM - Joy | 04:46 PM
Immigration Vetting
2012-11-11 - Sunday - 02:54 AM | 02:04 PM - Joy | 08:13 PM - Nancy Bui
Health News
2012-11-12 - Monday - THE DANGERS OF ASPARTAME
Arnold Attic Island
2012-11-13 - Tuesday - 05:54 AM - Visa Email | 10:30 AM - Email to Katie | 11:38 AM | 02:26 PM
Star Wars Hopes & Fears
2012-11-14 - Wednesday - 05:49 AM - Work Permit Email Talk | 07:54 AM | 07:04 PM
Mea Omnia
2012-11-15 - Thursday - 01:20 PM - Brent Groth Email
Ep.7 = Ep.1 + Ep.4 ?
2012-11-16 - Friday - 01:11 PM - Email from Log Me In | 01:46 PM
Dooku vs Vader
2012-11-17 - Saturday - 04:48 PM | Ep.2 Dooku asks Kenobi to help him defeat Sideous. Ep.5 Vader asks Luke to helm (I mean, help) him defeat Sideous. In episode 3, Vader kills Dooku. But in episode 6, Luke does not kill Vader.
Vietnam Embassy
2012-11-18 - Sunday - 05:47 PM - Email to Katie | 07:22 PM - Kristina Martorillas Email | 09:12 PM PST - Email From American Education Services (AES) - Monthly Bill - I was paying back my 2006 ABC college $3,500 USD student loan, at that time.
How bad was it?
2012-11-19 - Monday - 07:18 AM
Visa Next Week
2012-11-20 - Tuesday - 07:13 PM - Google Chat - I replied to Joy Sanchez on teaching English in Vietnam: "...It was raining a lot today... i wish that vietnam embassy would just email me... but maybe i will just have to wait for my visa in the mail... my boss hasnt emailed me yet
me: seven or more days.... i should be there next week... i do not want to buy a plane ticket until i get a visa mailed to me... and the visa should come to me next week... i mean your boss..." Joy: "Wanna Skype." Me: "Not today... u will see me in person soon enough..." Joy: "Woaaah."
Star Wars Chosen One
2012-11-21 - Wednesday - 07:09 AM | 10:41 PM - Joy Email - Christmas Present | Life of Pi - I'm not sure if I watched this but I've heard of it.
Clouded Vision
2012-11-22 - Thursday - 10:08 AM | 03:17 PM - Google Email - Brent Groth: "They do not play. Vimeo does, but not youtube."
Donald Trump - You're Fired
2012-11-23 - Friday - 12:05 PM - Joy Email | 04:04 PM | 04:47 PM - Booking My Flight | Cheap-O-Air | $793.20 USD Total. I worked for my dad in Hillsboro at a house. Raked leaves for a few hours. Rode my bike there. Then drove my bike to the Max Train to Portland. I then drove the rest of the way to Vancouver, WA. Matt & Heidi were married & were also moving out of their parents home as well. A bitter goodbye to Lorrie Davis & to the other Salvation Army friends of mine. | Hitchcock - I didn't see this yet. | 05:42 PM - Google Chat - I was telling Joy Sanchez that I got my visa and that I would be arriving in Hanoi around 12:00 PM ICT Thursday, that is in six days. I added: "Please don't get mad if I get you fired." Joy: "See, God finds a way.... making your dream come true." I said had $500 leftover that I was bringing with me to Vietnam. She said I should buy her chocolate. I ended up not doing that. Joy said that I might want to visit the Philippines during Tet in February 2013. I ended up not doing that. I asked if I should bring a pillow. Oh, so bulky. Joy said she was crying because she was so happy. She said she might be able to come to the airport to meet me. That didn't happen. She also was thinking that we could do something for Christmas but she then ended up going back to the Philippines around that time.
I went over to Matt Kurt's house probably on this Friday. I stayed the night at Matt's.
Civil War
I went off with Mike Kurtz, the older brother of Matt, probably on this Saturday or sometime before Sunday the 25th. I slept on Mike's couch and played some games. I watched this Weird Al movie where he talks cockroaches I think. Mike had people over Sunday or Monday night either because I was there or coincidentally. Maybe it was Saturday night. We played boards games or just one game that I remember was Settlers. I was talking to a few guys or one former camper of ours from Camp Kuratli 2007-2008.
2012-11-25 - Sunday - JIM'S LITTLE BLOG | I visited the Salvation Army Gresham Corps church in Gresham, OR that Sunday morning with Mike Kurtz. Joined in for the Sunday School and for the church service. I told some people that I was going to Vietnam. I even told people about this during Sunday School and the pastor captain guy prayed for me as he was leading Sunday School and I asked for prayer or something like that.
I slept on Mike's couch.
Fundamentals First
2012-11-26 - Monday - 08:07 PM - Mea Omnia Email | 08:42 PM - Google Email - Brent Groth: "I would really like to spread the word about the site over at Free Geek, I think that is best. I think people may be receptive." I checked out the ministries Mike was involved in at the Gresham Corps that Monday. There was some kind of after-school children program at the corp where people go there to hang out and stuff.
I slept on Mike's couch.
2012-11-27 - Tuesday - 09:20 AM - 11:43 AM | PDX to LAX | 01:32 PM - I was on my laptop in the Los Angeles Airport (LAX). 02:15 PM - Departed for Tokyo, Japan. Mike drove me off to the airport that Tuesday morning and ended up picking me up again on my return in November of 2017.
Arrived in Vietnam
2012-11-28 - Wednesday - 02:15 AM - I wrote in an email: "I thought we were going straight to Singapore but I guess not." | 12:37 PM (08:00 AM ICT) - I was in Singapore | 09:55 PM - I arrived in the Hanoi Airport in Vietnam on Wednesday in PST and on Thursday in ICT. | will.i.am - Scream & Shout ft. Britney Spears (Official Music Video) | In Oregon Time, I arrived to Vietnam. In Vietnam Time (ICT), I made it to Vietnam close to 01:00 PM ICT on Thursday.
Moving To Vietnam
2012-11-29 - Thursday - I moved to Vietnam in Vietnam Time | It was Wednesday Night in Pacific Standard Time (PST).
Celebrity Joey Arnold
2012-11-30 - Friday - 12:02 AM | 08:38 AM - Google Chat - I was telling Joy Sachez that I hope New Star doesn't think I'm trying to date Janice, the other teacher, or break any of the rules. We talked a bit about that. I was hoping they would wake me up Friday morning, my first morning in Vietnam. A warm shower in my first hotel that I was staying at in Vietnam. | 04:03 PM - Google Chat - Joy Sanchez: "Coffee time?"
2019-11-30 - Saturday - 12:43 PM - November of 2012
2010's Outline
I visited this English Club in 2015 in Vietnam
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