Julian Assange Jumanji was arrested on 411, the number for info. Trump, where are you? Free him, please. Father Knows Best and is successful as the 4th musketeer.
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Father Knows Best
06:00 AM - He was able to reunite with an old friend who went on to become a president of a college. They were part ofd the Four Musketeers. He felt sad as that guy was like more successful but then again maybe not because who is going to fix her roller skates? My dad can fix anything, she said, the youngest daughter. So, he is actually pretty successful as a father. The next episode was about a kid that was getting bullied at school. Wasn't able to eat. His bully would eat his lunch food. He helped the son with homework and came over to the house and stayed the night. Pretended to call his parents but he didn't. Made breakfast and then I stopped watching that episode but I wonder how it ended.
06:35 AM - I saw a commercial for Generac and it looks like it can serve as a backup power generator for when the power goes out. I recommend solar panels and possibly other things including maybe Generac and things like that as backup energy just in case and everything. You don't always have to like be off-grid but you can do better when you are not too dependent on the state or other people in general in life and everything as a common rule.d1
Wanted Dead or Alive
07:00 AM - A girl refused to go out with a guy and she went off with this other man who accidentally ran him over with his horse and carriage. His father was injured and he died. So, that man ran off. The father put a bounty on him which the star of the show went to get him. Then I took a shower and missed the ending. I think the killer was murdered during a face-off with the bounty hunter. Oh, maybe Star Wars got the idea for bounty hunters from this. The next episode had him go get a guy out in the countryside in maybe Texas and near Mexico. It was a Mexican family and he was bringing in the father. He got hurt and the mother took care of him. He rested in a bed in their house. Then he left with the father. But the son came to try to stop him. THen there two other guys that was trying to murder one of them and he shot them. The father told the son that things were going to be ok or something. The man said that the father would get a fair trial.
Baywatch Wikileaks
09:20 AM - It is good to raise awareness of what Wiki Leaks has been doing. They arrested Julian Assange of Wikileaks and also Roger Stone of Infowars. The swamp is scared because we are winning. So, get out there and talk about it. Upvoted Resteemed
Survivor Gear
09:22 AM - Great suggestions. I'm a big fan of having survivor gear, alternatives just in case as we never know what may happen and it is better this way. Upvoted. Resteemed.
Vietnam Blacklisted Question
09:27 AM - Facebook Conversation - Jason Silverman, I do not know the answer to that question because i asked everybody that question since 2015 and i did not get an official response from the immigration department.
Drug Prohibition
09:29 AM - Facebook Group - Vietnam is Awesome - VIA - Ruud Brandenburg, are you saying drugs don't make people brainless as you did tell me to keep smoking joints that I don't even have and are you for or against governmental prohibitions?
Normalcy Bias
Anarchy = Self-Governance
09:51 AM - @cyberpunkspike, I agree with you.1` I do not understand why you say that I disagree when I say that I agree. You are calling me a liar. That is silly. Like you, I am calling for us to reclaim our state. Yes, things should be equal under the law. I don't disagree with that. I believe in justice. I strongly believe in justice. How is self-governance not anarchy? You have the wrong definition of anarchy as it actually should be all about self-governance as opposed to chaos as taught in school that anarchy is chaos and no government at all. That does not exist. We live in a world of governments. We have governments from within and without, inside us and in other people and in the laws of the universe, be it God or Mother Earth or whatever. We have gov. We will always have gov. So, anarchy cannot be about what does not exist. Gov exists. Gov will always exist in one form or another. Eliminating gov is not what real anarchy is about. That is a lie that they tell us to make us confused about real anarchy. Who said anything about no gov being inevitable? I did not say that. So, you might be lying again. What will happen in the future is up to the general public. They can self-rule their lives to an extent. So, we can continue to do what we do. The world has a mixture of self-government as seen in the free market and in whatever freedoms we have in some of the choices we may have and we have some forms of tyranny. The future can look like the past in some ways as history has been repeating itself in some cases and yet it is still up to us each day and that is what Alex Jones talks about which means that you might be going against what Alex Jones talks about because I'm saying what Alex Jones is saying as we are one and the same in so many ways as I believe in what he believes and I have yet to disagree with what Alex says since I began listening daily since 2016 and I strongly believe in free markets and in self-government (anarchy) and in nation states as that is what we have and should always have.
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM - Now I know how Superman felt with walking, talking, and everything, as driving is sensitivity with a bunch of power behind the wheel.
Awesome Vietnam Living
11:24 AM - VIA - Thao Duong, but I can do that. You know that I can do those things you talk about. They are looking for information. Can you not get information from listening and watching people talk about many things about Vietnam, about the food, hotels, the people, my trip in Dalat City. I cannot talk about what I did in Dalat City and talk about how awesome it was? I cannot tell you about when I was living in Hanoi and about what happened there? You do not want to feel good about Vietnam through videos? Did you know that livestream videos are videos too? I am living in Vietnam right now in spirit as well.
Church Independence
11:39 AM - @benoaks, I agree. I used to attend a Church of Christ church (named Agape) for a few years in Portland, OR. As far as I could tell, they were pretty independent like you said similar to some of the independent Community Baptist churches I attended which can generally be better than the tyranny and control that the Catholics may have. I've attended Salvation Army churches (corps) and they are generally not very independent but they do try to help people through their programs.
Julian Assange
11:47 AM - Wikileaks Julian Assange was arrested on 2019-04-11, that is 411. You dial 411 for information. Trump is not advocating to free and save Assange but he should. Trump is making a mistake. Trump needs to go after Clinton, Obama, Soros, etc.
More Data Needed
11:53 AM - Can we free Julian Assange and go after Soros? Do we need more Data? Texan Truth 42 wrote on Twitter that maybe he was stuck in Jumanji like Robin Williams the whole time with that long Oatmeal beard. I didn't know that Seth Rich lives inside Julian Assange.
Jumanji Assange Article
Jumanji Assange Arrested - I didn't know Seth Rich lived inside Julian Assange. Just kidding. Where is the evidence that Assange hacked Podesta Emails which reveals and exposes the crimes, the espionage, the terrorism, the agendas, and everything, of Hillary Clinton, Podesta, Obama, George Soros, deep state, big tech, etc, etc, can they prove Assange is a criminal for being a reporter for reporting on things they gave him and Wikileaks and why did they also arrest Roger Stone and others and is this the death of the republic or what can we do to reverse injustice?12:21 PM - 01:14 PM - @joeyarnoldvn -
Four Branches of America
04:32 PM - @cyberpunkspike, I don't understand your question. You asked me about why there should be so many separate states. First off, America has three or four branches of government, the legislative, executive, judicial, and we the people. The fourth branch may be part of the legislative to an extent in the form of voting, protesting. But when government gets out of control, like it is in Venezuela, then the 4th must have the 4th amendment (privacy), the 1st, and especially the 2nd in bearing arms. There are different levels of government, federal, state, local. So, there is separation seen in the different branches and levels of the nation state. Balance is good. We live in a world with different nation states, different countries. It's almost irrelevant to ask the question about whether or not there should be so many different countries as we already have that. Would you rather have just one new world order that splits the planet into ten states of tyranny under an anti-Christ ruler that is bigger than the Pope and technocracy combined? @cyberpunkspike, so, you said that according to my view, allegedly, that I may believe that the relationship between individuals and governments in different countries around the world is the same or similar to each other, but what does that even mean and what would be the alternative? Are there different relationships between people and their rulers just like how there are differences between children and their parents or their teachers or workers with their employers or spouses and lovers with each other? We all know there are both differences and similarities. If I emphasize on the similarities that mothers have with loving their kids, then does that mean that I think all mothers are the same? No. But emphasis is there and that is good. Similarities are there in the emphasis and that is good. @cyberpunkspike, I love nationalism. but you lie and say I'm anti-national. You wrote, and I quote, "Your version of anarchy is just anti-nationalism." Yeah, if your nation is infiltrated by the swamp, why wouldn't you be against that type of deep state tyranny? I want Obama in jail. I want Hillary Clinton, George Soros, Rothschild, Bush, and others, in jail. I love nationalism but not the swamp. I love Trump but hate that Trump promoted 5G. We need to stop 5G as fiber optics are faster. We need to free Julian Assange. @cyberpunkspike, did you say that my version of anarchy cannot even protect us from the state? I don't know what that means specifically as that is very vague. What would be the alternative to that very vague statement that you made that appears not to have a lot specific points? I believe in making the most of what we have in America through the 3 or 4 branches of government and through free markets and through the freedoms that we have.
Burning Man
For example, if a bunch of people in America want to vote to ban Burning Man completely or partly, then they have the freedom in America to pursue that in creating laws, prohibition, in giving law enforcement more power or in enforcing the Californian laws that we already have more and more. I would rather not try too hard to criminalize too many drugs and too many different things but I am only one person. People in America can protest and they can run for office and they can vote and they can try their best to change things and that is what America is all about and I am here to help America stay America and Open Borders is destroying that. Soros and others are trying to destroy America and they have been. But Obama is going to be arrested. Countries do exist. They are not non-existent. I believe in countries. But I also believe in going after the swamp. I believe in constitutional, representative republics over tyrannies, plutocracy, globalism, technocracy, authoritarianism, etc, etc. @cyberpunkspike, what is my version of self and how does my version differ from your version? What would be an alternative to what we have in America? I love America and I want to Make America Great Again (MAGA).
The Force Awakens
04:46 PM - First, we already live in a world of civil wars, of divide, especially in America, and especially in the realm of information wars, which means that the left will continue to attack other people regardless of whether we leave Obama alone or not. You can't stop them. Even after the end of the fake Russian Delusion Investigation, they continue to fight us. Trump tried too much to make peace with them for too many years.
Secondly, when Obama is arrested, that will be weaponized by the left just like everything is used to fight against our republic. But we are winning and we can continue to win as long as enough people stay as involved as possible in red pilling people, in everything. It is an uphill battle. But regardless, civil war will continue to get bigger and bigger regardless of whether Obama is arrested or not, meaning we might as well take out the trash while everything is stinky and stinking all over the place.
Arresting Obama
2019-04-11 - Thursday - 04:40 PM - Thao Duong, did you know that Obama is not America and Trump is America and that Obama will be arrested?
Hating the Amish Paradise
04:58 PM - Ruud Brandenburg hates Amish people and Weird Al in the Amish Paradise Song. When people choose to believe in nothing, that destroys everything, which is why Christ would then have to come back it would seem.
05:20 PM - @StovePipe, can you take a screenshot of the full-screen blocker? I want to see what it says and what it looks like. Is it a Firefox add-on app that blocks ads? Are you using Microsoft Windows, Apple, Ubuntu, or something else? Are you using Firefox or another web browser? Do you have a Facebook account that you can log into right now? If you can, then can you go to your profile, to different groups, events, places, on Facebook? You said that you cannot go to Facebook pages? When you say page, do you mean pages, profile accounts, and/or groups? I think you mean that you cannot sign into FB, that you cannot log into Facebook. You can make a new email account with Proton Mail.
Clark Kent Superman
05:34 PM - Superman was able to walk around as Clark Kent but only as long as the 4th privacy amendment was not violated through big technocracy or through other systems, other things. That is the world we live in. We may have some forms of privacy to an extent and yet that has been corroding in a few different ways. You can try to hide your identity. However, the bigger you get, the harder it can become to avoid leaks, to avoid being doxxed. It may be better to beat them to the punch by doxxing yourself so that they can't do it to you. Why? Because that minimizes shock. People might have been a little shocked to find out the real name and identity to Eminem. Had he gone by his real name the whole time, maybe it would have been less shocking. There are many different ways people can spy on us. So, being anonymous is almost impossible in most cases and in many ways. So, you can try to go by a fake name if you want. Will it work? Maybe for a while and maybe in some ways. But there are limitations to how well a fake name can work and it is extremely vulnerable. They can try to destroy your reputation by calling you a liar by saying that you lied about your name or whatever. @keyrobinfo18, yeah, maybe. People can do what they want and it depends on many factors and each person is different. You could do both even. I'm Original Oatmeal and I'm also Joey Arnold. But when I do it, it is more like a brand, a channel, a sock puppet. That can work very effectively if it can help distract and focus attention (like a funnel and a splitter) to where it needs to go depending on the purpose of the different pen names you may go by which may be determined by what you are trying to publish, the objective behind the material that you are trying to share at any given time. No, I didn't get a text on my phone from Trump. I did get an email. I don't have a problem with that, do you?
Free Internet
05:37 PM - @MattKingLinux, what does this have to do with the Internet? Why not use Substratum to access the Internet instead of Comcast or other ISP companies?
Fahrenheit 451
05:45 PM - The first scene in this movie.
New Hard Drives
05:49 PM - I recommend hard drives over DVDs, Blue-Ray. Put the hard drives in those cages. When I say hard drive, I'm talking about the new kind and not the old kind. Most of you will probably only be familiar with old types of hard drives. I'm not here to talk about the old kinds of hard drives.
Already Divided
06:11 PM - In the mind of leftists who think Trump is Hitler, could it get any worse than that? If Trump already colluded with Russia according to NPC bots, then would arresting Obama be that much oatmeal badder? Maybe a little for some of the leftists, and maybe in some ways. But generally speaking, most of the shock and awe of making Trump worse is mostly gone. First, they expose us to violence, sex, 50 shades of subjectivity morality, etc, etc, on television, in movies, at school, etc, during most of the 1900's, in many countries around the world. Secondly, they began calling people like Trump and Alex Jones racist and a Dark Heart, etc, etc. So, they desensitize the left from caring as everything sucks already to leftists in many regards. The left still say they care, but they kind of don't as they become more desensitized to Trump and to objectivity (truth) and to everything. Long story short, many hard-core leftists begin to become more apathetic, ignorant, arrogant, about Trump, about how abortion is murder (since they don't care if it is murder or not), about the value of having a male and female parent at home, about many different things, traditional values that have been working in many countries or places around the world for thousands of years. We already have a civil war and we have to get more serious about it, more and more, each day, and the good news is that some of us are doing more and more each day. That is the good news. If you are doing everything you can each day, then you should be able to sleep well each night. As long as you are trying your best each day, that's all the oatmeal you can fit in your bowl.
I know where you live?
06:16 PM - Are you saying that they don't already have your address? Beyond that, do you think that I could find your address? It is possible that even I, just your average oatmeal, could find out where you live. Why and how? Well, I would do it as a white hat hacker or whatever that I may or may not be but only to show you that if I could find your address, then who else could have your address already?
Bush on 911
06:20 PM - Bush During 9/11 at a school video - In the video, you see him at an elementary school in America with mostly black kids. The teacher beats a drum while they read out loud from their books. They may have read words like airplane, steel, things relating to 911. Bush appeared calm as if he was practiced and prepared for the collapse of three buildings in New York City, not two but three buildings, the World Trade Center and that the Solomon tower number 7 as well. Wow, here Bush is on top of the Diamond & Silk escaped Democratic Plantation while 9/11 occurred.
Cannot Be Private
06:52 PM - @updown, I don't disagree with the pursuit of hiding your identity, your address, if you want. That's your right or it should be. Sadly, the fourth amendment, which deals with privacy, is being violated. Big tech, the NSA, China via Apple, and others, collect information about people. Different groups are trying to get as much info from us as possible. Facebook, Google, Apple, Microsoft, for example. Yes, you can try to reduce exposure. I'm only here to say that you may fail at your attempt to hide your identity, address, taxes, etc, etc, like that Alex Jones Sandy Hook Deposition Video Leak for example, the doxxing of Roger Stone, the arrests of Julian Assange, Tommy Robinson, Laura Loomer, etc, etc. In most cases, perhaps, the argument could be made, people should try their best to be as private as possible, their names, addresses, etc, etc. However, the 4th amendment would help with that for example. That means government needs to discontinue giving big tech no liability as big tech pretends to be platforms as they are actually publishers and big tech violate the 4th amendment which is a big problem that reduces your ability to be private in the first place.
Funny Julian Assange
07:30 PM - Potato Time Video
09:54 PM - Old hard drive disks (HDD) versus newer Solid State Drives (SSD) - Hard Copy Books Debate - I prefer SSD as they are newer and better. @trey060, how does that compare with HDD? The question is which can last longer, SSD or HDD? Which can be written on more times, SSD or HDD? Which has a problem with mechanical failure, HDD which has mechanical parts, or SSD which does not? @trey060, what you are saying about SSD is outdated information on the earlier beta versions of SSD. It is similar to how people try to discredit Linux and Ubuntu by referring to how Linux worked in the 1990's while ignoring what Linux and Ubuntu has now in the 2010's. Very outdated information that people promote which is very misleading.
Globalist Oatmeal
10:28 PM - @cyberpunkspike said that I work for Globalist Soros. In other word, he really wants to promote me as a person that hates my family because globalists hate families. If you are a globalist, you hate family first values and local community values. If you are a globalist, you believe in agenda 21 and agenda 2030. So, he wants everybody to think that I'm a murderer, that I want most of the population to die like Bill Gates and his vaccines in India for example. I love classical liberalism. I really love propertarianism. I'm an American. I believe in Americana Nationalism and not other versions of nationalism. I'm not Hitler. I'm American. I believe in the Bible. I believe in the American constitution and not on what happened in 1871, 1913, and 1933 to name a few key dark moments in American History.
@cyberpunkspike, what are you saying about equality? Did I say anything about equality or are you just making up assumptions and lies and deception and fraud and hearsay concerning me? Leftists try to promote equality through the lens of socialism, communism, Obama Robin Hood Redistribution of the Wealth, and other things. But these things are not good ideas. I'm against collectivism. As an employer, you may give some of your potential employees equal opportunity at applying to work for you. However, the results are not equal because each individual is different as determined through free markets. I promote the art of the deal. I promote the pursuit of trying to make it in life but equality does not exist and I don't promote leftism equality as that is not a good idea for so many reasons.
@cyberpunkspike, what are you saying about enemies? Who is an enemy and who is not an enemy? Was George Soros not Jewish by blood when he was born in Hungary in 1930? If Soros was Jewish but also our enemy, then does that mean all Jews are our enemies? No. Do all Muslims murder a bunch people in acts of Jihadism? No. Do all black guys commit lots of crime? No. Are all Mexicans rapists? No. So, you don't want to empower our enemies, right? But who are our enemies and are we not our own enemies and isn't our republic supposed to sort these things out through the balancing act of our three or four branches of American government?
@cyberpunkspike, what are you saying about Venezuela? So, bad people messed it up. That can always happen. It happens in the Middle East for example. Bad people infiltrated America as well. America should stop fighting in so many wars around the world. We should better guard our borders and reduce welfare which encourages people to come into America in the first part in part. Missionaries can go to other countries and help people. I lived in Vietnam for 5 years and I helped people until 2017. The people of each country should fight for their country. Look at the people of Poland for example. That's good. Look at Brexit in England. That's really good. You talked about power vacuums and the Middle East is an example of that. Yes, Venezuela is another example. We could even talk about Vietnam. Countries will struggle when they fail to have what America has. Beyond that, people in other countries are different. Generally, in most countries, people want tyranny over real freedom. They should want real freedom but they don't. They may call it socialism or whatever, but it's actually 1984 tyranny, authoritarianism, fascism, plutocracy, etc. That's why we need to close the borders because those people then come into America wanting bigger government, more welfare, and that changes America and turns it into Hell-Holes. America has been dying for over a century and Alex Jones and others are trying to turn the oatmeal ship around and that is what we are doing. Did John Campea just mock Americans by calling them basement dwellers?
Hamill Warns of Star Wars Fatigue + First Black Hole Photos!!! - Collider Live #112
Thursday the 11th of April of 2019
Published in April of 2019 by Oatmeal Joey Arnold (@joeyarnoldvn) in Shelton, WA, USA - Biography - Contact Me - Taught English in Vietnam
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9/11 George Bush Jr.
Rocket Boom - George Bush on September 11th
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2019-02-18 - Monday - 12:31 PM LMS - The Walking Dead 909
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2019-02-27 - Wednesday - 11:38 PM LMS - Joe Rogan Alex Jones Experience 1255
2019-02-28 - Thursday - 09:17 AM LMS - Gun Debate - Part 0001
2019-02-28 - Thursday - 10:19 AM LMS - Dalat 2013 Trip
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2019-03-04 - Monday - 08:51 PM LMS - Envisioning 2030
2019-03-05 - Tuesday - 01:50 PM LMS - Brain TiVo
2019-03-05 - Tuesday - 09:14 PM LMS - Should We Ban Incitement to Violence?
2019-03-07 - Thursday - 10:23 AM - The Fake News Song - The Deplorable Choir
2019-03-09 - Saturday - 02:12 PM - Power Plant Blackout Alternatives
2019-03-17 - Sunday - 08:14 PM - Campbell vs Trolls
2019-03-18 - Monday - 02:48 PM - Banning Oatmeal - Part 022
2019-03-20 - Wednesday the 20th of March - 09:58 AM PST: Is college too expensive?
2019-03-20 - Wednesday - 07:41 PM - Stop The Bias Fifty Hours Broadcast Party - Save The Internet
2019-03-22 - Friday - 12:17 PM PST - Oatmeal Discord
2019-03-24 - Sunday - 11:15 PM - Banning Oatmeal - Part 023
2019-03-26 - Tuesday - 06:10 PM - 06:59 PM: Fake Copyright Claims
2019-03-31 - Sunday - 09:41 PM - February of 2014
2019-04-06 - Saturday - 08:56 PM - History of Mail
2019-04-10 - Wednesday - 07:52 AM - Wednesday the 10th of April of 2019
2019-04-11 - Thursday - 08:51 AM - Thursday the 11th of April of 2019
Published at 2019-04-12 - Friday - 07:45 AM
Burning Books
Fahrenheit 451. First scene
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hail to SteemIt. Liked 100%. hopefully this article can raise fund to help the hero! Following you for more info
Can we all be heroes and plant gardens?
why not? LOL... as long as the bad guys in power are exposed ;)
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