
in #j6 years ago

Lost Lake. Fighting game. A drink. Hot Day. The Infowars Time-Capsule Challenge - Yoga Oatmeal - Water Rationing Hell Near Seattle - Curing Cancer Joe Biden - Not Facebook - Make Farming Great Again It seems that people don't know how to use Twitter - Straight People Are Never Ever Ever Ever Persecuted Like We Gay People Are - Strait is a noun. Straight is an adjective - Rothschild Lover - People are being banned online. Trump is wrong about it. Trump is going to lose if he doesn't stop it as soon as possible - This is trending on Twitter

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Contact Me - Facebook - Infowars - Discord - Steemit - Telegram - Other Social Networks

My Life in 2019

January - February - March - April - May - June - July

Screenshot at 2019-06-12 02:07:14.png

News Wars

Some highlights from Wednesday the 12th of June of 2019, as follows:

Curing Cancer Joe Biden

09:12 AM - YouTube - Mark Dice - I Guess We Were Wrong

Not Facebook

09:24 AM - IWA - @HandyRandy, this is not Facebook. Was Infocomms created to be only a social network platform for 2 billion people or more for all of those people to post anything including porn, imaginary hate speech, imaginary spam, videos, pictures, articles, memes, stuff, anything you might find on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, but without limit and without any rules whatsoever, etc, etc, or does this IWA website have a specific purpose with specific rules and possibly other things as well and are you mocking Momma Potato? Is Infocomms federally-funded through black contracts and given liability-protection like Facebook? Mr. Anderson replied: "Yes, you got ‘em. Funded through a black-ops Pentagon slush fund." What for, @Mr.Anderson, what would be the purpose behind that?

Banning Oatmeal

09:25 AM - IWA - Yes, my account was suspended on the Infocomms, possibly due to being flagged by some people and possibly some bots of those people as well. By the way, I was wondering what happened to you. I joined in November 2018 like you and was banned in February 2019 around the same time you were. I eventually made a new account called @joey on the former Infocomms. Oh, that reminds me of the Matrix where there many versions of the Matrix and the Key Master or Home Alone Page Master told Neo that it was not the first time that they met like that.

Make Farming Great Again

09:41 AM - @April, my mom was telling me about that. Is it possible that they're lying to Trump or not tell Trump everything about the U.S. farms? So, it seems that the federal government helped certain farms but not the farms that need it more so. I would rather the government get smaller and smaller. I want less welfare and stuff. But if the government is giving away our tax-payer money out to farmers, then the funds should first go to the flooded farms for example or farms destroyed by fire, floods, tornadoes, storms, etc. Otherwise, it appears that they are helping the biggest farms...... Monsanto..... yes, Monsanto is possibly a bigger problem than Big Pharma and maybe even big tech.

Bitcoin is NOT Digital Cash

09:45 AM - You might be misleading people who don't know the difference because most people think that cryptocurrency is only a digital cash thing like your money in an ATM when it is going from one ATM to another is digital or from your online banking from one website to another. That is digital cash and it not a cryptocurrency as it lacks cryptography and a blockchain structure.

Never Give Up Computer Nerds

09:52 AM - It seems that people don't know how to use Twitter. If you can't go somewhere, there is probably a reason for that. Beyond that, there is probably something you can do. You can Google it or ask me. It would only take a few minutes of your time. In some cases, you would be surprised at how you could solve these mysteries. Stop thinking that things are impossible. If you want to go somewhere or do something online, then do it. If you fail, then try again. If you still can't do it, then Google it. I mean, Duck Duck Go it and ask around and try different things until you figure it out. In some cases, maybe you can't. Maybe so. But don't be too fatalistic all of the time concerning every single thing. Be careful not to jump to too many conclusions without sufficient evidence to backup assumptions, allegations, hearsay, theories, concerning what happened.

Post Video Ideas Here

10:17 AM - I have an idea. Let me tell you about it here.

I got this idea while watching this video - Pride Parade Not An Ally - by Millie Weaver. In this video, Millie was dressed up as leftist Rainbow Snatch. So, Snatch told the participants of the gay parade about how there is going to be a straight Pride Parade. Snatch asked them if they would support the straight people. The gay people said no because straight people are not persecuted.

My Video Idea

Show these people saying that straight people are not persecuted and then mix that with straight people getting fired, murdered, attacked, assaulted, raped, etc, etc. Believe it or not, straight Christians are murdered. Strait white fathers are attacked. Most people on earth are strait, so any time murder, violence, or anything really bad happens, it is happening to a straight male or female. So, my idea is simply show the left say that they wouldn't support or help straight people until, you know, and then show those things happening, or headlines about those things happening, and mix those things up and around in the video like a music video back and forth to show that those things are already happening, those same things that leftists say is not happening is happening and it is good to show leftists saying they are not happening and then show people in the videos that those things are happening in like a music video or whatever style of videos that work best.

Straight People Are Never Ever Ever Ever Persecuted Like We Gay People Are

10:49 AM - That is what they told Rainbow Snatch. It would be really cool if we had a video with those people saying that crossed with straight people being persecuted, banned, murdered, raped, beaten, attacked, mocked, terminated, suspended, etc, etc, etc, for being strait Christians, husbands, wives, Americans, Europeans, etc, etc..... Paul Joseph Watson talked about how people say Kill All White People on Twitter for example. Straight white people. I wrote on Facebook: "Kill All White People." I was then suspended.

Learn English

10:55 AM - Facebook - Strait is a noun. Straight is an adjective.


10:56 AM - YouTube - Straight Pride World Wide

Changing the World

11:05 AM - I am trying to motivate people to educate each other, to red-pill, to focus on practical things that people can do that helps people. Like activism. Videos. Memes. Sharing things, online, offline. I wrote that (Wanna Be Part of History) to try to get some people to think about the opportunities that we have in this world right now that we never ever had as humans centuries ago in so many ways. It is very historical as very good and bad things are happening in the world, it is very extreme, and people can be part of so many things. One step at a time.

Banning Oatmeal

11:29 AM - I believe I didn't break the Infocomms rules but some people may disagree with that from a subjective point of view. But I don't spam. People say that I attack, spam, hate-speech, aggressively, run off-topic, etc, etc, allegedly, prematurely, directly or indirectly, incompletely, inaccurately, it would seem to an extent, at times.

Post Ideas Here

11:38 AM - Straight People Never Suffer Video. How-To Red-Pill - How-To Red-Pill - Post Your Ideas Here For Videos, Memes, Etc, That We Could Make. If you have ideas for videos, memes, etc, we should make, post those ideas in this thread.
If you have ideas for videos, memes, etc, we should make, post those ideas in this thread.

Straight People Never Suffer Video


Two Debates

11:47 AM - There are two different debates going on here at the same time: but these two debates are not the same debate. The first debate is concerning censorship on ghetto big-tech social-network platform publisher websites like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. The second debate would be concerning places like the Infocomms. But the first is not the second. There are many reasons why they are not the same. Many reasons. We can talk all day about this.

Platform For All Ideas

11:55 AM - One of the problems with Facebook might be if Mark Zuckerberg said that Facebook is a platform, not a publisher, for all ideas, assuming that Facebook then went onto ban certain ideas, etc. Did Owen Shroyer say that Infocomms is a platform for all ideas and what else did Owen and others say specifically? What do the Infocomms rules say specifically and did people violate those guidelines, allegedly maybe? Beyond that, were people banned from the Infocomms for expressing ideas or were they suspended for breaking the guidelines, the policy, the rules, possibly, allegedly at least or so they say, or what happened specifically? Are there two debates here in this thread for example? Could the first debate be about Facebook for example? Could the second debate be about the Infocomms? These two websites - Facebook and Infocomms - are not the same in every single way with the rules, the systems, in regards to censorship (allegedly), etc, etc, in how it all work and everything else, right? People say that Facebook has black contracts. Now, does Infocomms have black contracts too? @Memeart, I disagree with your perspective for a bunch of reasons. He said that Infocomms might have to reset again because of the crazy people spamming and stuff on it or whatever.


12:37 PM - Cooked oatmeal on the stove while watching the dishes. Don't forget to add the raisins. Oh, kids are missing in America and sold into trafficking. Trump talks about it.


12:38 PM - CPS went after us in 1984 before Katie turned four years old and this was in Forest Grove, OR, since we moved there in maybe August of 1983 or around that time, maybe during that summer or maybe after that. Most likely in August or after August. My dad was accused of abusing children by CPS staff. But that was false allegation. That might have been a reason behind sending Katie to school. Before that, homeschool. In 1993, CPS went after us again and then Rick or Ricky started attending the fifth grade. Before that, he was homeschooled. Crystal was homeschooled until she started middle school about a year early in like 2001 or something. I was homeschooled until I chose to enter high school a year late in 2000. I think Crystal chose to enter school as well.

Infocomms vs Discord

12:54 PM - Is Infocomms not using a system developed by Discord? Therefore, wouldn't that mean if there are problems, then it would be the fault of the design and of the designers, that is Discord, right? Censorship is not always the same as removal and again, was Infocomms not designed with Discord?

Bitcoin Debate

01:00 PM - You probably know nothing about Bitcoin. You might be a Rothschild Lover Too.

Banning Oatmeal

01:03 PM - I was suspended off Infocomms and I was never restored from February to May of 2019, my @joeyarnoldvn account was dead. They told me in a PM that they were looking into it back in February and never got back to me on it. Now, in June 2019, Infocomms was like reset."Good, I think I’ll ignore you too. Better off not having to read the stupid shit you constantly post. Between you, minutedick, joey and a couple of others, you’ve turned this forum into a fucking intellectual shithole." @Memeart, if you set up an online forum and then said that you would not ban anybody ever, no exceptions, and then you did, then that might be a problem. So, that might be one of the debates we are having right now. We might be debating on whether contracts were broken. We might be looking at loop-holes, exceptions, the details to the rules, guidelines, how the system works specifically. That might be one of the debates going on here. @Minutemen-Of-America, as Stefan Molyneux likes to say, sometimes people get lost in "WORD-SALAD." There are a lot of different words, definitions, terms, meanings, going around here. There are different debates we might be having right now. There might be different definitions to some of these words, like "CENSORSHIP" and other things. Again, this is very complex. I repeat, very complex. We all can define these words differently. Some people might be wrong about their definitions to these terms. Owen Shroyer might have said that he would prefer that Infocomms not censor at all, that it would be a free-speech platform that Facebook isn't. I remember him saying that a few times on his show. But Owen did not say that was the case. Owen said that would be how he would want it to be. So, you can quote Owen, but Owen did not say what Infocomms is. Owen was declaring a preference. So, again, there are different debates going on here. There is the debate about Facebook. There is the debate concerning Infocomms. There are several levels to these debates. It's complex. Long story short, Infocomms might be run through Discord. That might play a factor. Infocomms might have rules. Those rules might be enforced. Maybe, those rules should be enforced. When rules are enforced, is that censorship? @Minutemen-Of-America, is Infocomms a public town-square? @Minutemen-Of-America, did Owen Shroyer say that Infocomms is a town square? What is the purpose of Infocomms? Didn't Owen Shroyer talk about the purpose of Infocomms? Are doors and walls bad if they censor people out? Kanye West and Scott Adams and Candace Owens and Alex Jones might have said that patterns can be broken. @Minutemen-Of-America, do you hate walls, doors, locks, borders, as they do censor people? But I'm not in Kansas. No pun intended. @Minutemen-Of-America, how many differences are there between the two? Did Infocomms violate their own "USER AGREEMENT" with you? Is Infocomms perfect? Maybe not. But did Infocomms say that there are no rules and that there would never ever be censorship or whatever on the Infocomms? @Minutemen-Of-America, was the Infocomms ever maybe hacked? Do you think the Infocomms was hacked? We should talk about whether Infocomms was hacked or not.@Minutemen-Of-America, if this is a social network, why can't I post on my wall, directly? @Mr.Anderson loves me so much. I knew it. Anderson wrote: Mister Anderson is in love with me. So gay. I mean happy hehe. I sell stuff too. So, please ban me. @Vitt, I am using this account for selling things. So, please flag me and get me banned from the Infocomms again. @Vitt, I sell Original Oatmeal. @Minutemen-Of-America, so, Infocomms was not created for offline activism? @Minutemen-Of-America, so, you don't know how to read since you missed the part where it tells you the purpose behind Infocomms? @Memeart, please tell me why you think I'm not going to stop. @Minutemen-Of-America, if a dictionary had a definition for what "HATE-SPEECH" was, would you buy it? @Memeart, yup, you caught me, I'm @Minutemen-Of-America. @Minutemen-Of-America is too lazy to read the part where it tells you the purpose of the Infocomms. But I didn't say what Infocomms is or isn't. I was only asking questions and stuff. @Minutemen-Of-America, do rights come from God or from the government?

Water Rationing

01:16 PM - Beginning today in Shelton, WA, they are beginning to enforce water rationing. So, that means, you can only water your garden every other day or only a certain amount per week. This is a violation of private property and that of the 4th amendment concerning privacy.


02:13 PM - Twitter - People are being banned online. Trump is wrong about it. Trump is going to lose if he doesn't stop it as soon as possible - Trump wrote: "The Fake News has never been more dishonest than it is today. Thank goodness we can fight back on Social Media. Their new weapon of choice is Fake Polling, sometimes referred to as Suppression Polls (they suppress the numbers). Had it in 2016, but this is worse....."

Free Write - Yoga

03:11 PM - I like yoga. I understand the benefits of yoga. I understand the goals of it is concerning the body and the mind. We can slow down sometimes. We can fast. We can pray. We can stretch and exercise. We need to slow down sometimes. We need to go on fasts sometimes. We need to exercise. Yoga might be a template for some of that. Yoga might not be the only way to do that. I recommend yoga over nothing. Something is better than nothing. Remember that. We all can help each other out in a variety of ways. Yoga is like a template for asking for that help. It can be bad if we ask for help from the wrong people and places and sources. But it can at least be a starting point in heading in the right direction.

Democratic Socialism

03:53 PM - Twitter - This is trending on Twitter - Leftists believe rights are given to people from the government and not from God.

Video Games

05:00 PM - 11:00 PM - Talk about games. Ducks. Dogs. Lost Lake. Swimming. I didn't go into the lake. Nice breeze. Old dock board thing. Fishing. YMCA Camp Bishop near that lake. Fighting game. Autism on TV. Deformities. Games have less heart now. Peace Tea. Snow flavor or something. Now, watching Louder With Crowder at Google. Watching Friends Finale on VHS 57. ALex Jones stopped by in the Crowder video for a second.

What is Infocomms for?

11:43 PM - Should I start a new thread with the question regarding the purpose of the Infocomms?

[poll type=regular results=always public=true]

  • Yes
  • No


Are doors racist as they censor? Are doors racist? Are doors censoring people from coming inside?

Chronology of My Biography

1920's - 1960's - 1980's - 1985 - 1986 - 1987 - 1988 - 1989 - 1990's - 1990 - 1991 - 1992 - 1993 - 1994 - 1995 - 1996 - 1997 - 1998 - 1999 - 2000's - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018 - 2019

Curing Cancer Joe Biden

09:12 AM - YouTube - Mark Dice - I Guess We Were Wrong

Wednesday the 12th of June of 2019

Published in June of 2019 by Oatmeal Joey Arnold (@joeyarnoldvn) in Shelton, WA, USA - Biography - Contact Me - Taught English in Vietnam - Live Bookmark - Get My RSS Feed - My Newsfeed - Forbidden News - Infowars Activism Forum


10:56 AM - YouTube - Straight Pride World Wide

Contact Me - My Social Networks

About Me - Oatmeal Joey Arnold - you can contact/ befriend (add)/ follow/ subscribe/ watch/ like/ share me via: Bitchute - BearShares - Brighteon - Busy - Chess - Discord - Facebook - Freezoxee - Gab - IWA - @joeyarnoldvn - Minds - RSS - Serey - Smoke - Steemit - Tagged - Trump Town - Tumblr - Twitter - Weku - YouTube - Other Social Networks

Liberty Hangout

180 Degree Parade - Straight people say they love gay people and hate straight people.

Timeline Outline

2019-02-17 - Sunday - 10:08 PM LMS - Can America Learn From Athens? -
2019-05-31 - Friday - 12:00 AM - Friday the 31st of May of 2019 -
2019-06-01 - Saturday - 12:00 AM - Saturday the 1st of June of 2019 -
2019-06-01 - Saturday - 10:58 AM PST LMS JA - June of 2019 -
2019-06-02 - Sunday - 12:00 AM - Sunday the 2nd of June of 2019 -
2019-06-03 - Monday - 12:00 AM - Monday the 3rd of June of 2019 -
2019-06-04 - Tuesday - 12:00 AM - Tuesday the 4th of June of 2019 -
2019-06-05 - Wednesday - 12:00 AM - Wednesday the 5th of June of 2019 -
2019-06-06 - Thursday - 12:00 AM - Thursday the 6th of June of 2019 -
2019-06-07 - Friday - 12:00 AM - Friday the 7th of June of 2019 -
2019-06-08 - Saturday - 12:00 AM - Saturday the 8th of June of 2019 -
2019-06-09 - Sunday - 12:00 AM - Sunday the 9th of June of 2019 -
2019-06-10 - Monday - 12:00 AM - Monday the 10th of June of 2019 -
2019-06-11 - Tuesday - 12:00 AM - Tuesday the 11th of June of 2019 -
2019-06-12 - Wednesday - 12:00 AM - Wednesday the 12th of June of 2019
2019-06-13 - Thursday - 12:00 AM - Thursday the 13th of June of 2019
Published at 2019-06-13 - Wednesday - 09:42 AM


Hey, I liked what you said, Make Farming Great Again aka MFGA. Seriously thinking about it. :D

Exactly. Thanks. Farms are the root of civilization. Without it, what do we eat?