in #jacksonville6 years ago (edited)

Here we go again...

Where there's a drill...

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They've revised it now to only 2 dead. Supposedly the 2 guys seen on the video. Released video didn't show an actual shooting. It showed 2 guys playing a game and then their controllers were shown as disconnected while shots were ringing out nearby and screams were heard. No one actually saw anyone get shot. They heard people supposedly get shot. They did see a red dot on one guys shirt, then the sound of shots and the screen went gray as the controller was disconnected.

It is interesting also that David Katz was Jewish and looked remarkably similar to Adam Lanza in face and physique. Police and media always lay the emphasis on a white male, but he was actually a young Jewish loner geek white male which is different, in my opinion. Thanks for the report on the drill. After Parkland no one in their right mind should be trusting Florida police. Freemasons are all through the police force across the entire US.

Its also notable that it was reported that police told people to not come running out during the shooting event. This was announced over loudspeakers. Thats a very strange police procedure because if there is a killer in the building one would hope to run as far away from them as possible before being shot.

I'd be curious on the names and faces of the reported 11 other victims who were supposedly injured. There is also this report about an eyewitness stating on CNN that he saw two different shooters open fire.


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Video where police state there are 3 deceased victims at the 4:15 mark.