Hello dear listeners wherever you are, on this occasion I will share one of the reggae songs with you, how are you all on this happy day, hopefully we are always healthy and can carry out activities as usual. Because whatever we do or do to keep our health healthy, and always awake, if we are sick then all activities will be reversed, maybe even the money is useless, so when you are healthy take care of your health. So on this sunny morning I will share with you all about DEMI KOWE - Pendgaza Reggae SKA by ELNO VIA - Collusion. But before I explain further, hopefully anyone who hears this song will be entertained.
Who does not know this singer, even almost the whole world knows his name ELNO VIA And he is one of the very famous singers This is where the singer Rege and very famous are popular if we look at the songs they sing, and with the group named ELNO VIA and the song title DEMI KOWE, Who does not know men like this, ELNO VIA, and we believe that ELNO VIA Young can be said to be a popular singer, and many songs she has sung, and also many people who like The ELNO VIA song, until now she is still fond of singing with his friends. The song sung today is Is This Collusion, hopefully you will all be entertained by these songs. and I also feel happy to hear songs like this.
This is the text of the song, hopefully I can help to sing the song:
I'll come back, to keep my promise
I ask you to lie
my stomach was yesterday looking for a fortune
I don't know if you have a heart
it's been a long time since I've left you
as far as you only know (LyricsLaguIndonesia.Net)
I Lilo away home, away elderly
for your sake to be honorable
my love will be lost despite my distance
I am with you until my death
I went and lost it, but it was different
I don't lie, I will fight
think of the future with investing
tomorrow morning, sit on the watch
may the Lord give you one
will live a life of fear, for fear of loss
I'm looking at you, taking your life
you are the only one who makes my heart happy
it's been a long time since I've left you
as far as your paranoia is only for you
I Lilo away home, away elderly
for your sake to be honorable
my love will be lost despite my distance
I am with you until my death
thank you for accepting me
is convinced of my promise
I'll watch my death
for me you are my pride
it's been a long time since I've left you
as far as your paranoia is only for you
I Lilo away home, away elderly
for your sake to be honorable
my love will be lost despite my distance
I am with you until my death
I Lilo away home, away elderly
for your sake to be honorable
my love will be lost despite my distance
I am with you until my death
Teks Indonesia
dik aku bali, arep nepati janji
tak jaluk kowe ra ngapusi
lungaku wingi amung golek rejeki
tak bukteke kowe ojo mbedo ati
wes seprene suwene aku lunga ninggal kowe
adoh paran yo mung dinggo kowe (LirikLaguIndonesia.Net)
aku lilo adoh omah, adoh wong tuwo
demi kowe ben supaya tetep mulya
tresnaku ra bakal ilang senajan adoh paranku
setiaku karo kowe tekan matiku
aku lunga ra ngilang, nanging mergo kahanan
aku ora ngapusi, bakal tak perjuangkan
mikir masa depan karo golek modal
dinggo sesuk rabi, duduk di pelaminan
mugo Gusti ngijabahi aku kowe dadi siji
bakal urip bebrayan, ojo wedi kelangan
aku ning sandingmu, ngancani uripmu
mergo yo mung kowe sing gawe seneng atiku
wes seprene suwene aku lunga ninggal kowe
adoh paran yo mung dinggo kowe
aku lilo adoh omah, adoh wong tuwo
demi kowe ben supaya tetep mulya
tresnaku ra bakal ilang senajan adoh paranku
setiaku karo kowe tekan matiku
matur suwun wis gelem nompo aku
sampun percoyo karo janji janjiku
bakal tak jaga tekaning patiku
kanggoku awakmu kui harga diriku
wes seprene suwene aku lunga ninggal kowe
adoh paran yo mung dinggo kowe
aku lilo adoh omah, adoh wong tuwo
demi kowe ben supaya tetep mulya
tresnaku ra bakal ilang senajan adoh paranku
setiaku karo kowe tekan matiku
aku lilo adoh omah, adoh wong tuwo
demi kowe ben supaya tetep mulya
tresnaku ra bakal ilang senajan adoh paranku
setiaku karo kowe tekan matiku
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