
Thanks for listening man. I'm using seq24 running on Raspberry Pi 3.
Demonstration video >

If you're willing to build your own, I have a post on SteemIt >

Great stuff, thank you! I looked at seq24 however didn't really try it out. I need some kind of MIDI pad controller I guess. Thanks for the great instruction video! Keep it up!

You can control it (sequences on/off) via keyboard.

Yeah I saw that. What I couldn't find in the manual, does it do quantization?
Anyhow, I only have a Raspberry Pi B (the old one with 512MB RAM), I did some tests where I was trying to use it as an USB midi to din midi adapter using an 1x1 USB midi adapter and ALSA, but unfortunately that wasn't working very well (had stuck/missing notes all the time), so I guess the old PI isn't fast enough...

I'n using Raspberry Pi 3. Never tried the setup with Raspberry Pi 2 which I also have, and I use it as hybrid MIDI Thru / MIDI USH hub device. Seq24 is capable of doing quantization while recording MIDI notes/events. To be honest, I use Alesis MMT-8 for quick MIDI jams. I draw notes via mouse on seq24. But yes, you can use external MIDI keyboard to record MIDI sequences on seq24. I tried that many moons ago, and it works.