where you stand with GOD

in #jamesart639 years ago

God Gives All of Us Glimpses
Into the World Beyond This One

Are you seeing these messages, these signs, and these gifts with spiritual eyes — or missing them with your physical ones? Perhaps you have doubts, or perhaps you’re not paying close attention.

In Touching Heaven, you will see how to connect with God by seeing His marvels and by acknowledging His gifts.

You will discover the power of spiritual touch — physically laying hands on someone’s forehead or shoulders.

You will read what it means to be “slain in the spirit” — when people often fall down in a gentle, graceful swoon or undergo other physical reactions after being touched by God’s Holy Spirit.

You also will see what the demonic forces of Satan can do to people — and how to use the Word against these dark powers of evil. Fortunately, darkness cannot remain where the light of heaven falls.

You will see why, as a believer, you carry the power of heaven with you into every situation.

Use my experiences as a steppingstone on your own path to operating in the light of heaven. Believe me, you will be forever changed.

God Puts Us Where He Wants
Us for a Specific Purpose


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