7 Porn Japan's Most Beautiful Movie Actress in my opinion

in #japan8 years ago

Many pornographic films in Japan with very HOT artist and of course all beautiful. Here I summarize the 7 most beautiful Japanese porn actress.

Ameri Ichinose
Ameri Ichinose is a Japanese adult film actress who debuted in adult movies since 2006.

Original Name: Kurisu Erika Misora Ayaka
Surname: Ameri Ichinose
Place Date of Birth: Kanagawa, Japan, September 16, 1987

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Ria Sakurai
Here is one more actress from cherry country she is Ria Sakurai or commonly called as Miu Aisaki, she was born in japan July 19, 1989. beside as movie star Ria Sakurai also work as a model.

Name: Ria Sakurai
Surname: Ria Sakurai, Honoka Sato, Miu Aisaki
Place of Birth: July 19, 1989 Akita Prefecture, Japan
Height: 152 cm

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Tsubasa Amami
Tsubasa Amami is a beautiful woman full of charm and style, you must be impressed with the beautiful face of Stubasa Amami and extraordinary innocence.

Name: Tsubasa Amami
Place of Birth: March 8, 1988, Hiroshima
Height: 160 cm

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Cecil Fujisaki
Cecil Fujisaki is the fourth most beautiful Japanese porn artist in my opinion. he is a Japanese actress who is a crossbreed like Maria Ozawa. She is also known as baby Maria Ozawa.

Name: Cecil Fujisaki
Place of Birth: April 4, 1989, Paris
Height: 160 cm

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Tina Yuzuki
Tina Yuzuki also known by the name of Rio, is a Japanese adult film actor or AV idol who released his debut in 2005 with video production studio Max-A and S1.

Name: Tina Yuzuki
Place of Birth: October 29, 1986, Tokyo
Height: 154 cm

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Mihiro Taniguchi
apakah Anda kenal dengan aktris JAV (Japanese Adult Video) yang bernama Mihiro Taniguchi? Di Jepang, nama Mihiro jauh lebih ngetop dibanding rekan sesama AV idol yang dulunya menggunakan nama panggung Miyabi

Name: Mihiro Taniguchi
Place of Birth: May 19, 1982, Tokyo
Height: 152 cm

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Maria Ozawa
Maria Ozawa started her career as Miyabi for Shirouto-Teien.com site in June 2005, which resulted in several sets of photos and short hardcore gonzo videos that were released in CD-R and DVD-R formats.

Name: Maria Ozawa
Sure Name: Miyabi
Place of Birth: January 8, 1986, Hokaido
Height: 162 cm

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