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RE: Believing the Atomic Bomb Was Necessary Is the Same as Believing the Holocaust Was Necessary

in #japan4 years ago (edited)

Excellent post!

I spent years arguing on Quota about this. I would post quotes from Ike saying the bomb was unneeded and military nuts would reply that he didn't know what was going on in the East. I'd post quotes from MacArthur saying it was unnecessary and they'd reply he was only being PR friendly, I'd post the numbers killed and they'd say they deserved it, and on and on. I got tired and stopped posting there.

It's been so nuts around here that I forgot it was the beginning of august. Man, I usually never let the two anniversaries pass me by. I must be getting old. I'll have to re-share my annual post about the bomb, edited to combine both into one. Thanks for the reminder.


It really does get frustrating. Almost vexing... Glad I could serve as a reminder about the annual post. Always great to hear from you. Hope all is well in your neck of the archipelago.