Interesting post.
When it comes to state interference and oversight, Ireland is not too bad. You don't have to register your address with the local authority, as you do in many European countries, and if you keep away from the state they tend to leave you alone. Yes, there are restrictions on drinking in public and weed is illegal but few take any notice of that stuff. I'm not saying it's an anarchist utopia or anything and it's likely a lot different if you're employed, have a business or have kids in school. One thing I do like here, is that people are less inclined to snitch on each other to the authorities.
I lived in Holland for 15 years and there, people seem to have less suspicion of the state. There is compulsory registration, compulsory health insurance and a requirement to carry identification making it feel, to me anyway, infinitely less 'free'.
In all my years in Ireland I was never once accosted by the police and during 15 years in Holland, I had four, yes four separate run-ins with them.
No offence intended to any Dutchies. It's a wonderful place to live for many. many reasons.