Yeah, especially the university cops work well in killing innocent or small-crime people, especially blacks.
The "legal immunity" is not based on the state but by the "corps spirit" of police and "upper" law bodies. But that is something you have at least a chance to repair.
Contrary to that a for-profit police force quasi by definition is interested even more in silencing illegal behavior of cops and at the same time, all other factors the same, can only be worse then a state run because they have less money to pay for their officers or equipment.
Compare FedEx equipment, mailboxes, etc., to that of the USPS.
The claims you make are baseless. Show me the evidence.
The state is what pays the salary of police (via money stolen from individuals in the form of politically santized robbery, i.e. "taxation") and the state is the entity that prosecutes them when they are caught in criminal activity. If you fail to see a conflict of interest here, I feel sorry for you.
Finally, have you checked out the references I made, and, how many people do private security groups kill and maim vs. run-of-the-mill government cops? I'll wait for your stats.
And FINALLY, policing is already done for profit by the state! Look up civil asset forfeiture and for-profit prisons. Or just get a speeding ticket. All these will make it crystal clear to you.
Now, question: Which NumberOfPolice will be lower?
Yes, the caf is bullshit that is misused - but by both state and private forces. In fact I have read that one of the University private forces have a set budget for it and the University is angry if that is not matched.
And For-profit-prisons - thanks, that's a good point for me because after all they are a private corporation adventure.
All protected by...drumroll please...
The free market destroys such lunatic organizations.
No, you get it wrong. The state is protected by them.
Really, that no-state religion that ignores basics of human life is just strange.
A free market first of all destroys lives and then creates something that is a
That's a bold claim. I'll wait for your argument in support of it.
Start with reading Charles Dickens.
Then it is your turn to bring an argument that private police is better then state.
You'll have to present an argument, since you made the claim. Would you like to do a formal debate on this with me on my YouTube channel? I'll let you pick the moderator.
Big difference between the USPS and FedEx. Yes, FedEs is better, but the USPS is the only federal agency that has NEVER been in the red. So, there is that. But Police and security is whole different kettle of fish! Security forces can be easily used as terrorists, and that is something we should strive to avoid.