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RE: Japanese Language Chat Forum ~ 日本語チャットフォーラム 〜 日

in #japanese2 years ago






Tatoeba, dareka ga tantou suru koto ni nite sekininsha suru koto no kanji to omoi masu. Kanojo wa chakushin no tantou shite kare wa hasshin no tantou shite.

For example, the person in-charge or the responsible person is how I would explain it. “She is the prime for the incoming calls, he is the prime for the outgoing calls…”




I noticed you are using 聴きました instead of 聞きました. どちでも正しいですか?

To be honest, I don’t really know. At the time, that one just felt like a good choice, but according to this forum, it seems like my usage is incorrect and I should have chosen 聞く.

I generally need a moment like this to take the extra step and answer questions that I too have.

Very interesting. Kanji nuances! I learned something today, never knew there were two similar kanji’s for kiku. By the way, don't feel like you need to upvote my comments in this thread.

Perhaps I’ve been going a bit engagement crazy. 🤣

I just found a chart that made it seem like 聞く can be used in any situation, even when learning something by way of reading it, like I did through your post.

聴く seems to be specifically for music and other nuanced situations. I think I’ll avoid it from here on out just to play it safe.

Something that I really struggle with is the difference between 始まる and 初める.

Yeah, the まる~める thing. I think when all is said and done, there are certain accepted ways of saying things depending on the circumstances, and thats just how it is. Understand or don’t understand. Same in English too.