Sometimes You Can Use "I'm Gonna" or "I'll" With No Difference In Meaning, But Sometimes You Can't
意味の違いがない「I'm Gonna」か「I'll」どっちでも使える場合もあるが、できない場合もありますよ
未来形について全部を教える。ええと、全部じゃない。全部1ポストに入れたら長すぎる。だからとりあえず「I'm gonna」と「I'll」について教える。後の記事では「he」、「she」、「they」、などのほかの主語の使った未来形を絶対教える。約束する!
"I'm going to" and "I will" are the two basic ways to talk about your future actions in English. But natives usually use the reductions, "I'm gonna" and "I'll." Sometimes, people make "I'm gonna" even shorter with "I'm'na" or "I'm'a." You can find out more about how often natives use these reductions here.
「I'm going to」と「I will」は英語の二つの自分の未来の活動を話す基本的な方法です。でもネイティブは普通は「I'm gonna」と「I'll」という略語を使う。そして「I'm gonna」を「I'm'na」や「I'm'a」でよりも短くする人もいる。ネイティブはどのぐらいこんな略語を使うのかをここで知れます。
But what's the difference between "I'll " and "I'm gonna"? I'm gonna try to explain. But, I don't know if I'll succeed.
でも「I'll」と「I'm gonna」の違いは何だろう?説明してみようとします。でも成功するかどうか分かりません。
First of all, if you're a beginner, don't worry about differences between similar words too much when you speak. The important thing when speaking is to communicate. Most people will understand what you mean even if you make a mistake. But, as you'll see below, "I'm gonna" works in most situations.
まず第一にはあなたは初心者なら、話す時は似た言葉の違いをあまり気にしないでください。話すとこの大事なことはコミュニケーションです。間違えてもほとんどの人は意味が分かる。でも下記のようにほとんどの場合は「I'm gonna」の方が使える。
Also, keep in mind, there really is no "right" and "wrong" in spoken language. There is only what seems natural / not as natural, or clear and not as clear. Communication isn't a test. The real test is how comfortable you are making mistakes.
So, here's the difference in a nutshell:
The difference between "I'm gonna" and "I'll" is all about when you make the decision to do something.
「I'm gonna」と「I'll」の違いはいつすることに決めたかにあります。
If someone is talking about a decision they've already made, and nobody asked them to make a decision, they say "I'm gonna." People almost never say "I'll" in this case. It sounds unnatural.
誰かがもうすでに決めたことを話していて、そして誰にも決めるように頼まれていない場合は「I'm gonna」と言います。ほとんどの人はこういう場合では「I'll」とは言わない。不自然に聞こえる。
If someone is deciding as they speak in response to others or to a situation, they often say "I'll." But, not always! You can usually also say "I'm gonna" most of the time. Because, if you just wait one or two seconds after you make a decision, then it becomes a past decision! Magic!
誰かが相手や状況に応じて、話しながら決める場合はよく「I'll」と言います。でも、いつもではありません!ほとんどの場合は「I'm gonna」も言えます。なぜなら、決めてから1、2秒だけ待ったら過去の決定になります。すごい!
People often use "I'll" in emergency situations, solving problems with others, and making plans with others, because these are situations where you need to tell people about decisions as you make them.
The bottom line is, you can use "I'm gonna" in almost any situation, but "I'll" is more unnatural in a lot of situations. So, if you just use "I'm gonna," you'll sound natural most of the time!
結論を言えば、ほとんどの場合は「I'm gonna」が使えるけど「I'll」は不自然な場合が多い。だから「I'm gonna」だけを使ったら大体自然に聞こえる!
Side by Side Examples
Situation: There's no milk in the fridge.
A: We need milk.
B: OK, I'm gonna go get some. (Decided one second ago.)
B: I'll go get some. (Deciding as speaking.)
Situation: I suddenly feel thirsty. I want some milk. I decide to go get some.
A: Hey, I'm gonna go get some milk. Do you need anything? (Decided 1 minute ago.)
Situation: The power went out.
A: What's going on? Why did the lights go out?
B: I don't know. I'll go get a flashlight. (Deciding as speaking.)
B: I don't know. I'm gonna go get a flashlight. (Decided two seconds ago.)
Situation: Telling someone about your vacation plans.
A: Any plans next month?
B: I'm gonna take a vacation. (Decided two weeks ago.)
Situation: Deciding to take a vacation in respone to advice.
A: Hey, you seem stressed. You should relax.
B: You're right. I think I'll take a vacation. (Deciding as speaking.)
Situation: Being invited out.
A: Hey, you wanna come with us to the game?
B: No, I'm gonna stay home and watch a movie. (I had already decided to stay home.)
B: Sure. I guess I'll go. (I planned to stay home, but I changed my mind and decided to go as I spoke.)
Situation: Leaving because you want to.
A: I'm 'na leave. (I already decided to go.)
B: OK, see ya later.
Situation: Leaving because someone needs you to.
A: We need to talk in private.
B: OK, I'll leave then. (Deciding as speaking.)
Situation: Car crash!
Oh my God! Are you OK? I'll call an ambulance! (Deciding as speaking.)
Oh my God! Are you OK? I'm gonna call an ambulance! (Decided 0.437 seconds ago.)
Situation: Somebody's not finished with their work.
A: Did you finish yet?
B: I'm gonna, I'm gonna! (Decided two weeks ago, but very lazy.)
B: I will, I will! (Deciding as speaking. Too lazy to make a decision beforehand.)
(Notice, if there's no object in the sentence, people say "I will" not "I'll".)
Situation: Finding out some information.
A: Do you know what hotel they're staying at?
B: I'll find out right now. (Deciding as speaking.)
B: I'm gonna find out right now. (Decided already.)
For the rest of the examples, you figure out when the person decided.
Situation: Going with friends somewhere but have to do something else first.
A: Go ahead. I'll meet you guys there.
A: Go ahead. I'm gonna meet you guys there.
Situation: Have to pee.
A: I'm gonna go to the bathroom.
Situation: Spilled coffee on shirt.
A: Oh, shit!
B: Here's a tissue.
A: No, that's not gonna work. I'll go to the bathroom and try to wash it out.
Using "I'll" and "I'm Gonna" When Making Predictions About Yourself
We can't decide all future events. Some things just happen. We don't have control over them. For example, getting sick. Nobody decides to get sick. It just happens. So, do people say "I'm gonna" or "I'll"?
未来のことはなんでも決められるわけじゃない。ただそうなることもある。それをコントロールできない。たとえば病気になること。病気になることにする人はいない。ただ起こる。それで、人々は「I'm gonna」か「I'll」どちらを言うでしょうか。
When people are talking about something that they can see, hear, or feel is happening to them, they usually say "I'm gonna."
見えたり、聞こえたり、感じたりする自分に起こることについて話す時は普通は「I'm gonna」と言う。
Situation: Riding a roller-coaster.
A: I'm gonna throw up.
And when people are talking about something they've decided to do and can imagine the uncontrollable effects, "I'm gonna" and "I'll" both sound natural.
そして支配できない効果が想像出来るすることに決めたことについて話す時は「I'm gonna」も「I'll」も自然に聞こえる。
Situation: Saying yes to riding a roller-coaster.
A: Hey, let's go on the Kingda Ka.
B: OK. But I'm gonna throw up.
B: OK. But I'll throw up.
Also, when predicting an uncontrollable effect with a negative statement, "I'm gonna" and "I'll" both seem natural.
それにも、コントロールできない効果を否定文で予想する時は「I'm gonna」も「I'll」も自然に思われる。
Situation: Deciding to go on a roller-coaster even though your friend thinks you shouldn't.
A: I don't think you should go on the Kingda Ka. You might throw up.
B: No, I'm not gonna throw up.
B: No, I won't throw up.
But when people are talking about something with uncontrollable effects that they've decided not to do, they usually say "I'll." The effect is their reason for not doing it.
Situation: Saying no to riding a roller-coaster.
A: Hey, let's go on the Kingda Ka.
B: No way. I'll throw up.
Here's another set of examples...
Situation: Didn't study for the test.
A: I'm gonna fail this test.
Situation: Studying hard for a test.
A: I have to study or I'll fail.
A: I have to study or I'm gonna fail.
Situation: Studied enough and know the test is easy.
A: I'm not gonna fail!
A: I won't fail!
I hope you have a great day. I know I'm gonna! If you keep studying, you'll keep improving!
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very cool post. I'm gonna read other post.
I'll do the same!