Simply staggering, a must see if your visiting Kyoto
厚く樹木が茂った山の中に広がる、まるで無限に広がった朱色の門の鳥居(神社の門)は、この広大な神社の複合体はそれ自身の世界です。 京都のすべての地域で最も印象的で印象的な名所のひとつです。
5つの神社で構成されるコンプレックス全体が、稲荷山の森の斜面に広がっています。 通路は山の上4kmをさまよい、数十の大気の神社が並んでいます。
We were staying in Kobe and had already booked the next three nights in Kyoto, As we had the JR rail pass we decided to visit early just to become familiar with the city and maybe visit an attraction or two. Its an interesting rail trip in its own right.
Arriving at the main Kyoto station we visited the tourist bureau located within the station. We asked for suggestions of what we could do for the afternoon. Our excellent tourist agent suggested "Fushimi Inari-taisha Shine" located a few train stops south of Kyoto (Fushimi Inari station).
At the time we visited it was very busy (the same as our Himeji Castle visit). It was the time of the end of the school year and there were so many graduates who hired traditional kimono's to wear, as a celebration, for their visit to the attraction. So great to see.
If there is a list of the seven wonders of Japan the 10,000 Torii gates of this shrine would easily make the list. As well the myriad of small and large shinto shrines.
There is a walk up and down the mountain through the torii gates. Scattered through the walk are places to eat, drink and shop.
Easily one of the most impressive attractions in Japan.
After the visit take some extra time to wander through the shopping districts located around the various stations in the district.
I would really love to visit Japan. Mainly Tokyo and Kyoto (: