Token Economy Meet up in Osaka Talk Session トークンエコノミーミートアップ大阪 トークセッション

in #japanese6 years ago (edited)

スクリーンショット 2018-07-29 11.54.54.png

Token Economy Meet up in Osaka Talk Session


This post is the continuation of the last time. Last post → Token Economy Meet up in Osaka.
This time I would like to report on the talk session.


前回の続きです。前回→Token Economy Meet up in Osaka トークンエコノミーミートアップ大阪 今回はトークセッションについてリポートしたいと思います。

登壇者:ALISの安 昌浩さん / タイムチケットの山本 大策さん / VALUの小川 晃平さん / Nishi Awakura Coin 山田 邦明さん / PoliPoli の伊藤 和真さん / あたらしい経済の竹田 匡宏さん

スクリーンショット 2018-07-28 20.19.07.png

image source


During the small break, Red Bull was all-you-can-drink. Here also camera shake is intense. Lol



OK, Let's get down to the main topic. Mr. Takeda (ATARASHII KEIZAI) was in charge of moderation. A talk session has started.

I think that all of these reports can not be covered. Some of the reports were replaced by my words. I will tell in chronological order. If there is a mistake etc., please pointed out.





◆ALIS experienced ICO. VALU is a pioneer of Crypto Economy. What were you paying attention to and started project? by TAKEDA(ATARASHII KEIZAI)

YASU(ALIS):We think that we should consult with the Financial Services Agency. The impression changes shimmer as I go or not go.

OGAWA(VALU):We designed VALU to be understandable by the general public. When we cut down on the difficult part of VALU, it went viral. We consulted with the Financial Services Agency and proceeded with the project.

◆What do you think is the skills necessary for the blockchain development engineer? by YAMAMOTO(TIME TICKET)

YASU(ALIS):Common points of excellent engineers = To have a unique philosophy. I think that smart contracts created by engineers without thought are very dangerous. It is important not to create smart contracts by copycat but to think carefully and to design it exactly.

◆Why does TIME TICKET do ICO in Switzerland? by YAMADA(NISHI AWAKURA COIN)

YAMAMOTO(TIME TICKET):Switzerland already has know-how on ICO. We have consulted with the Financial Services Agency. I think that ICO is possible unless it is targeted for Japanese residents.

◆Despite the overseas ICO, many people want to make services for Japan. Is TIME COIN a service overseas? Or is it a domestic service? by YASU(ALIS)

YAMAMOTO(TIME TICKET):We intend to expand TIME TICKET globally in the order of Japan → Asia.

YASU(ALIS):Great. When doing ICO overseas, I think that it is better to expand overseas.

◆What do you think about schemes for qualified investors? by ITO(PoliPoli)

YASU(ALIS):In the United States, fundraising methods (private sale) that only qualified investors were allowed to invest are mainstream. On the other hand, in Switzerland and Singapore, ordinary people can also participate. Personally, I think "tokens should be possessed by more people". Distribution of wealth only to qualified investors is contrary to aiming for an economy that is not capitalist. But, If the project has a clear vision and aims at a non-centralized world, It is a good idea to cooperate with capitalists now.

YAMAMOTO(TIME TICKET):Top 4 of this year's ICO does not hold public fund raising almost. As a recent trend of ICO, private sale is becoming the center.

◆What kind of thing do you think will be the form of fund procurement in the future? by TAKEDA(ATARASHII KEIZAI)

OGAWA(VALU):I'm interested in "people who have not been able to equity finance made it possible by VALU". I think that regarding the ICO on local community / politics / NPO organizations, a certain degree of freedom may be left.

YAMAMOTO(TIME TICKET):The form of existing ICO does not last long. Small scale ICO will increase. I am focusing on IEO (Initial Exchange Offering). It is to do a small amount of financing from users already registered on the exchange.

◆What kind of designs are taken care of in the preparation stage of ICO? by TAKEDA(ATARASHII KEIZAI)

YAMAMOTO(TIME TICKET):For TIME COIN, there is still no disclosure of white papers etc. The point of "transparency" and "to take care of the community" of ALIS is wonderful and respectful.

◆Regarding the flow of fund procurement, what do you think Japan will become like? by TAKEDA(ATARASHII KEIZAI)

YASU(ALIS):Current, the situation of Japanese ICO is not good, It is expected that it will become harder and harder from now. I expect that if DEX (Decentralized EXchange) becomes mainstream, it will be easier to offer offerings. However, I feel that the reality is quite severe.

◆What are the points that politicians are cheering about PoliPoli? by TAKEDA(ATARASHII KEIZAI)

ITO(PoliPoli):Politicians want a healthy community space (that does not burning) on internet. I am young as 19 years old. That is one reason why everyone supports me. I think that Especially local politicians want PoliPoli.

◆What kind of thoughts do you have with regard to the flow of fund procurement in local areas and the flow of fund procurement in japan of the future? by TAKEDA(ATARASHII KEIZAI)

YAMADA(Nishi Awakura Coin):It is meaningful to make a case for local governments to make ICOs successful. If I can raise funds using the strong power of the local community, I think that it is worth to try it. Nishi Awakura Coin does not consider overseas ICO. Based on the provisions of the Financial Services Agency, we would like to propose it for realization.

ITO(PoliPoli):Tax is redistribution of wealth, but not complete. I think that it is the ICO in local areas that complements it.

◆What measures do you devise to continually revitalize the community? I heard that some people married using the VALU service, but is it true? by TAKEDA(ATARASHII KEIZAI)

OGAWA(VALU):He is there!(That person was in the audience.)


AKIRA(VALU user):With VALU, we can register information such as profile properly. My girlfriend saw my information and can knowed deeply about me. VALU does not have poor posts like Facebook or Instagram. I was able to build a relationship of trust with the user who bought my token with money.

OGAWA(VALU):Current VALU has no speculative elements. I have been devoting efforts to revitalize the community this year by keeping the speculation side down and I would like to balance the two in the next year. While also aiming at raising Japanese financial literacy, I am considering community management.

◆Please tell me what was good and what made you failed by running ALIS. by TAKEDA(ATARASHII KEIZAI)

YASU(ALIS):I think ALIS team is also a part of the community, we believe it is a flat relationship with ALIS users. That's why we disclosed all the information of ALIS team. It was great that I shared my vision with them. I think it is difficult to realize the crypto economy unless it hinders investors from entering the community.

◆Why did you become the issuer of the token themselves? Why did not you choose to join a community such as bitcoin? by OGAWA(VALU)

YASU(ALIS):I think the autonomous economic sphere is important. I think it is necessary to be able to raise the value of ALIS token by everyone in the community.(We need a controllable environment.) With bitcoin, that is not possible, because the scale is too big. The possibility of FLASH PUMP by the ALIS team is a disadvantage, but I would like to cover it with highly transparent management.

◆What is the future of crypto economy? by TAKEDA(ATARASHII KEIZAI)

YAMAMOTO(TIME TICKET):I think that something like Mercari's economic sphere has already been established. I am interested in whether decentralized economy is necessary in the world. There is a favorable flow for decentralized service management. I am interested in whether it will work as Dapps (decentralized application), I want to challenge it.

YASU(ALIS):The economic sphere of capitalism has already worked. A different world from that →In the
legal tender(JPY) I want to create a world where values not thought to be purchased are exchanged by tokens.When a token that gained value is converted into a legal currency, it turns into a capitalist economy. It must be avoided. I think that a world not a capitalist economy will come in a few years. I would like to use ALIS to hasten the arrival of the world. I'd like to build a world where er we can say that "The world of the legal tender is good, but the crypto economy is also good".

YAMADA(NISHI AWAKURA):There is one question. Do you think that the smallest unit of decentralization is individuals or local areas? If someone knows the answer to this question please tell it to me. I think that I will never become a world of decentralization at once. It will develop into a spiral staircase pattern.

◆How did you make investors companion? by TAKEDA(ATARASHII KEIZAI)

OGAWA(VALU):Originally I had the experience of working with Mr. Horie. At that time, "Horiemon Token" was issued, but I proposed to make it simple. That is VALU. I feel good that investors were sympathized with my vision.

◆What is the future direction of VALU? by TAKEDA(ATARASHII KEIZAI)

OGAWA(VALU):I would like to strengthen the SNS part of VALU. Change in the media industry.(The era when information was controlled → The era when individuals transmit information) That change is beginning to occur in the field of finance.

◆What is the future direction of TIME TICKET? by TAKEDA(ATARASHII KEIZAI)

YAMAMOTO(TIME TICKET):Since the base of the time ticket has already been established, I would like to make a time coin as Sharing Economy 2.0. I want to make value that is not available in the legal currency. Ultimately, I would like to make it an economy sphere & community that can be autonomous only by TIME COIN.

◆What is the future direction of ALIS? by TAKEDA(ATARASHII KEIZAI)

YASU(ALIS):We would like to upgrade from closed beta to open beta. I think the crypto economy has no meaning unless the scale is small. I would like to realize the sharing economy using ALIS token.

◆What kind of thought do you have against the way to collect money? by TAKEDA(ATARASHII KEIZAI)

ITO(PoliPoli):I learned the stance of investing in "people" because "business" will change someday. I think that it is the same also in ICO. Is not it important to see "people" of management, not projects?

◆What is the future direction of PoliPoli? by TAKEDA(ATARASHII KEIZAI)

ITO(PoliPoli):Politicians exist to solve not only government politics but also familiar social problems. I want "PoliPoli" to function as a means for citizens to access that politician. The community about politics has a risk of Flaming. I think that "PoliPoli" will endanger as a platform if I become biased toward a specific political philosophy. But I think that it is worth it, so I will do my best.

◆What is the future direction of NISHI AWAKURA COIN? by TAKEDA(ATARASHII KEIZAI)

YAMADA(NISHI AWAKURA):Until now people were an era of choosing regions. From now on I think that it will be the era when people make community. Multiplication of communities and real places is a region. I'd like to build a world where er we can say that "I raised this village.".

◇◇◇Question-and-answer session◇◇◇

◆Is it possible to make a crypto economy community at a large company? How do you think about collaboration between venture companies and large companies? by Questioner

YASU(ALIS):As a premise, big companies and token economies are not compatible. I think that it is difficult to realize it because of the structure of the company.

◆It is a question about VALU. When will the application be released? Can community management like ALIS be realized in VALU? What do you think about the expansion of users of VALU? by AKIRA(VALU user)

OGAWA(VALU):The application will be released in the first half of next month (August). Regarding community management, If the number of employees increases, I would like to undertake it. Regarding user expansion, I delayed it to calm speculative elements once.

◆Please tell me about the support to revitalize the local community. by Questioner

YAMADA(NISHI AWAKURA):For those who have the desire to realize something, I think that people want to cheer for those who have the desire to realize something. Based on these communities, I think that Nishi Awakura village has a good form of human beings formed.



◆ICO経験のあるALISさん、トークンエコノミーの先駆けであるVALUさん、プロジェクトを始めるにあたりどのようなことに注意をされましたか? by 武田(あたらしい経済)



◆ブロックチェーンの開発エンジニアにとって必要なスキルとは? by 山本(TIME TICKET)

安(ALIS):優秀なエンジニアの共通点 = 独自の哲学を持っている。思想なきエンジニアが作るスマートコントラクトは非常に危うくなる。コピーキャット(模倣)でコントラクトを作るのではなく、"思考"をしてきっちりと設計することが大事。


山本(TIME TICKET):スイスは既にICOに関してのノウハウがある。日本居住者対象でなければICOをしても大丈夫ということを金融庁に相談済。

◆海外でICOをするなかで、日本国内向けのサービスを作りたいという人が多い。TIME COINは国内向けですか、それとも海外で展開をしますか? by 安(ALIS)

山本(TIME TICKET):国内、そしてアジアの流れで、グローバルを狙いにいく。


◆適格投資家向けのスキームについてはどのようにお考えですか? by 伊藤(PoliPoli)


山本(TIME TICKET):今年のICO案件の上位4つはパブリック(一般人向け)では殆どやっていない。最近のICOのトレンドとしては、プライベートセールが中心になってきている。

◆これからの資金調達のカタチはどのようになるとお考えですか? by 武田(あたらしい経済)


山本(TIME TICKET):既存のICOのカタチは長くは続かない。小規模なICOが増えていくのでは。IEO(Initial Exchange Offering)に注目。(IEOとは取引所に登録済みのユーザーを対象に少額の資金調達を行うこと。)

◆ICOの準備段階において、どのような設計を大事にされていますか? by 武田(あたらしい経済)

山本(TIME TICKET):TIME COINに関してはホワイトペーパー等の公開はまだですが、ALISの"透明性"と"コミュニティを大事にする"という点は素晴らしく、リスペクトしている。

◆資金調達の流れに関して、日本は今後どうなっていくと考えますか? by 武田(あたらしい経済)


◆政治家の方々はPoliPoliのどのような面を応援しているのか。 by 武田(あたらしい経済)


◆地方での資金調達の流れと、今後の日本の資金調達の流れについてどのような考えをお持ちですか? by 武田(あたらしい経済)

山田(Nishi Awakura Coin):"地方自治体がICOを"という事例を作ることに意義がある。地方の強いコミュニティを活かした資金調達ができるのであれば、挑戦してみる価値はある。海外でのICOは検討していない。金融庁の規定を踏まえた上で、実現へ向けて提案していきたい。


◆コミュニティを継続的に活性化させる為には?VALUのサービスを使って"結婚した"という方がいるそうですね? by 武田(あたらしい経済)





◆ALISを運営してみて、良かったところ、失敗したところ等、教えてください。 by 武田(あたらしい経済)

安(ALIS):運営(ALIS team)もコミュニティの一員であり、ALISユーザーとはフラットな関係だと思っている。だからこそ情報は全て開示し、目線を共有してきたことはすごく良かった。投機筋がコミュニティに入ることを防がないとトークンエコノミーの実現は難しい。

◆なぜ自分たちでトークンを発行しようと思ったのか?ビットコイン等のコミュニティに加わることを選ばなかったのはなぜ? by 小川(VALU)


◆トークンエコノミーの未来とは? by 武田(あたらしい経済)

山本(TIME TICKET):メルカリの経済圏のようなものは既に確立されていると思う。興味があるのは非中央集権的な運営がこれからの世の中に必要とされるのかという部分。分散化したサービス運営に有利な流れがきていると思う。Dapps(非中央集権アプリケーション)としてうまくいくのかということに興味があり、チャレンジしたい。


山田(NISHI AWAKURA):分散の最小単位は果たして個人なのか。もしその単位が地域だとしたら・・・という問いを持っているので、分かる人がいたら教えてください!今の社会が一気に非中央集権になることはない。螺旋階段状に発展していくのではないか。

◆どうやって投資家を仲間にしたのか? by 武田(あたらしい経済)


◆今後のVALUの方向性は? by 武田(あたらしい経済)


◆今後のTIME TICKETの方向性は? by 武田(あたらしい経済)

山本(TIME TICKET):タイムチケットのベースは確立できているので、シェアリングエコノミー2.0としてタイムコインを作りたい。お金(円)では払えない価値を自分たちで作って、最終的には、タイムコインだけで自律していけるコミュニティにしていきたい。

◆今後のALISの方向性は? by 武田(あたらしい経済)


◆お金の集め方に対するスタンス? by 武田(あたらしい経済)


◆今後のPoliPoliの方向性は? by 武田(あたらしい経済)


◆今後のNISHI AWAKURA COINの方向性は? by 武田(あたらしい経済)

山田(NISHI AWAKURA):人は地域を選ぶ時代から、作る時代へ。コミュニティとリアルの場の掛け算が"地域"だと考える。「ここは、おれが育てた村だぜ!」と言えるような世界を目指していきたい。


◆大企業のコミュニティ作りの妙?ベンチャー企業と大企業の連携など、どのようにお考えですか? by 質問者


◆VALUに関して。アプリのリリースはいつか、ALISのようなコミュニティマネジメントはVALUでは実現できないのか、利用者拡大についてはどのように考えているのか? by アキラさん(VALUユーザー)


◆地方のコミュニティを活性化させるためのサポートについてどのようなことが行われていたのですか? by 質問者

山田(NISHI AWAKURA):自分のやりたいことを実現したいという想いを持っている人に対しては、人は応援したくなるのだと思う。こういったコミュニティをベースに西粟倉村では、人と人との良いカタチが形成されていくのではないかと思う。


That's all. I reported a talk session. What did you think? I have some parts that I can not understand about them completely, I thought that I should study their more.

I thought that the purpose of "creating a new economic sphere" is common to all projects of crypto economy, including steemit.

I think that it is truly wonderful that such powerful projects will expand in Japan. Thank you for reading to the end.






トークンエコノミーでのコミュニティについてALIS安さんとVALU小川さんが語る トークンエコノミーmeet upレポート Part 1



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partikoで見ると文字の装飾は反映されないんですね〜。改善に期待です^ ^

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ぼくも書いていて、よい復習になりました^ ^ありがとうございます😊

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英語の勉強にもなりました^ ^翻訳、たくさん間違えてそうですが😅
はい、とても刺激的な場でした。このあとの交流会に参加できなかったのが心残りです。。が、とても勉強になったので満足です^ ^

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ありがとうございます😊とっても時間がかかりましたが、自分自身の勉強も兼ねているので書いて良かったです^ ^英語圏の人にも読んで頂けたら嬉しいのですが、steemitと競合するのか、効果はいまひとつですね!笑笑

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とくにALISはsteemitの仕組みを国内でやろうとしている(厳密に言えば異なる)ので、海外のsteemianからすれば、面白くないと感じる人も中にはいるのかな〜という意味です^ ^あくまで想像ですけど!

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