Volu-beit in Nagano『#6 Nozawa Onsen』
長野でボラバイト『6日目 : 野沢温泉』
I forgot to update this series article. This is a story I went to Nozawa Onsen. There was it near the farm. Before I did volu-beit, I was expecting that things. By the time I finished my work every day, my body was dirty with mud and sweat, and I was full of tiredness. So the hot spring which enters the work end was very pleasant to me :D
すっかり間が空いてしまいましたが、ボラバイト記の続き : 野沢温泉に行ったお話です♨️農場から車でほど近いところに、野沢温泉があるということ。それはボラバイトをする以前からリサーチ済みで、とてもワクワクしていたことでした🌱毎日仕事が終わる頃には、泥や汗で身体はよごれ、疲労感たっぷりでしたので、仕事上がりに入る温泉は、大変気持ちのよいものでした♨️
There are 13 public baths in Nozawa Onsen Town. These are free :) I entered "KUMA NO TEARAIYU". This public bath's name origin that a bear who was pursued by a hunter and ran away to the mountains, washed the hands that were hurt by the hot spring popping out. Because Nozawa Onsen is a sulfur fountain, There were smell on the whole hot spring town. Because Nozawa Onsen conteins a sulfur, There were smell on the whole hot spring town :D
Spring water that I drank after the bath. Awesome !!!
I entered a fashionable shop. It is a shop selling juice and jam using local fruits. Speaking of Nagano, the Shinano Suite (apple) is famous but I drank "Red shiso juice" because I like shiso :DD That was yummy!!
Well, I took a another bath. This is called "Ooyu", and this is the symbolic existence of the Nozawa Onsen Town. The characteristic is that this hot water is high tempareture anyway. There are two bathtubs inside. I was able to take lukewarm bath(47℃). However, I felt pain when I put my feet in hotter bath(50℃). So I gave up OMG!!!!There were various, but I was able to heal tiredness :D I enjoyed the hot springs with a great pleasure :))
もうひとっ風呂!ここは"大湯"という名前の浴場で、野沢温泉街のシンボル的存在だそうです^ ^特徴としては、とにかくお湯が熱い💥内部に2つの浴槽があるのですが、ぬるい方にはギリギリ入れました。(体感47度) しかし、熱い方の浴槽は、足を入れた瞬間にちぎれそうになったのでギブアップしました(体感50度😱)色々な意味で疲れが吹き飛び、めいっぱい温泉を満喫することができました❗️
◆The previous volu-beit series ボラバイトシリーズ 前回の記事◆
Volu-beit in Nagano『#5 Issues affecting farmers』長野でボラバイト『5日目 : 農家が抱える問題』
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ありがとうございます😊今回は観光回でした^ ^次で最後にしようと思ってます!湧き水美味しいですよね〜老後は名水巡りをしたいです^ ^笑。ここは今までで一番熱かったです🙄😵w
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赤しそジュースは甘いですか?飲んでみたいです ^^
赤しそジュースは酸っぱくてちょっと甘い大人向けの味でした^ ^🥤
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