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RE: Japan makese strange flavored potato chips....CRAZY! 牛乳、リンゴ、トースト、ショートケーキ味ポテトチップス(´・ω・`)

in #japanese7 years ago

Canada does this too! Americans find it so weird, but they are starting to try it here now. I remember seeing a "biscuits and cream gravy" flavor at the store.
Americans find it weird that there are so many flavors of KitKat in Japan! We just have one, really. And I think maybe they added a white chocolate one. 😂


oh wow! Cool! Did you try any? perogy platter flavor! OMG I wana try that! must be GOOD!

No, I'm allergic to potatoes. Wah! I used to love perogies before I had all the allergy tests so I probably would have tried that one too. LOL

oh.... lm sorry to hear that... it must be hard to be canadian with potato allergy... you guys have awesome french fries too!

Ah, no, I'm American (but my grandparents from my mom's side were from Canada). We're the ones wondering why Canada has 973,000 flavors of potato chips. LOL.
There was only one restaurant here that sold poutine (the french fries with gravy and cheese that I think you were thinking of), but they called them "Elvis Fries." I guess Elvis liked poutine!

ah you are from america 😊
ah yes lm talking about that! they were so yummy 💕 have you ever had them? its calory bomb yummy!

Calorie bomb yummy is a great expression. 😁
I don't think I ever tried them though! I'm boring. 😩

hahaha thank you!
awwww but you cant have them anymore....cry cry