みなさま、こんにちは! 日本の景気は回復したと思いますか? 内閣府の「日本経済の現状」によると、雇用環境が改善されて女性の就業者が増えた、若者の失業率は1992年に比べて4.6%に減少した、などと書かれていました。テレビなどで、景気が安定していると言っているのは、大企業などに勤務する富裕層の人がほとんどではないかと思います。
中原圭介著『日本の国難 2020年からの賃金・雇用・企業』によると、産業革命による経済危機に対する日本人の危機感が足りないという現状が書いてありました。
2020年のオリンピック以後はどうなるのでしょうか? 世界的な借金バブルの反動を受けて、世界は不況の渦の中にあるのではないかという懸念が広がっています。今の日本経済がなんとか均衡を保てているのは、アメリカの旺盛な消費のおかげであって、いつまでもその消費力は続かない、アメリカの借金バブルがはじけた時、日本が最も悪影響を受ける、と『日本の国難』には書いてありました。私が思うのに、どれほどの危機感を持って生活しているかによって、借金バブルのダメージを少しでも軽減できるのではないかと思います。例えば、大企業に雇用される生き方ではなく、大企業を利用する生き方も有りだと思います。また、将来やってくる大不況に備えて無駄な出費を抑えておくのも小さな努力だと思います。AIやITに勝とうと思っても無理です。車に関しても、近い将来、ガソリン車は長距離の時だけに利用され、短距離の自動車は電気自動車になるでしょう。すでにトヨタは、ハイブリッド車にこだわっている場合ではないと思い始めているようです。私達個人が時代の流れを変えることは不可能だということです。
The very book you should read NOW!
Hello. Steemit friends! Do you think the Japanese economy is recovering? According to the state of the Japanese economy by Cabinet office, they say that the employment environment has been improved, working women has increased, the unemployment rate has been decreased by 4.6% compared with in 1992. TV also says that the Japanese economy is stable. However, I think that most of people who believe in the stable economy is affluent people who ran a big company or doing something special.
According to “National crisis of Japan・salary, employment, company since 2020” written by Keisuke Nakahara, I notice that Japanese people lack a sense of economic crisis that will be caused by the industrial revolution.
Even if the number of employee increased, I heard that workers include many nonregular workers or part-time workers. In one of the big supermarkets in Hiroshima city, most of employees are not regular workers. Homeless people are still living around the Hiroshima station. This is where things are currently. As far as finding employment is concerned, students have lots of job interviews as usual in order to get an official job offer. Even that famous Sharp was bought by Honhaiseimitukogyo in Taiwan. Despite this, it seems that young people believe that working for a big enterprise is good and stable. Seeing that employment has been decreased due to AI and IT, I think that Japanese people should feel a sense of crisis. Nevertheless, what people can do as individuals is limited. Therefore, why don’t you call attention to the Japanese government so that they can make more efforts to improve the declining birth rate and aging population etc. They have reduced school tuition, made more nursery schools so that women can work. I think it is nice. But under existing conditions, the fact that young couple cannot have children due to difficult economy still continues.
Due to monetary relaxation of Abenomics, The yen weakens against the dollar. Having benefit from this, big enterprises like Toyota has made a big profit through exportation. Looking at only this point, we develop an illusion that the Japanese economy has recovered. On the other hand, smaller businesses has been crying because they have to import many resources. As the result of that, the salary increased, the prices rose, and the number of a welfare recipient increased. I think Media should use the word economic recovery after they see how people are living, instead of the number that shows economic growth. My mother doesn’t receive a public nursing care, but she is complaining that premium for nursing-care insurance will never stop going up. But the situation at this moment is that we have nothing to do but pay it because working population is small. Furthermore, a company covers one-half of a salary of employee, so, the more social insurance premium, the more significant burden to a company. Because of it, I have concerns about the increment of a rogue company letting workers work overtime without hesitation.
What will happen to the world after the 2020 Olympics? There are worries that the economic panic might struck the world due to the bursting of the debt bubble. This book says that Japan owes economic stability to vigorous spending power of America, Its spending power does not last forever. It also says that when the debt bubble of America burst, Japan will receive the worst influence from it. As I think, we might be able to minimize the damage from the debt bubble if we are living with a sense of crisis. For example, we stop thinking that we are safe as long as we are working for a big enterprise. Instead of that, don’t you think that it is nice to take advantage of a big enterprise? Furthermore, it is the small effort to keep down extra expenses in preparation for the forthcoming great depression. It is no use to fight with AI or IT. As far as a car is concerned, a gas vehicle will be used only for long-distance-drive, a car for short-distance-drive will be changed into an electric car. It seems that Toyota began to think they shouldn’t stick to a hybrid vehicle. We couldn’t change the flow of the times.
This is no time to be pleased with pretending prosperity and salary increase. Real prosperity shouldn’t be judged by stock prices or employment rate. I think we should decide that real prosperity depends on how well everybody lives a healthy and productive life. This is no time to be relieved thinking that everything is ok because GDP in Japan ranks third in the world.
Feeling fear that the debt bubble might burst at any time, and while AI is robbing people of jobs, we think how we can survive. We should keep a close eye on what’s going on in the world. In Japan, besides AI, issues on aging population and low birth rate is making our future extremely gloomy.
What kinds of enterprise do you think is successful in the future? And what area do you think is declining? How should we struggle with the economic slump? This is the very book you should read NOW!
Thank you for reading my post through to the end.
Good to read the book again. Prepare for the best
Thank you very much🌹
I upvoted your post.
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Thank you🌹
Wow, that's quite a lot to think about, @sakurasui. I wish my Japanese skills were at the point where I could read "日本の国難 2020年からの賃金・雇用・企業". It seems like something I would enjoy, even if I'm not very knowledgeable in Economics.
Thanks for the summary. It's fascinating to watch Japan's economy from a distance here in North America. I have wondered about the very low birth rate for years, and the English-language Japanese news sites I view have talked about trying to bring in more foreign workers to make up for the slump in employment due to the aging workforce.
This is especially important to watch from here in the US, because we also have a very large number of people who should be exiting the workforce but who cannot because they lost so much of their savings in 2009. I could see what happens in Japan mirrored in the US in another ten years. I hope we're able to learn from Japan's actions and maybe avoid making the same mistakes. Other than opening the country up to more immigrants though, I don't see an easy way out for the Japanese.
I certainly don't wish harmful things on the country or its citizens. It's a beautiful place that I hope to visit one day. Maybe I will see you there, and wave from across the street. :)
Thank you for your comments. I'm very glad to hear that this book is fascinating to you. I wish my English were at the point where I could translate the state of Japanese economy in English more smoothly.
The more foreign workers, the more old people who lose jobs. The pension system already collapse in Japan. Even though he or she had paid National Pension for 40 years, he or she would get only 700~800 dollars per month at the age of 65. If he or she had paid employee pension, he or she would get more money than the case of National Pension. So, there are lots of old people who have no choice but to live on welfare in Japan.
Abenomics is producing a widening disparity between the rich and the poor. I was working for a hospital as a nurse, but conditions are terrible and personal relation sucks! Now, I'm thinking about having my own business. In Japan, we take peace for granted. Economic war already began. Scary!!😭
I think your strong question has much merrit; we must always be careful and aware of what the business and government leaders are saying and ask ourselves "who benefits from these public statements?". Cryptocurrency has always been disliked by authorities yet it has consistently outperformed all financial instruments and currencies.
Keep up your good work!
Thank you very much. I wrote this post because we have to be aware of what we should do in this business slump. In Japan, we will have to pay 10% consumption tax since October next year 2019. Extra business slump will be waiting for Japanese people. when I think what I should do to help myself and my family anyway, I think cryptocurrency or stock might be good. The idea of working for a big company is the best is a wrong idea now. Heaven helps those who help themselves. we individuals must do something to help ourselves.