5 Japanese eating habits: longer + healthier life!

in #japanese7 years ago

Of all the peoples of the world, Japanese currently have the highest life expectancy. This is mainly due to their varied eating habits. Research has shown that the more varied your eating habits are, the smaller your chance of illness . ( source ) Herewith 5 of the most important Japanese eating habits that can lead to a longer and healthier life ...

1. Green tea belongs to the Japanese eating habits

In their kitchen, Japanese use little fat, which is an important factor in the low number of cardiovascular diseases. The skin of Japanese is of better quality because in Japan pure green tea drinks and this tea is rich in antioxidants.

2. Japanese eating habits: soy products

Japanese eat 40 times more soy products than Dutch people. Scientists think that Japanese folding therefore pass through the menopause without any problems. Soy, after all, contains plant estrogens or phytoestrogens. The same estrogen also offers protection against bone loss and breast cancer to some extent .

Incidentally, use tofu, tempé and fresh edamame (soy bean soy) rather than soy sauce. An important disadvantage of soy sauces is that they usually contain a lot of salt . Soy sauce contains on average about 20% salt.

3. Fish & seaweed within Japanese cuisine

Japanese eat three times as much fish as meat . The combination of many fish and varied plant food (including seaweed ) forms a nutritious basis. Mainly rice is eaten in combination with fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel and eel ...

4. Japanese vegetables, herbs + spices

Vegetables such as bamboo shoots, mushrooms, eggplant, Asian cabbage and sweet potato add many essential nutrients to the Japanese diet. The same applies to Japanese herbs, spices and seasonings such as ginger, sesame seeds and wasabi. Horseradish and shiso provide even more vitamins and phytonutrients. And after every meal fresh fruit is eaten!

5. Japanese eating habits: hardly red meat

Red meat is almost not eaten in Japan , but as the Japanese say: everything is allowed, but then in moderation.

A Japanese diet means all sorts of varied food with lots of fish, seaweed, tofu, vegetables and fruit! How do you think about the Japanese diet? Leave a message below!