こんにちは。 私はsteemarterです。 ここでは、スティームライフのための強壮剤となるイベントがあります。
私は寄付にかかわらずupvoted 10 upvoterに、この投稿に著者の報酬SBD 50%を共有します。先着順のみです。
1.そして、私は、宝くじで選んだ1人のアップヴォーターに、このポストでSBD 50%の報酬を与える別の著者を紹介します。
- 7日間の転記後に報酬が確定するまでにアップセルラーの数が10人未満の場合、次のように均等に分割されます。
著者報酬SBD 50%/有権者(最大10人) - 7日後、私はsteemit転送で選択したpafにSBDを送信します。
私はあなたがsteemitとこのイベントを楽しむことを願っています。 ありがとうございました!
[Japan Upvoting event(#1)] Sharing author rewards SBD 100% on this post
Hello. I am steemarter. Here is an event that will be a tonic for steemit life.
I would appreciate it if you would consider it a little bit of fun contents instead of a great article.
How to participate
- By upvoting this post, you can participate.
- Anyone, regardless of contribution, can participate in equal opportunity.
- See this picture.
Sharing Guide
- I will share author rewards SBD 50% on this post to 10 upvoter who upvoted regardless of contribution, only on first come first served basis.
- And I will share another author rewards SBD 50% on this post to 1 upvoter who selected by lottery.
- My voting sponsor is excluded : busy.org, steembest (this sponsors can increase.)
- When event winners are decided, I will publish winners list on this event series post.
- If the number of upvoters is less than 10 persons by the time the reward is confirmed after posting 7 days, it is evenly divide as follows :
author rewards SBD 50 % / voters(max 10) - After 7 days, I will send SBD to selected persion by steemit transfer.
At the end
I will follow you who participated in the event.
I am Korean, and I ask for your understanding in error of English law. :)
I hope you enjoy steemit and this event. Thank you!