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RE: Jeff Berwick Breaks Deal for Galt's Gulch Chile Transparency, Calls me "Little Maggot"

in #jeff-berwick8 years ago (edited)

These two people both have done good work and bad work

What "bad work" have I done? Be specific or retract it because that's a ridiculous claim to make and I don't think you have any evidence to back it.

You may disagree with some of the philosophical approaches I've tried. You may be upset that us working together did not pan out as you'd hoped, but I have never been engaged in or associated with anything fraudulent. Quite the contrary, I have exposed fraud.


Oh, this is rich. Donnelly wants a claim retracted? No evidence, eh?

When I asked Donnelly to retract the erroneous accusation against the GGC Recovery Team he made on, he refused and said if I didn't like it, "tough luck."

How does it feel to be on the other side, Mr. Integrity?