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RE: Hold Jeff Berwick Accountable to his Promise of Transparency in the $10M Galt's Gulch Chile Scam by Sep 25

in #jeff-berwick8 years ago

To me this looks like a witch hunt despite whomever is guilty. Especially when it's a blog run trial and jury. Can't say a government run trial would be much better though.


Where did you see anything about a trial or jury? What precise words lead you to this errant conclusion that this is a witch hunt, which is "a campaign directed against a person or group holding unorthodox or unpopular views."

There is no campaign. There is 1 post.

Jeff is in the crosshairs because of his actions, not his views.

Further, Jeff and I have voluntarily entered into an agreement, with zero coercion present, that involves only the two of us. Jeff seems to be eager to participate in this agreement.

Are you saying you know better than Jeff what's good for Jeff? Are you saying he's not capable of exercising good judgment when entering into voluntary agreements?

I'm really confused here about what you're trying to say.