Jeff Berwick Discusses His Opinions on Circumcision – Critically Thinking Norms .

in #jeff8 years ago (edited)

This is an interesting video from Jeff about his opinions on circumcision. Jeff is more commonly known for cryptocurrency and unpacking the financial fraud that ruins the world, but these are a new series of videos on health issues and detoxing.
I am not sure I fully agree with him but he makes someone really valid points that have made me think. He intrigues me as he experiments in his life and tries to crack the matrix we currently live in. The main points I have taken about his views on this subject is :-

  1. It can be argued that it cause trauma that is unrealised in the physiology of the child and more research should be considered.
  2. Two it should be a choice given to the child whatever the age but what age? I don’t know.
  3. The idea of Scientism really is a great concept that I have experienced in discussions with blinkered intellectuals.
    Why not watch his Video and expand your mind Jeff Berwick an out of the box thinker.