Review and Behind the Scenes of the HBO Documentary 'The Anarchists'

in #jeff3 years ago

Review and Behind the Scenes of the HBO Documentary 'The Anarchists'

Jeff Berwick's take on The Anarchists - what really went down in Anarchapulco behind the scenes

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Check out today’s video..!


First rule don't trust any meinstreem workers, second rule, you have to make your own series so all the right people can get into the series, Not two hippies who sell something somewhere. 🥴👌

Hi Jeff,
Thank you for your view and thoughts on this.
I've been trying to reach you, just don't know his, I hope you get to read this.
About meditation, have you heard about and looked into breathing exercises to release your own DMT in your body and meditate to activate your pineal gland? Win Hof is a very inspirational source in that regard, through cold ice baths, meditation and breathing techniques he has scientifically proven that you can influence your own nervous system and survive hours in freezing cold water, he was even directly injected with ecoli in one experiment and didn't get sick... It's a very interesting topic in terms of healing ourselves and waking up humanity. I would love to hear your thoughts on this in one of your videos if you ever find the time :)

At the end the series you all probably gonna look bad as planned by the TV people.
Because, never trust the main stream media. Remember that one?
The ratings getting worse and worse as the series progresses and now they talking murder?
Wake up Jeff, i don't wan't you to end up like McAfee.

We here at Hardheads still love you and your Family Jeff, to watch you grow over the years into everything that you wanted and loved. Perfect Mate. Inspired me to make similar changes and I am doing much better for following your lead.

interesting stories

Lol. Getting your ass kicked by a weak-ass hippie is disgracefulness! Don't go "Wanna fight?" when you suck at fighting, then get your ass kicked, then yammer about your bodyguards. You should have asked Roger Ver to give you some jujitsu lessons instead of drinking and dyeing you beard all the time. Hahaha