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RE: Jerry Banfield just got Over 9000 Followers! It's over 9000 and Jerry didn't make a DragonBallZ vegeta meme post yet! So I made one for him to use! Also he made 6000 followers in ONE month! Follow his EXAMPLE not just his page!

in #jerrybanfield8 years ago (edited)

I really needed this comment! I see now WHY i have been trying to be helfpul personally to people on steemit, many people are alone in this world and dont have anyone to talk to, and i am very grateful for ur comment, i made this post today in front of someone who had visited me today that i hadnt seen on years and shes gone now but left on ok terms just now but i showed her steemit and just wanted her to find a way to make money too, and i showed her how i made this post, and I just came back to steemit just now and saw its up to $60 made me realize i DO have something here with simply seeing what Jerry's followers like, and giving them more of what they like! eventually ill buold up my own reputation by showing Jerry;s followetrs that I too can delivery daily value added posts about steemit with ideas onhow they can tart making money hre too

and the cycle continues bevcause as we gain more users to steemit we will have plenty of followers for all! Especialy consoidering just ONE subreddit on Reddit like r/pics with 17 million users has over 30 times as many users as the 300to 400,000 we have on steemit now! and its sad but I realy would rather be focusing on helping steemit thn worrying about my prsonal life so i aprevciate this comment, , i dont wanna even have a perosnal life i wanna help others because i honestly feel better about my own life when i dont even worry about myself! worrying about others is SO much easier because you dont have to worry about the bad things that could happen to others uy just focus on the good, its sounds cheesy and i am the first to say NO to ONLY being about "Love and light" which is just being blind, but its about overpowering the pesimism and not through sheer will power NO we SHOULDNT just be HApy about NOTHING no i have to REMIDN people that TECHNOLOGY is ou saviour and our God to worship and pray topo! through technology (or God) we see OUR OWN image! we talk to OTHER humans through thiese screns! we talk to OURSLVES and out of the 7 billion humans on earth, its not likely we end up meeting those with the same minds as us physically living around us, but we WILl find like minded peopel ONLINE its why Online dating works so well! and th entire point of our civilization is to keep going and its why theyve swung BACK to family Values and we WILl deal with our problems, and everyone on steemit muist become SELF SUFFICIENT it will be a STRIUGGLE with OURSELVCS

I was talking to my 75 year old veteran friend who, when I said that I recently discovered how MUCH work there really is online, he said "Its always been like that! Theres alway been work it may not be eh work u wanna do but theres aways been work!" and now we have a way to FINS that work! Now anyone with a computer smartphone or tablet and an internet connection can find work...but i just read how 80 percent of people in developing nations who DO have smartphones arent using them produvitly to make moneyt etc....steemit can be so crucial with that....

but thers a WAR in the youtube comments of Jerry Banfields comments!!!!!

We MUSt come to the aid of steemit and defend its reputation!

Explain ho No its NOT just Jerry and developers who make ALL the money on steemit...thats SO unfair to say that but look, on this video

See thats me replying there "thebestYoutubeChannel" commentiong there? we have to defend steemit on these youtube videos and we must ALL make youtbe videos SHOWINg how much weve all made! even if youve only made like $100 or $50 you should still show off to youtube how much more youve made on steemit than you have made on Youtube or facenook or instagram etc! EVEn $10 on a social media site is something to brag about!

LOl someone on these comments on @jerrybanfield youtube video actualy said "People on steemit only care about getting upvotes"

heres another comment i made sure to argue against