Remembering Me

in #jerrybanfield7 years ago (edited)

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Jerry Banfield had hosted a supernatural writing contest two weeks ago. I was on the fence about sharing my story openly. But when I saw the outpouring of so many steemians willing to share their stories of supernatural experiences, it convinced me to share mine. Jerry was kind enough to take the time to read my post and to my surprise he really liked it. I felt motivated to make a longer version of this story so that @jerrybanfield could resteem it on his wall and share my story with all of you.

As I describe my encounter, I will present this story using a past, present and future timeline to provide a linear flow to this story. In truth, time doesn’t exist, there is only one being – the source of all that is. Source is quantum and multi-dimensional. Each of us are soul shards of that one unified field of consciousness. Past, present and future exist now from the perspective of the one. My process of awakening was remembering my connection to this unified field and how as soul shards of the I AM collective we gathered in density to explore, learn and create.

My encounter with the supernatural in this story would happen for three consecutive nights followed by a visitation of these Inter-Dimensional beings.

It was the year 2012, three days before Valentine’s Day. Chugging two shots of Jack Daniels, I stepped outside. My life had become a series of dreary days and this evening was to be no different, I thought.

Ever faithful at my heels was my Shih Tzu, Max. Drifting into the space between spaces all alone in the night, became my only escape from the hell that was my life. Winds howled fiercely through the trees, numbing my face and fingertips.

Snow covered the city streets for miles. Smog from the burning fuel of cars driving through the streets slightly obscured the way into the park. But thank heavens for the beams shining from the street lamps revealing a trail now for Max and me to cross and hurry into the park.

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Despite the frost now biting my legs, being out here was far better than being indoors. Good old Jack Daniels, he never fails to keep me warm on nights like this, I thought. As I waited for Max to mark his territory, I reached into my pocket and pull out my pack of Camels. With a cigarette comfortably between my lips, zippo lit, my lungs take a nice deep long drag. I hold it in and blow it out all through my nostrils, perfect for warming up my cheeks.

"I really need to leave William, but how, all my friends said they had no space for me, my parents refuse to get involved, no one will hire me, and I am so tired of the fighting and the constant abuse. I want an end to all of this", I whispered to the trees.

Roaring winds increased in intensity, I continued to walk deeper into the darkness of the trees. No one was in sight. I think, only I was crazy enough to be out there in the cold alone.

I was always a sensitive child. I could see and feel things around people that I couldn’t explain and because of my Christian upbringing I simply became afraid to share my experiences. Eventually, I stopped seeing but I could still feel beings around me.

As Max finished his business, I kept feeling a presence pulling down my winter cap and covering my face. I ignored it at first, fixed my winter cap and cleaned up after Max. As I head to the garbage can, I saw a shadow behind me. My chest was thumping as hard as drums, I am alone in the park and there are no cops nearby. I had a small dog, he would not be much of a defense. I turn around and no one was there. My mystery stalker continued to jokingly play with my hat. Freaked out, I started to make my way back home.

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Before I reached the exit, by the trees, these bizarre bright lights began to dance in the sky. Lifting my head, three large, saucer-shaped objects in silver, spiral, rotate, zoom in and phase out, just to get my attention. Captivated, I move closer to the light, and as I do they drop down and hovered at least 30 feet from where I was standing. Blue and red lights blinked and rotated around a larger white light in the center. Heat from these mysterious saucers filled my body from my head to my toes. My body was humming, vibrating fast, locked in one position I was unable to move.

Growing up, I was a lover of all things science fiction, but I never dared hope that I would encounter them in this lifetime. Eventually, all mental chatter became dissolved as my heart opened to them and enjoyed the light show. These mysterious objects danced for only several minutes. My insides were spinning so fast, I almost lost consciousness, what is happening to me? And then they were gone. I felt a consuming fire oozing through my pores.

Making my way home, William waits for me by the door. “Where did you go?” with suspicion on his tongue. “To the park to walk Max”, I replied.

“Look at your face it’s super red! You have been gone for over an hour! Who were you really with? You can’t expect me to believe you were walking the dog for over an hour in this weather”, William clamored and tightened his fists. I turn and simply walk away.

“Believe whatever you want, I was only gone for twenty minutes”.

Rushing to the bathroom I strip myself of all my clothing and jump into an icy cool shower. My skin was red and hot to the touch.

As the cool water washed over my skin, I muttered, I was only gone for twenty minutes and William says I was gone for over an hour? How can this be? What really happened to me out there?

I kept the incident to myself. William would never understand. After the shower, I grabbed several ice cubes to cool the heat coming off my skin. I knew deep in my heart that these mysterious silver objects appeared to me because I was family, I had no other explanation, only a feeling. Over the next two nights, I experienced the same, silver discs dancing in the sky low, heat seeping from my pores and missing the time that I couldn’t recollect, at least not yet.

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On the fourth night, I decided to stay indoors, it was late, and I went to meditate in the living room where I wouldn’t be disturbed. In my hands was a small Tigers Eye crystal skull. I felt strong energies in the room and opened my eyes, and to my surprise, my apartment was filled with Inter-Dimensional beings.

One of them greeted me, she was a Zeta, short, gray with almond shaped black eyes. She said her name was Singela and that she was me, my Zeta self. I had an interesting conversation with Singela, and she said that I was part of their hybrid program. My soul had agreed to it, to help to save their race. She said, that the Zetas were once humans from a past parallel timeline that branched off. Thousands of years of abusing technology made their world uninhabitable. In many ways a reflection of what we are doing to our earth now, the difference is that we still have time to course correct. Zetas created clone bodies as their only way to survive because the surface of their planet had become radioactive.

Zetas had created underground tunnels and made the inside of their planet their home. Over the course of several hundred years, their leading scientists would alter their DNA skin suit. Their new DNA skin suit allowed them to absorb different chemicals in the air, that could be transformed into nutrients. But thousands of years of cloning without going through the rebirth cycle in the planet's core crystal fragments the soul and the race is diminished.

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Facing near death, they time traveled into the present earth timeline and started to abduct humans, who were their own past life counterparts. Zetas believed that they were doing no harm. The Galactic Federation stepped in and created a solution. With the consent of our planetary consciousness and other souls incarnated on the planet, a hybrid child program was created. One of the Zeta sub-species is known as the Essassani.

My photo - commissioned

It was this hybrid child program that helped many of the Zetas see the error of their ways. They are still healing of course, but as more humans let go of their fear and heal this within their own fragmented psyche the entire hologram is healed. I met several of my own hybrid children that night.

Next to greet me was Amoraea, she was tall, blue-skinned with an elongated skull. She was my Arcturian self. She said I had a life in Arcturus and in Lemuria, I was there with the Lady Isis as one of her priestesses, we were known as the Sisters of the Rose. Lemuria much like Atlantis represented an epoch rather than a fixed ancient land. Lemuria and Atlantis created many great cities across the earth, on sea, land, and in the skies. Each epoch lasted approximately 25,000 years.

Lemurians and Atlanteans had the ability to time jump too. Many who have retrieved memories of the destruction were, in fact, remembering the first timelines, during the second timelines many were saved, and the third timeline exists now phased out of this timeline but can be accessed from within.

Arcturians feel very similar to the archangels in frequency. Amoraea showed me their world, the Arcturians are in the purest essence a unified collective. They are of one mind, one heart, one marriage.

Arcturians vibrate at such high frequencies that their bodies have no density. When they appear, it is almost as if their energy is a pure liquid light that takes any shape or form it desires to. Even their world is formed in this way. Dolphins and whales are a sub-species that links up with the Arcturian frequency to assist in healing the waters of our planet. Unlike many of the other races that chose to gather in density and experience physical reality and the duality that comes with this. Arcturians chose to remain in their higher vibratory frequency. Their energy is one of the closest to Source.

When Amoraea was done, I noticed there was a faery behind her. Sambethe was a Sibylline oracle, and she too was another me.

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Sambethe was my Atlantean self, she lived in Malta, and in Crete. She worked in the Temple of Knowledge in Malta and in the Temple of Healing in Crete. As I connected with Sambethe, I immediately received downloads of my life there. I was an oracle of Thoth, I knew him and walked with him. I was married to a wonderful priest named Alistair, we had three beautiful children, Doty, Elijah, and Celeste. Atlantis had twelve crystal temples.

Each of these twelve crystals temples had an Atla Priestly King, a High Priestess, and a Crystal Skull. Many of these temples had initiates such as myself learning to master our psychic energy. The Temple of Healing in Crete was home to the Emerald crystal skull. Lady Sekhmet was the High Priestess. The Temple of Knowledge in Malta was home to the Lapis Lazuli crystal skull. Master Thoth was the Atla Priestly King of that temple.

A picture of me with the ancient crystal skull Max

One of the reasons for the collapse of Atlantis was that many of the disciples of the Atla Priestly King Setesh had twisted and distorted the teachings of the sacred warrior. Setesh taught his disciples to face their fear, master peace by transforming any energies of war that would arise within their heart.

Setesh guarded the Ruby Temple and was responsible for creating technologies similar to HAARP. In the modern age, HAARP is believed to be used to manipulate weather as a weapon, whereas in Atlantis it was used to manage the weather conditions inside of each of the biodomes spread across the planet. After the first collapse of Atlantis, many races time jumped to another timeline. While others took refuge in inner earth.

My photo - commissioned

I met several other aspects of self, such as Valandra the Pleiadean, Noelia from Sirius and Anzo the Lyran. Each one merged with me and I felt stronger, during this reunion I finally met my guides, and some of my dearly departed loved ones. Each one hugged me so tightly and I felt so much love pouring out of their hearts and into mine. I fell into a fetus position and wept deeply. It was a reunion of hearts and a sort of debriefing. I had so much to remember. My galactic family remained with me for several nights and brought me aboard the Athena, an Arcturian-Sirius ship, I even met the crew of the Pegasus and the Ra collective.

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[My painting on canvas of an Arcturian]

During the days that followed, walking around I would see different colored lights dancing in front of me, everything was different now. I came to discover why years later. My future evolved self, fully awake and aware, traded places with my present self, so she could enter a chamber pod and rest. Spiritual circles call this the walk-in experience. Days later, I felt the pull to leave even deeper, I could no longer relate to my past and this created a greater gap between family and friends.

I heard a voice that whispered, be patient a way is being made for you, it won’t be long now.

Weeks later an old acquaintance got in touch with me and presented me with someone that would offer me a way out of New York. His friend was generous enough to send me a ticket to stay with him in Maryland for as long as I needed. I felt deeply in my heart it was time to go. I was able to leave without incident.

Original story authored by @blanca237 - photo sources are mine or from pixabay.

[Meet the Author Blanca Maldonado]


This is cool! Anything that combines steemit and aliens is pretty awesome!! Thanks for the post and great story!

Great story indeed

Thank you very much for writing a longer version and sending it to me right away because now I just resteemed it!

Thank you for sharing this @jerrybanfield this was an amazing story

I am so thrilled you enjoyed it @jerrybanfield and thank you for the opportunity to share one of the most memorable experiences of my awakening.

My dear you deserve to be honoured, it was really captivating , well chronologically arranged.
For me you deserve an award for excellence. Kudos to you @blanca237

Jerry please raise me up, support me please....

Wow you are amazing. Thank you so much for your courage to share this. Your soul and past lives are amazing. I know my soul is originally from Artcurus. I have seen myself as an angel in dreams and I know I have had some past lives here where I accumulated karmic debt. My partner is of Sirian origin and my daughter is of Orions belt. I am so interested in your story. I would love to hear more. The past lives with Thoth and with Isis, to remember them like that must have been incredible. I know I had a past life during the fall of the Aztec empire and I recently had a dream where I went back to an ancient space battle with huge space ships crashing into each other. Sometimes its hard to know what is truth and what is derived from the subconscious but when I saw that scene I was walking through doors and it felt to me they were windows of other lives. Thank you again, I hope life has opened up for you in new beautiful ways. I am sure you still have access to their guidance. Are there any warnings or advice they have for us right now? Your story brought me to tears by the way. Just beautiful.

@janellelanae ... well one of the things that has been shared with me, is that there is a fear of Earth's destruction. Many that have seen Earth's destruction are actually having memories of the first Atlantean timeline that is overlayed with their own subconscious religious fears - (the overlays are also called veils of perception - illusion). As far as advice ... always practice self-love and self-care, follow your highest excitement as much as you can and as often from moment to moment. Love the shadow aspects that arise - it is you seeking the doors of heaven - your heart. Breathe love into every space, place, person and situation. Blessings to you on your journey and thank you so much for reading and leaving a lovely comment.

Thank you very much @blanca237 for writing this second version of this amazing story and submitting it to SWC. I sent a bid to a bot for your upvote.

She did justice to the story...... Quite lengthy but superb

Hi @blanca237, what a fantastic share!

I am sorry I missed @jerrybanfield's prompt for this. I have been super busy with my life but wanted to share some about my supernatural experiences (I have died and returned).

I have had experience with light beings like some of the ones who've been working with you. What a wonderful thing to feel so protected and accepted by the benevolent ones.💘

Hi @intuitivejakob, thank you for reading. I found it so amazing to see the outpouring of people on steemit openly sharing their own spiritual experiences and moments of awakening. I love exploring the multiple facets of consciousness - it is my passion, and it felt good sharing my own experience too.

Wish u knew earlier about the competition, would gladly enter it.....keeping my hand crossed now and anticipating for next contest.
I pray I am fortunate this time around. Happy for you @blanca237

Congrats on being resteemed @blanca237! :)


@futurethinker ... I am doing my happy dance ... thank you for your encouragement and support @promo-mentors.

Wonderful that you took on this challenge. Wishing you well in the competition. Love that we got to see you beautiful face:)

@prydefoltz .... thank you, I'm blushing ... you are too kind (^_^)

Good post friends

Great story and @jerrybanfield appreciate you for resteeming the post mate.

Great story

One of the things that's really different on Facebook, is that Facebook posts rarely are about Facebook itself. However, here on Steemit a very large portion of the posts is about Steemit itself.

On one hand this seems necessary for the platform isn't really self-explanatory yet. On the other hand it also seems very 'evangelical' to the normies.

Maybe we need more simple and fun content here on Steemit to make normies feel welcome, I think.

Yes Yes very good very seductive motifasi make Steemit else

Wow @jerrybanfield amazing, i agree with you @blanca237

Great introduction.

Been able to write this kind of article really takes high intuition.
This is great.......yiu really did justice to this, Your version is awesome.
Lovely write up dear.