Man oh man, I sure to closely connect with these experiences you speak of. I still have 7g of cubensis that I got two years ago. I haven’t felt the need I partake since then, but it’s not always easy to find/grow them so I thought why not stockpile. I also have these raw cacao chocolate microdose bites that are great for a mini-ride that doesn’t last so long but still takes you deeper than normal. My strongest experiences yet was the time I ate 5g by myself in a dark basement and didn’t leave the entire 6 hours. So much was uncovered to me then.
I know what you mean when you see beauty radiate from things at a much higher degree than usual. I saw this with my 2 Persian cats, an old girlfriend, and even myself. Don’t even get me started on the time I was with that old girlfriend I spoke of and we couldn’t stop reading each other’s minds. It was eye-opening to say the least.
There is so much more that that I could say, however I will quote you “This is beyond anything I could ever explain in our limited human language.“ 🍄
Woah yeah I've never felt the desire to go through 5g lol. 2g was enough for me to shed the skin of a lot of what I thought life was. I haven't felt the need to try again but maybe some day I might. For now I'm focused on mindfulness and meditation. Just really being a good person no matter what I face. I still have been through struggles but it's knowing everything will be ok, this is just a ride that keeps me up beat and just trying to find joy in every single moment.
Even thinking back to it now brings a smile to my face! I have heard Dennis McKenna talk about his and Terrence's telepathic experiences. Such a shame the powers that be have led society to believing these medicines are of no value and we should shun and lock up anyone who partakes in them. Stay cool man :)
The only other experience I have had that was more profound was smoking DMT. I hope to one day go to an ayahuasca ceremony. Besides that I have gained so much insight already that it has allowed me to stay afloat in pretty much every situation life throws towards me.
I would like to do DMT one day. I believe if it's meant to be then it will find me. Otherwise I will just continue the challenging but unaided path of self-realisation. Whatever happens, happens :)