As an animal communicator where do I start? Supernatural experiences, or out of the ordinary experiences are the norm in my life. I have also had a few past life regressions (I am a hypnotist also) so have plenty of stories to tell. But there is one that stands out for me the most. The story of how I came to adopt my mare, Miss Saskia.
In the winter of 2014 a friend of mine asked me to come and visit her horses at a ranch. Naturally, I agreed with delight! When I arrived we visited all the horses. I did impromptu sessions for each horse. Then I came to the stall of this beautiful bay mare. Her name was Katsatka. She was an off the track thoroughbred and had been match raced in Mexico. She was rescued from a feedlot. She was also pregnant at the time of rescue. She was lucky to get out of the feedlot alive as this is the last port of call before horses are loaded for the slaughter house. This is not uncommon for race horses that are injured or do not make enough money. She was, indeed, a lucky one.
When I saw her and connected to her she was in despair, internally. She was thin for her height and said she felt anxious and was grieving. She had lost her foal after being rescued and with that she had lost her heart. I asked her about her foal and she did not want to talk about it. She put a brick wall up between us energetically so that I could not receive any more information on the topic. She told me she would let me feel what it was like to have a foal in my tummy but that was all. The trauma was too great. It saddened me greatly to see her so distressed.
Weeks later.....I thought about Katsatka often and wondered how she was. I connected to her and she would show me a picture of her eating hay. My friend kept me updated on her progress. She was looking to be adopted but no one really connected to her. She could not find a human that would give her what she needed. This I knew created more of the familiar feelings of abandonment and loss that was entangled in her despair.
Three months later I was sitting at my computer browsing when I heard a very directive tone in my head. I was to visit the ranch tomorrow by myself. I dismissed this message over and over again. Why would I want to go to the ranch again without being invited. But the message was on a loop, it was persistent and was directive. I was to visit the ranch tomorrow. I turned to my partner and said I need to go to that ranch again tomorrow. I called my friend and asked if it was possible for me to go on my own and just be with the horses. It was arranged!
The next day I traveled the 45mins from my home to the ranch and visited all the horses in their stalls one by one. They all greeted and they all said they knew why I was there. I thought this was amusing because I was there to visit them that is all. I arrived at Katsatka's stall and she came over to greet me. She turned her body and presented me her butt - she wanted me to give her a good scratch. I got a chair and we spent a few hours in each others company. Peaceful. Blissful.
Then I asked her if I could join her in her stall. She agreed. I hopped over the fence and there we were together. She came to me and began to sniff me from head to toe. She was moving in circles around me and she told me that I am her human and she imprinted me energetically. The picture she showed me was of blue light spiraling around my body. She repeated 'you are my human and we are to be together'. I told her that I was not sure because I was not going to adopt a horse at this time. She repeated her message and her voice became louder in my head. I told her I would visit her the next day.
This was our first picture together. I sent this to the rescue and they were shocked. They told me that she had never been happy with ears forward for a long time:-
As the days went by, I could not get Kat out of my head and heart. It felt like I had been hit by cupid's arrow and being with her was all I could think about. I went to see her every afternoon and did the 45min journey to and from the ranch to see her. We spent hours just being with each other and I asked her if she wanted to be ridden and she ran to the far end of the stall, looked at me and said no. I told her if she is with me I will honor this. I was thinking about it. This horse had wiggled her way into my heart. She was in my heart.
When I was away from the ranch I would feel her connecting to me. She would send me what felt like psychic balls of information. I would hear them in my head before they arrived (sounded like a swooshing) and she would send them to my heart. It would jolt me into the heart space where I had to listen to what she was saying. The message was on repeat, "you are my human and we are to be together. Do not forget me. You are my human. I imprinted you". Each day I received this message and each afternoon I went to visit this beautiful mare.
One month past and every day we had wonderful conversations about being horse and what she really wanted in life. She wanted to be cherished. She wanted to be understood on her terms and most of all she wanted to be loved without condition. The ranch owner told me there was someone coming to see her from the Polo club and they were considering her as a polo pony. I knew this was not right for her. I knew she didn't want to be ridden. I knew it would cause her to crumble under the pressure. It was all too much. I went home and that night I decided to adopt her if the rescue agreed.
One month later we adopted each other officially!
I asked her if she wanted to keep her name of Katsatka. She told me that was not her name, her name was Miss Saskia. I told her I had not heard of that name. She repeated it was her name. So we changed her name and I found out this name means "Valley of Light".
When I got her evaluated by a vet, she was thin and needed fattening up. After a few weeks we were together she really started to let her emotions show. She was depressed and a flood of anxiety would bring her to a state of despair. She had PTSD like symptoms.
Here is her picture when I adopted her. You can see her depressive state:-
To help her through her traumas I did a full animal communication asking her to show me pictures of all the events that were traumatic in her life. What she showed me was heart breaking. She was separated from her mother at a very young age (a few weeks old) and put with 2 other foals and a very large mare (draft). The draft mare was acting as a nurse mare. Her foal had been taken away from her after a few days and discarded (at that time I had no idea about this practice but it is common in the thoroughbred breeding world. The thoroughbred foals are more valuable and the TB mare who just gave birth can be rebred in a short time. So the nurse mare foal is thrown away, so the cycle can continue for profit). She showed me how she was beaten, how she was man handled and was hit regularly across her face (they cracked her skull leaving a scar).
Using this communication I sent it to an accomplished homeopath to help clear these traumas. It took us two years to go through each and every one of them to clear them.
In the mean time we moved to a new ranch and she has a paddock next to her friends. She lives on a road named Valle del Sol - translated it, it means "Valley of Sun/Light!" No coincidence.
It is because of this mare and what she showed me that my research project for my Clinical Psychology PhD focuses on PTSD in Equines.
This is what my beauty looks like now, a totally different being. The most amazing and beautiful being I know:-
Us together!
Here is another article I wrote about animal communication for those who are interested:
wow so silky I would love to ride it?
She is very shiny! She has an excellent diet with no packaged feed. Anything packaged for horses I keep away from. No riding!
Wow, I read this thru and it made me cry. She is so beautiful.....I look at pictures of animals and I sense things from them. It's been happening alittle more lately. She made you her person, she smelled you to understand if it was true, like validation. Animals smell often to detect things.
I am SO glad you listened to her. I'm so glad you are together. I myself, to be honest, feel like Miss Saskia much of the time. I have lost alot in the past 2-3 years and this was very heart-warming to see that she found a place to rest her weary emotions and be free. Thankyou for your story....
@grasswind - it is your post that brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for your comment. Animals do. She often smells people's bodies where they need support or there is a problem. She is very emphatic and tells them there is a problem they need to work on. She picks it immediately. She was definitely checking me out physically, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. She was very focused and she could not believe her luck. It felt like she was feeling that 'this is the jackpot and I cannot let this go. The human arrived!'
I am glad too that we are together. She told me her purpose in this lifetime is partly to help me to grow. I am here to nurture and give her what she needs as best I can and most of all to protect her from the human mind (projections and any abuse). I have had to protect her many times from the beliefs of the horse world.
I did a communication with a horse that was abused and died recently (it was the hardest thing for me to do) and I asked her what I can do to help horses. She said to teach them to walk with horses side by side and to set the horse mind free something that horse world does not understand. Through Saskie we are showing this to the world.
May you find a space of peace and the ability to renew, reinvent and bring the nourishment you need.
Thankyou and I followed you. I have a hard time dealing with animal abuse and all the pain...It's immoral and we have obligation to treat animals well. There was a guy that was on the show, Coast to Coast AM, that remembers his past life as a horse. The things he said were amazing! If I can find a link to it I'll post it in your comment section here.....
Ah, well there was a couple of interviews and I don't recall which one I listened to, he's a guy that thinks he's a horse in a human body, but by the way he talks, it's clear he's a human reincarnate of a previous horse. What fascinated me about it was the amount of info he had, how they greet eachother, what the various things they do means and so forth. Anyhoo, here's the link,
Thanks that is great! My cat was a dog previously and she love dogs and really dislikes cats. She is very dog like but as the years have gone by she is becoming more accustomed to her feline form. She goes for walks with me on her leash. She sits, runs, slows down, lies down and runs home on command. She is adorable.
I agree with you re animal abuse. There are so many forms of it from physical, mental and emotional, to those who smother their animals, over feed them, feed them inappropriate species diet, over supplement them - these are all forms of abuse in my view.
I will listen to the interview.
Horses are very subtle and yet very good at communicating with each other. I recently found a book I love called Horse Speak - it details some of their mannerisms and also another one on Calming Signals from horses. Much of what humans think they know about horses is incorrect most especially in the equestrian circles and the way they use behavioral techniques that essentially shut the horse mind down.
Humans have alot of notions about not just horses, but other humans as well. I think that everyone has to be re-educated about almost everything! Well, there's just ignorance and then there is torture and they are different in that one is just unknowledgeable and that's most people, but the other....well...needs to end.
A nice story.
You were able to go through the horse's past experiences and clear them? Truly amazing work.
This is a beautiful story, horses are amazing animals. Thank you for submitting your story to SWC. I just sent a bid for your upvote.
Thank you! Horses are absolutely amazing. Animals are honest reflections for humans. 😀
Yes that really a nice story there. Nice horse there. Also posted for my entry
Oh she really is a beauty!
It makes me smile to know she's found 'her human' and you've made the effort to connect with her.
What a wonderful story!
Thank you! Me too! She chose me! We just went for a walk together! She is so loved. She found the jackpot ha ha ha ha
I'm so touched by this story! I've been around horses my whole life, and the power they have to touch our intuition and communicate with our hearts is breathtaking. The racing industry is indeed barbaric. Not all horse racing owners are bad of course, but unless they're already wealthy, the horses are usually just a meal ticket and discarded once they can't generate income.
I'm so happy you let this horse into your life, and I can see the spark and confidence back in her eyes in the last 2 pics. Where did you study for your PhD? That is such a great speciality to have, and so valuable for horses/horse owners out there.
Thank you! Horses are so expressive and are ready to talk to all who listen. I agree with you the racing industry is appalling. Of course there are those that look after their horses. The terrible mental, emotional and physical scars they bare is a great sadness to me. I see many shut down horses (who are athletes). Yes they are considered tools whose purpose is to give pleasure and profit even if it means sacrificing themselves.
Saskie is my Soul Horse. Yes she is truly such a gorgrous being inside and out.
I am still completing my PhD. At the California Institute for Human Science. I am developing a technique and questionnaire to determine PTSD in equines and will extend to other animals. Indeed, in the horse world old beliefs die hard so I want to use this to change how horses are viewed.
Oh my, what a beautiful story. Thank you so much for sharing it. The world needs stories with this level of compassion and understanding. May the day come when all creatures are given the understanding they deserve.
Thank you! Yes I agree we need more understanding and compassion for all creatures.
Thank you for sharing your journey with Miss Saskia here with us! My mom is a vet with a huge heart for horses and this is the first Steem post I have ever shared with her because I think she will love it too!
Hello @jerrybanfield Have you read my story?
Oh thank you so much @jerrybanfield! I am so pleased you enjoyed this journey. She is a mascot for all race horses and other throw away horses. She is an example that they are not throw away at all and she has become the most amazing horse. She is now very outgoing and expressive. I hope your Mom enjoys it too! :)
Very Interesting Article thanks for sharing love
this is an amazing experience @whitedolphin you are really amazing You are never afraid of the heat of the sun that makes your face so moist
Nicepic!! And your feed is really well done....keep it up.
Thank you! This feedback means a lot to me. 😀
Wow......... Cute horse......
I which I got one for my self
A fun playmate
A most beautiful girl. And yes we have great fun together. We adore each other.
nice we have the same hobby. if you do not mind please follow me to share the imformation.
thank you
Amazing pots my friend @whitedolphin
ucky you are in place Close to a variety of wild animals. In my country, there is a National Park Called gunung leuser National Park. In leuser ecosystem lived a great variety of flora and fauna.
Thank you. Yes I know rhe Leuser ecosystem.
Hello, I love your publication would you like to help me with the project that enperte to address I love animals and I want to help you, greetings and vote and I'll be still waiting for your support and spread the word.
Thank you good friends for visiting my blog
Thanks for the great post!
Thank you!
wow what a wonderful experience. Whitedolphin, I enjoy your story.
Thank you. I am glad you enjoyed it.
You are welcome.
@whitedolphin It's my first time reading a human to animal communication relationship post.
It is not as easy as it seems. It is not a trick either. It's a state of being. No it is not like the movies. :)
Thanks for sharing your story @whitedolphin. Kat seems great!
Thanks. Miss Saskie is amazing!
Horses are very lucky, I was very fond of horses. More happy again if I could take care of the horse. I'll take care of him with affection.
it is a touching story ... the feeling of a horse that can touch your heart and your glory make it extraordinary
Thanks for sharing this inspiring story. She looks like a different horse now! It's great to hear more people speaking out against how they treat race horses.
Thank you! Yes it is time for the racing industry to take responsibility for their appalling actions towards race horses. Saskie is teaching humanity about this. This is her purpose.
Miss saskia!! Name matches the horse. Great experience, thanks to share!
Thanks. It really does.
What a heartbreaking story with a beautiful ending. Thank you for the great read!
Thank you. It was difficult for me to see the trauma events to be honest. I did shed many tears for this horse being. But look at her now - she is alive and is very content indeed. A beautiful story still continues.....:)
Interesting story :) Cool!
What a wonderful story! And, just because it is based on communication in ways that are highly unordinary, yet clearly real and helpful, I find it even more exciting. This is exactly where everyone needs to expand their abilities.
Thank you! Saskie is the mascot for animal communication! It really is very exciting indeed. I too feel that humans are to develop these latent abilities. :)
Lovely write up, communicating with animals must feel so good, wanna learn that someday.
Thank you. There are times when it is so much fun - animals have attitude and a sense of humor. But there are times that it is very difficult when trauma is involved. Animals have great wisdom!
I like this
ow this great horse
Your article is pretty good. Thanks for showing the
poor horse so much love. Did you get to find out what happened to the pregnancy as you skipped that in your article. My guess is that it didnt survive?
She lost her foal - it was stillborn. She grieved for a long time for that foal.
Wow super😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Such a touching story, well written/told ;)
Thank you!
There will come a time when humankind will be humane to every being that breathes.
This is my hope!
Question - do you find that horses enjoy being ridden? As a vegan (which you may be as well!), the community believes that horseback riding exploits the horse. What are your thoughts on this?@whitedolphin As a child and even as an adult, I always wished for the gift that you have. I have always had a close bond with all animals. It's great that you accepted that gift and shifted into that role!
Thank you! Yes I used to have wild birds in my hands when I was 2 years old and living in Africa. Only about 10% of horses have told me they like to be ridden. The majority of the horses do not like to be ridden. It does exploit the horse. Foremost the bit in the mouth is painful. This is why they chew the bit. Also their spines have not been designed to hold weight. Their design is more suited to draught work. But ultimately they are herd animals that want to be out in the open fields with their friends and eat for 20hrs a day. Unfortunately, humans close them up in 12x12 cells, separated from their conspecifics, force them into 'work' (whether it is riding or making them run around in a circle), use behavioral techniques that are based on creating fear in the animal so they will submit. These are all ways of exploiting the horse for the purpose of human pleasure. I have seen many shut down horses. The ones who are equestrian athletes (jumpers, racers etc) are most affected - drugs are the norm (my Saskie was given meth to make her go faster), there is no connection with their rider usually because they are just a tool despite being sentient beings. As you can see it is not a wonderful experience for the horse at all. Saskie has nothing to worry about. She will not be ridden as per her request and she has 24/7 hay (as trickle feeders they need hay in front of them all the time) and no one is chasing her in a round pen to make her submit to them. She comes to go for walks of her own accord and loves to follow me around everywhere.
@whitedolphin Thank you so much for your response, I really appreciate your gifts :)
Waoow so lovely i really do care for a ride... Never in my life have i rode on a horse but i wish to someday..she looks really healthy and beautiful too
First of all I want to tell you how honored I am to have the opportunity to be writing a comment here, in your Post. The great work you have done with Miss Saskia is sooo heartwarming. But even beyond that, the very fact that you are an Animal Communicator is a miracle in itself for someone like me.
Bless You and Yours for your commitment and Unconditional Love. YOU HAVE SHOWN WHAT IS POSSIBLE, AND WHAT LIES WITHIN US ALL.
In one of your comments you say that Miss Saskia said her purpose in this lifetime is partly to help you grow. She has indeed done that by moving on. She has definitely shown us all that true forgiveness is possible and the sheer Power of Forgiveness and Blessing those who have hurt us the most. She is soooo beautiful now. Her story has definitely shaken me and my reality.
Also I must add that this is my very first comment on Steemit and I have still not made any posts. I now know what my first post is going to be about. (it is indeed going to be about Love and Forgiveness)
I want to follow you so I am going to add you as my very first Steemian to follow. Blessings and Love to You and Miss Saskia. Thank you so much for sharing your story. Also a big Thank you to beloved Jerry @jerrybanfield for opening this space for us all by having this competition.
@gabbingster - Thank you so very much for your comment on our story. Miss Saskie is indeed a wonderful being - she changes the minds and life of those she meets. She seems to know exactly what to do and what is needed. A special girl. I feel so privileged to be her guardian for this is what I am. I am her protector against a world that often fails to see her. She chose well. At the same time it has meant that I have to stand up like a tall poppy sometimes and most especially in front of those who would prefer to cut me down. Animal communication is real. And yes there are those that are charlatans. Indeed, those I have done communications for refer many and they all say the same thing "she is the real deal". I am honored and privileged to share what animals feel, think and their reality. There is a sacredness about this work that is wonderful. It is part of my purpose and is what makes me feel alive. AND YES IT IS POSSIBLE WITHIN ALL OF US. It is a matter of connecting to nature in a way that we can hear her whispers and forget our projections of what we think we know about animals, the world and even ourselves. The ability to receive and listen is a key factor - it is also the hardest one. I am looking forward to reading your post on love and forgiveness. We need more of that in the world. Miss Saskia is a beautiful being of great light. Indeed a valley of light. :)
Great post, I love horses ! Thanks for sharing your experience
Thank you for reading and commenting!