I have watched 40 minutes of it. I had to stop because it seems he is just making up stuff and not even giving proper references to justify his interpretations.
I understand when it comes to prophecies there are some interpretations and connecting dots maybe needed. But that needs to be done responsibly with proper citing why he is interpreting things that way. He is also talking to his audience as if he is revealing some secrets only he knows, and everybody else got it wrong for thousands of years.
Here are my highlights:
In minute 13, he makes a claim that every Muslim believe in the coming of Mahdi who rules the world for 7 years and kills all jews. No reference where he got it from. He is expecting everybody just to trust his words. Irresponsible, and probably incorrect claim.
He is giving references to the Bible and which verses he is attempting to interpret. However, he is failing to give references to why he is interpreting that way. Gold and silver he says are Iraq and Iran. Why? They can be any place in space and time.
He interprets animals to Muslim majority countries as well. When he starts interpreting "Bear", the audience suggests Russia. He says no it is Iran. Wait what? It seems Russia didn't fit his agenda there.
When it comes to interpreting countries, he is doing the same thing. Attaching certain countries to fit his narrative, with no reasonable explanation. Not only countries manipulated based on geographic location, but also time. For example, he uses Byzantium, Roman Empire, Ottoman Empire in various place and uses when it only fits his interpretation.
He is saying Jesus will come back to destroys Muslim countries he named based on his interpretations. Hmmm, Jesus a destroyer or countries/people? Don't think so. Quite the opposite, in my opinion.
He is using Muslim countries to represent Islam. Big scholarly mistake (if he is a scholar that is) to use countries as a reference to any religion. Iran, Irak, Saudi Arabia, etc are not Islam and vice versa. Applies to any religion.
Problems, conflicts, wars throughout history were not due to religions, but rather politics and political/geopolitical interests. Politics and politicians(monarchs, rulers, regimes, etc) use ideas, ideologies, religions to server their purpose. Not knowing which is what actually causes bigger dangers. He seems to be mixing up them to make his point.
If at any point in the video he is making a convincing or strong argument with proper sourcing, I will be happy to look at it again.
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