As San Diego was so fruitful… photo notes for in-person story trading mode not the only thing ACTIVATED this trip.
Buckle up, family.
We visited old haunts to discuss Spirit.
We traveled in a pack.
Mister America is ready to accept his lightning hands.
We CROSSed paths with a new brother on a boardwalk.
We talked about what really matters.
There was God’s love completion and force multiplications.
We spoke of the church and mockingbird and expensive buildings.
Who is my family but those who will never stop?
Cult[ure] looks down.
An angel, grifter, and a couple kids on a bike.
Photographed here with Revelation Jesus.
No flying monkeys or fallen angels in this tie-down comm.
We met an angel of mercy who brought comfort, gifts, and the COOLEST sounds in her gong shed!
We went to a high place on a mountain with a hidden wizard seeking force multiplication. The list won’t complete but before we got cut short by circumstance ($500 a night for hotel room?!?) we spoke of Flowstate, vaccines, Spirit, quantum artificial intelligence, driving off mountains and first deaths, SAFIRE energy and what is meta tauta, a lot of the same stuff @frankbacon talked about on THAT high place encounter, and so much more you should check out on Blurt where Garro’s flow state is smooth as a skatepark with Spirit of Ralph.
We cried some.
We cleared our minds. We heeled.
Sometimes we had no place to lay our heads.
We spoke of martyrs past and present.
And the meta tautas.
Would the super cool and supportive owner of this machine really hand the keys to Luke just days after I exposed him to Top Gun : Maverick spellcraft?
YES! He did that. Wow.
What a nice car, Sir.
(In person story mode definitely still active!)
We did a little ‘stalking’ as we have been accused of before.
We considered all the angles.
We delivered a message directly to Nathan Fletcher. And his quantum entanglement.
Welcome to the nightmare circus, Nathan.
Repent. Your QE will be so much easier.
Same advice to the mockingbird employee in this van when Truth Or Bust came through like a Quantum Entanglement ice cream truck throwing free popsicles at people.
We prepared for briefings to come.
We cleared our minds some more. And sealed.
He who is in my brother Luke…
When a fight to the finish is just the beginning.
None of you will ever be alone again.
For some, acceptance is optional.
For others, He requires it.
Ears to hear activated.
Peace and blessings, San Diego.
I will miss some of you until I return.
It truly never stops.
What happened to Woody?
The stories this girl and I won’t even try to tell!
Peace and Power.
I have yet to convey to Mike & Luke 1/2 the Love & Gratefulness I owe them and Audra for giving me the courage to find my voice in a difficult war of information & subversion.
I have been receiving consistent daily QE_nudges that have brought me to tears of Joy & Ectasis repeatedly and it has shown me how my path has always been connected through music, so it was only poetically Quantum Entangled with so many of my favorite artists...
Perhaps these first 2 MUSIC_VIDEOS can be a type of SOFT_DISCLOSURE of some information that may be difficult for some to accept... no matter how AWAKE they think they are... San Diego / Ventura Mini Recap and Update - with Mike from Truth or Bust
Mike said that he wanted to join us on BLURT, but I for one am grateful that he still knows his HIVE keys! This Blockchain started with STEEM, BEFORE the Q Movement, in 2016. Now thanks to you and Mike, you've validated the whole point in starting THIS in the first place.

Glad to have you here Bruv 🤬🥓
hive.d late...