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RE: Walid Shoebat Talks About The Dangers of Islam

in #jesus6 years ago

you are absolutely right PT
funny christians say fuck ISIS and they are saying fuck jesus poor ignorant souls
and jesus has absolutely nothing to do with what dirty islam and christianity has turned into
the leaders of each religion should be castrated and put out to pasture
its so nice to see that some know that islam does put jesus in high regard
all the religions came from one and we all want to kill each other
what a bloody joke
have a wonderful day sir


Above you will see the result of inbreeding.

Look at the ramblings above and let that be a warning to you!

DON'T FUCK FAMILY MEMBERS, THIS IS THE TYPE OF RETARDATION YOU WILL END UP WITH!!That's right, @nickgrujic's mother fucked her brother and @nickgrujic was the result.