I Want To Be Rich Beyond Anything...

in #jesus5 years ago

My Lord:

I desire to be rich indeed, to have it all, to seek it diligently. Christ is the treasure, upon the course set before me, I will pickup all the equity I can find. I will take every little nugget I come across and keep it safe. I will not allow it to depart from me, I will not allow others to carry it for me, I will do the work and I will be filled along the Way.

Proverbs 1:3, " To receive the instruction of wisdom, justice, and judgment, and equity; "

A Path defined, equity defined surprised me. Equity that I have stored up in my home. Riches, true wealth that will stagger, how can this be? But by God, there can it be by no other. Have I said God is good? Truly good beyond all measure, for there is no measure by the understanding of any man. But God open thine heart, thine mind and let one see, it can not be understood, ever, by the wisdom of man.

Here is value that can not be understood but ones heart and mind be opened to see and hear. It can not be comprehended by the blind and the deaf that such riches can be possessed. To have the Truth opened up before you, to be able to see the Truth, hear the Truth and know the lies of the enemies that surround upon all sides.

Assets, capital, fortune, means, opulence, substance, wherewithal, worth, yea Lord equity, in the Wisdom of God Almighty, Knowledge of the Lord God Almighty, Understanding of the One True Living God. To know without question God is, to know without doubt what truly lies before us all. To know the fairy tales of man and the Truth of God.

Luke 24:45, " Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures, "

With all that I am, all that I ever could be, I yearn deep within my soul, I cry out, I desire nothing more than the Truth. To again be in the presence of the Lord, to be free of all the foolishness offered by the so called professed and their commandments and traditions that God abhors. A people who have learned the way of the heathen, who have inquired of them to learn how they worship their gods and do likewise and do not even take a moment to consider the Truth. To regard the warning of The Lord and to turn from the very things God hates. My insides are burn for the Spirit of the Lord within me. O Lord keep me, whom have I? Whom is in heaven that I have but Thee O Lord. When in the presence of the Lord my heart burned for Him. How this world and all the darkness in it smothers, murders, kills, steals and destroys. May the firs kindled never go out, fight the good fight of true faith, faithfulness, fidelity, monogamy and obedience unto death. May I always show forth Christ in Life or in death, enduring unto the end. May I stand and fight and the Lord open unto me all that I need to move not a step. Tear it all down, not a single stone left standing, God give me strength Amen.

Luke 24:32, " And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures? "


Colossians 4:3, " Withal praying also for us, that God would open unto us a door of utterance, to speak the mystery of Christ, for which I am also in bonds: "


Acts 26:18, " To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me. "


Ephesians 6:19, " And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel, "

Equity, a great door opened that bears EFFECTUALNESS, ability, despite what they ALL say, all the liars who think they know the Truth but show forth the inability and praise the inability as to make Christ enough for them in sin. How foul must a mind be to imagine such a thing. That through sin they some how make Christ needed. What a sad state to find oneself. What truly making Christ enough? Those who love Him and obey Him, showing forth a True witness, showing forth the power of the Spirit, the ability, the effectual operation of truly loving Him and obeying. They who truly have heard and speak what they heard, who do so constantly for what else is there worthy? This makes Christ enough, this makes Christ needed. For it is by Him, His example that we walk in.

1 Corinthians 16:9, " For a great door and effectual is opened unto me, and there are many adversaries. "


Acts 16:14, " And a certain woman named Lydia, a seller of purple, of the city of Thyatira, which worshipped God, heard us: whose heart the Lord opened, that she attended unto the things which were spoken of Paul. "

EQ'UITY, noun [Latin oequitas, from oequus, equal, even, level.]

  1. Justice; right. In practice, equity is the impartial distribution of justice, or the doing that to another which the laws of God and man, and of reason, give him a right to claim. It is the treating of a person according to justice and reason.

MORAL FORTITUDE!!! Is what I hear, equity, to have the riches of God, the ability to judge, not abhor judgement like so many love to do, but to love it, yearn for it, fight for it, strive to be just, love mercy and walk humbly with God. Yea, riches that no money could ever buy, no jewels, no silver, no gold, no nothing but the Love of the Truth, the heart felt desire, true equity built up in ones home. The man that builds upon the foundation that is Christ and His disciples. The tabernacle of God, is filled with treasures that man can not fathom. Men pant in the dirt for gold, for men to lock away in safe, and vaults, worthless by every TRUE measure. Yet the effort for the riches of God is where? All know the answer to this already. The flesh dies for the love of the world, to sift dirt. The Spirit yearns for the Truth, to seek out what angels yearn to know. I will inquire of Thee O Lord, I desire Thee O Lord. I will stand here and wait upon Thee O Lord. When Thou givest I will be standing here watching for it, ready to open unto it. What Thou givest I will never let it go, never set it down, it will not fall to the ground. The Words of God can never fall, God will not allow it. It is true always, faithful forever, endures all things, it has been tried and it can not be weighed. O' praise ye the Lord, from this day and forever.

Hebrew - H4339
Word: מֵישָׁר
Transliteration: mêyshâr
Phonetic: may-shawr'
Part of Speech: Noun Masculine
Definition: evenness, uprightness, straightness, equity, evenness, level, smoothness, uprightness, equity, rightly (as adv)...

Again, I was told that the Lord DID NOT COME TO MORALLY REFORM ANYONE! Every time I think of this lost soul, I can not believe the emptiness of the well. The poor indeed, this is truly what poverty is, the absolute definition of poverty, destitute of anything of value, not one morsel to bring to ones mouth to eat, to feed the Spirit and not the flesh.

Riches, equity - Morals

morals (n.)1610s, "a person's moral qualities," plural of moral (n.). Meaning "conduct, behavior, course of life in regard to right and wrong,"

Equity - It is the treating of a person according to justice and reason, to be just one must have morals, to judge with righteous judgement one must have morals, to be rich is to have morals, to be just is a moral, to love mercy is a moral, to walk humbly with God is to be morally upright, taught through the Holy Ghost, the very Spirit of God, who did come to REPROVE US ALL OF SIN, as written and so it is without question a fact that wickedness bears falsely against. The false witness is easy to spot, to hear. The more you walk in the Truth, the stronger ye become, the more equity is built up. Whom is built up? They who REGARD the Truth and are doers of it. In this ye are blessed indeed. No buts, no provisions, no excuses, just the facts. Nothing to dispute, just the Truth. There is no debate, it is not debatable, it matters not what they say or do, the Truth stands fast and can not be moved, ever! Praise ye the Lord for it Amen.

A list of nuggets of treasure found by anyone who Truly walks upon the Path to Life. Found in simply defining the Path by definition as told to me. I oft wonder about that, being told to define the Path by definition. A little nugget of treasure that I needed, an simple increase, but beautiful beyond measure. Who gives the increase? The Lord God Almighty giveth the increase.

To receive the treasure I desire I will need all the wisdom I can carry all the justice and all the judgement. To be just, love mercy and walk humbly with God Almighty. To put in the effort required of "anyone" who desires the equity of God. To do works worthy of repentance, to show myself approved. To be meet/worthy for the Masters use. Affirming constantly am I in the faith that works by love and is proven by deeds?

Psalms 98:9, " Before the LORD; for he cometh to judge the earth: with righteousness shall he judge the world, and the people with equity. "

With righteous judgement, with equity, moral uprightness. Put ye on the mind of Christ it is written. Here is the mind that will judge us all. Judge me O Lord, yea Lord judge me, search me and now, while there is time to work out my own salvation with fear and trembling, that I may be perfect in the Day of the Lord, a dark and terrible day. May I be clear in the matter, ready, waiting, watching for You O Lord, able to LOVE THY APPEARING, not begging to be hidden under rocks. For all the Ways of the Lord are JUDGEMENT!

Deuteronomy 32:4, " He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he. "

The instruction, teaching of WISDOM IS WHAT? Justice, JUDGEMENT and EQUITY.

Riches? Yea Lord, riches...

Proverbs 1:3, " To receive the instruction of wisdom, justice, and judgment, and equity; "

Uprightly - marked by strong moral rectitude!!!!!!!!!!

Proverbs 2:7, " He layeth up sound wisdom for the righteous: he is a buckler to them that walk uprightly. "

Then shalt thou understand RIGHTEOUSNESS, and JUDGEMENT and EQUITY, yea, EVERY GOOD PATH!!!

Proverbs 2:9, " Then shalt thou understand righteousness, and judgment, and equity; yea, every good path. "

The riches of God Almighty, He is a buckler to them that WALK UPRIGHTLY, they that have morals. The increase of God Almighty is the very thing they who think they are in the service of God have not. Teaching you have no need of, or are not even corrected of, by the Lord Himself. They deny the very riches of the Lord, not only to themselves but to anyone searching for the riches of God. They are empty wells, devoid of life and many follow them into the same pit of hell, poverty, completely devoid of Truth!

Get ye riches and then shalt thou understand!!!! Get ye wisdom, labour, strive, fight, war, battle, do all one is able with the measure given, and increase the Lord.

The course is set, am I willing to acknowledge it truthfully, the whole of it? What is required? Will I count the cost? Will I be honest and not change the Truth to suit my own flesh? Do I really want to be rich without measure? Can I really bear the Truth? Do I really want to be a soldier? Do I really want to go to war and fight the good fight of true faith, faithful obedience? Will I define the Path and be able to always give an answer? Will I not be a respecter of any one persons person? Will I be willing to utterly slay them all, man, women and child? Will I bring my body into subjection? Will I remove first that beam from my own eye? Will I love judgement? Will I love righteousness? Will I love godliness? Will I love piety? Will I love uprightness? Will I love the beauty of God, holiness? Will I be monogamous? Will I have fidelity? Will I be faithful unto death even? Will faithfulness ever (to not leave me) be in me, my hearts desire? Will I stand fast and not be moved? Will I glory in the fellowship of sufferings, infirmities, afflictions, trials, tests, tribulation, persecutions? No matter the state I find myself will I praise the Lord and be content with what I have? Will I be able to pay the cost, all ones heart, mind, body, soul, might? Will I stand in the Gate and show them their sins. Will I set my hands to the plough/plow and not remove my hands from the work of it? Will I study to be approved? Will I prove my love? Will I obey from the heart? Will I make no provisions to fulfill the lust? Will I make no excuses? Will I tear down all strongholds that man has built up to believe such filthy ideas of sin nature, born to sin, all paid for me, all done for me, all obeyed for me? Will I mortify the members of my body? Will I mark them that walk not according to that which I have been taught? Will I be willing to depart from them that live in error, regardless of whom they are? Will I resist unto blood even? Will I bridle my tongue? Will bring my body into subjection and rule over it? Will I always acknowledge the Spirit of Power given by God and never fall for the forever sinner, can not keep anything, always going to fail merchandise sold by the so called professed? Will I run the race faithfully, enduring it all unto the end? Will I chase, race, run, strive, fight, dig deep, work it out with fear and trembling. Will I be meet/worthy for the Masters use? Will I demand perfection above it all? Do I really want it, "willing" to prove it by ones deeds.

Do I really want moral fortitude, uprightness, to truly be peculiar, the opposite of this world and them of it? Do I really want to judge righteously and be judged? Do I truly want to be rich?

There are more things to count, this list could easily be longer.

Again, "whosoever" is what? Willing to come, by what? FREEWILL, CHOICE! For all who are willing to come to Christ and follow HIM, not the foolishness of so called churches or denominations of men, teaching the commandments of men and the traditions of men handed down, the stench of easter and good friday, of christmas, the foul order of sin nature, born to sin, the vanity of vain imaginations, creations of man and traditions handed down. Whosoever will by freewill choose to follow Christ is what? Freely choosing to "do" something. It is always the same answer, obey, obedience, for faith is in fact obedience, as if believing. You either obey what you have faith in or you can not have faith in that thing. You either obey what you believe in or you do not believe in what you profess to believe. It is not hard, it is not difficult, it is not debatable. Faithful obedience, doing! They who willingly come and obey are likened to what? Someone who is doing, WORKING! For all are judged by their WORKS of FAITH, no by some imaginary faith alone invention of the flesh, but the Law of Faith all that is written inside of it.

Remember, it is all just for fun, for the kids, no harm, no foul, no big deal, it not hurting anyone.

Jeremiah 10:2, " Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. "

Deuteronomy 12:29, " When the LORD thy God shall cut off the nations from before thee, whither thou goest to possess them, and thou succeedest them, and dwellest in their land;

Deuteronomy 12:30 Take heed to thyself that thou be not snared by following them, after that they be destroyed from before thee; and that thou enquire not after their gods, saying, How did these nations serve their gods? even so will I do likewise.

Deuteronomy 12:31 Thou shalt not do so unto the LORD thy God: for every abomination to the LORD, which he hateth, have they done unto their gods; for even their sons and their daughters they have burnt in the fire to their gods.

Deuteronomy 12:32 What thing soever I command you, observe to do it: thou shalt not add thereto, nor diminish from it. "

If ye love Me, keep My Commandments! Will I, for it is but a choice. Will I CHOOSE the Truth always. I demand perfection, even though I know I am not but my hope is and without hope what am I fighting for? Should I not demand it of myself? I heard from the Lord, I had Him reveal Himself in me. I felt something which words all fall short to describe. It was all incomprehensible to me, such perfection could exist. That I could feel such love, such peace, such kindness, such mercy. Again, the greatest expression is to cry, to weep over how beautiful it was and I know still is. How could I not demand perfection, how could I not desire it and believe I can have it if I am willing to fight for it. Willing to put in the work, to study and pick up all the gems, all the pieces of gold and silver along the way and hold fast unto them. Saved by what? HOPE! Where is my hope if it is not hope of the very image of God? In provisions? go to churches so called and have all the provisions one wants. I want that not! I want the Truth and no water added to it. I do not want to be flattered, enticed with foolishness, I want conviction, judgement and mercy. Christ crucified on friday lie, and raised on sunday lie. I have no desire for the creations of man, the traditions of man. Who loves God and does what he hates? Who desires the riches of God and does what He abhors? Who loves anyone a does what they hate? Not love!

Romans 8:24, " For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for? "

How could I not desire to please the only thing I have in heaven. My hearts one desire above all, how could I not endure all that I have to, until the end, holding fast to what I was given, not allowing myself to forget. Go over it and over it, even when all around me no one else has a desire to go over it with me but to talk about anything else, this they are all willing to do. I could ignore what I lived, I could easily choose to accept what is sold as the Truth in the world and go about living whatever life my flesh would choose, whatever lie I like best. It certainly is not irresistible as some try to sell. Beauty from ashes, torn down, destroyed and to be built back up by the Truth. No provisions, I do not want provisional mercy, I want absolute judgement and mercy. I will settle not for the "empty well" version of the buffet gospel. I want the every Word, not just bread. I want the whole picture, I want the riches beyond my ability to yet comprehend. I want faithfulness, not just and empty word faith. I want to believe and to suffer for it as written. I do not just want believe. I want the whole picture, not the picture that pleases my flesh, but the picture that please my spirit within. I demand it of myself, so I fight for it, what is hope if there is no hope in what is true. He who hopes for provisions will have them. He who makes no provisions will have no provisions. I demand the sharp two edged sword, divide me asunder, search me out and show me the terrible Truth that all hide from.

I must be ready in the day of the Lord, I must love His appearing and not hide from it. I must fight for the conscience clear before God and all man. I must not make excuse, I must do all that I can to stand fast, hold fast, to fight the good fight. Riches, moral fortitude, for who hath not morals and has a clear conscience?

How can anyone who says they know the Truth, not demand of themselves perfection, to be spotless, without wrinkle, without spot, without blemish as written we are to be? Why can one not find even one, just one who says "yes you can this day be perfect, you will not fail, you will not fall, you will not slip, you have the ability, the power through Christ to do all things and He is your strength, your Rock. If you will just keep your mind upon Him, set thy sight upon Him and look not left, not right, but ever diligent, you will stand fast, hold fast, you will run and not faint." Where is the exhortation that lifts one up above it all? And not the many excuses offered as encouragement of all failing every day. Who is not sick and sad of hearing so called saints tell you there is nothing in the future but absolutely " I will fail this day"? That you make Christ enough if you fall down each day? If you do not fail, fall, sin, then you would not need Christ? When I hear these things I wonder what then is the point of any of this to them that speak such foolishness? What good is the Spirit of Power that has no power but to just keep falling down. What point is there to rejoice that Christ overcame the world, if I am not allowed to do the same with Him. Who does not know that we are workers with God? If so, then how is it no one is supposed to be able and all are just the same? What treasure is there in sinning every day? What is gained by never leaving the pig pen, the mire, but just putting on an outward appearance of not wallowing in filth each day? What good is it to glory outwardly for appearance sake? What good is a white washed wall, when just below the surface the same filth remains? What, to please the eyes, the flesh, the pride?

Cololssians 4:12, " Epaphras, who is one of you, a servant of Christ, saluteth you, always labouring fervently for you in prayers, that ye may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God. "

2 Corinthians 13:11, " Finally, brethren, farewell. Be perfect, be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace; and the God of love and peace shall be with you. "

Christ did not speak in error!

Matthew 5:48, " Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. "

Luke 11:39, " And the Lord said unto him, Now do ye Pharisees make clean the outside of the cup and the platter; but your inward part is full of ravening and wickedness. "

1 John 2:16, " For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. "

What about the inward man that is supposed to be refreshed day by day, each and every day. The outward man is dead, so then the inward man liveth, is there life in sin? No! The inward man whose delight is the Law? All I hear from them so called is how the Law is no more. How can the scriptures say then the inward man delights after the Law? If one lives a life that is contrary to the Law, how does one delight in it, when the wages of sin is death and sin is the transgression of the Law? If one is continually condemned by breaking the Law, there can not be a delight in the Law. It then makes sense that if one keeps the Commandments, then the Law is truly a delight to that one. It makes sense then "if you LOVE ME, keep MY COMMANDMENTS". Having a Law before you saying do not do this or that and you will be RICH beyond imagination, this is truly worthy of my delight. Where is delight of not being Able and being Cain? When did bearing the mark of the beast, SIN, become the thing to champion? When did not being able to do what is asked of you, become something to champion? How did this become encouragement? When did unfaithfulness become a good quality? When did faithfulness become something unobtainable? When the world champions unfaithfulness? When ones own self champions it? When evil is called good and good is called evil? How do so many reconcile cheating on the one they professed to love to be alright? Faith is obedience, it is obeying, it is the absolute quality of faith filled with the Truth. If you Love Me, then obey Me. Call Him Lord, then you do what your Lord says to do?

2 Corinthians 4:16, " For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day. "

Romans 7:22, " For I delight in the law of God after the inward man: "

Philippians 2:6, " Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God "

When did Perfection become something to damn? To MOCK! To HATE! to SCORN! to REJECT! When did the Truth become unattainable to them that profess to love it, know it and fight for it? When was it turned upside down? When did yes you can do all things through Christ, become, well almost anything? When did sin become greater than the Truth? When did Christ fail? When did the example given fall down and give up, turn back and give provisions. How many times have you heard them say "NO ONE CAN"!!!??? When the book the Lord tells us "ANYONE CAN" "IF" they will obey from the heart!

Mark 15:13, " And they cried out again, Crucify him.

Mark 15:14 Then Pilate said unto them, Why, what evil hath he done? And they cried out the more exceedingly, Crucify him. "

I have no choice but to demand perfection, for I tasted of perfection and know it is real. I want to be that rich, I want it even more so because I know it lives in Christ and if Christ lives in me, then what else should I expect? Whom should I buy from, the Truth or them that sell provisions? How could I taste of something so perfect and not desire the same for myself? Not more than, but equal to it. It is not robbery to be equal, is that not a quality of love?

This is a very large purse, will I be able to fill it along the Way on this Path set before me?

Remember it is faith working by love and proven by deeds, in the Truth. It is obeying from the heart the teaching given by God Almighty. Words will not fill the purse, great swelling words of emptiness will not increase anyone. Without virtue, the effect shown by a word filled, it is vain, of no value, no use. Without the works, faith is dead, the purse remains empty, void of virtue, void of anything effective, no riches in the purse, one can not purchase anything. All that is good in me is Christ, I did not give myself this. I did not cause the visions I had, or the words that spoke in me. I did not give myself this testimony, it is not even mine. No sacrifice did I do to be purged of dead works and to be forgiven, Christ did that work alone, this is what was fulfilled, finished, and obeyed for me, this is what was paid for me, the forgiveness of sins past, the death and the resurrection, so one could be born again. For the wage of sin is death and I had to die with Him to receive the gift that no man could of done for it required a spotless Lamb, per the Law. The righteous requirements of the Law had to be fulfilled, they could not be changed it had to be fulfilled, the free gift. Then there could be a new man, that effectual state of being, out of love, for that forgiveness. He who is forgiven much, loves much.

Effectual faith by acknowledging every good thing IN YOU IN CHRIST! Giving glory to whom glory is due, owed. This always reminds me of Moses who struck the Rock and gave not the glory to God. There can be no effectualness without the Truth, which reminds me of this, we can do nothing without Him. Nothing without Christ whom is the Truth. Again, I did not give myself this, it is not by me, for God calls whom He calls, hardens whom He hardens, softens whom He softens. Shows mercy to whom He shows mercy and condemns whom He condemns. Who am I but the clay to conform to the Hand of the Potter. Which states clearly I have a choice, to conform or to not conform, for all are not Israel that is Israel, all of the seed of Abraham are not children. Many love to say we are all children of God, but that is a lie. The wheat and the tares says it all.

Philemon 1:6, " That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus. "

Titus 1:1, " Paul, a servant of God, and an apostle of Jesus Christ, according to the faith of God's elect, and the acknowledging of the truth which is after godliness; "

2 Timothy 2:25, " In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; "

It is empty word service, faith, believe, grace. It is faith filled, belief filled, grace filled, taught and being a doer of it, building, laying the foundation, digging deep, effectual. BUT IN DEED AND IN TRUTH. Saying words means nothing but you are a doer of those words. In marriage, you promise forever, but you "do" the forever part it is just lip service, service of thine own fleshly lust. For love fails not, Truth never fail. Lies fail, lies cheat, lies give up, lies wear down, lies change, lies love in word and in tongue. But love fails not ever! It is a choice to keep, to maintain, to be a doer of thine oath. It is not kept for anyone, done for anyone, obeyed for anyone. Love WORKS, love is absolutely a work, faith works by it, belief works by it, they are all absolutely obedience to thine Word. If you love Me, obey Me. God is the head of Christ, as Christ is the head of the man and the man is the head of the wife.

1 John 3:18, " My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth. "

All the riches, mercy and Truth, as KEEP the covenant and His testimonies. Rich through obedience, if you Love Me, keep My Commandments. Every word written is a Commandment, either to do or to not do. To walk this Way and walk not that way. What is being taught if not a thing to be done and things not to be done? Riches. What so called Christian singer sings "it is not a book of do's and dont's? What book did she read?

Psalms 25:10, " All the paths of the LORD are mercy and truth unto such as keep his covenant and his testimonies. "

The more you dig the more the Truth of a little here and a little there is revealed. It is glory to God, to the Truth. What is the Truth? They of the Truth hear the voice of Truth, they here Christ and no other will they hear or follow. They who hear not, believe not the Truth are damned, for they do not love righteousness but have pleasure in the unrighteous, in the lies and them that sell them. They do not obey from the heart the doctrine of God. They obey the commandments of men that TURN them from the Truth. They love fables of men, they love the teachings of men, they speak well of the false just as it has always been. Evil does what? Kills, steals and destroys. It robs one of their riches, it takes from the their treasures. Turn from the Truth and your riches will be stolen from you. Find pleasure in the provisions, the unrighteous and you will be marked by what? sin! The mark is always sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness. It is not the vain imaginations of the many who try to make it a worldly thing, yet is the love of the world, the friendship with the world. Loving the commandments of men, marry and divorce, make an oath and break it, lie, cheat, steal and kill. You did what you had to do, as I have been told by so many. No, I did what I wanted to do, not what I should of done. That is how I ended up on the path to hell. Obeying not the the Truth and obeying the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life. How many times has that provision been offered up? You did what you had to do, despite knowing you should have done what was right. It is all right, you did what you had to do! No doubt satan loves that provision, for it robs you of any wealth you might have had.

2 Thessalonians 2:12, " That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. "

Titus 1:14, " Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth. "

If I could stop sinning I wouldn't need Christ. Who loves that provision? How many times have you heard that? How many of you bought that? Buying a lie depletes you of what? Your riches, and I want to be rich beyond comprehension. So then what is required to be rich beyond comprehension? Faithful Obedience. Buy the Truth and sell it not. Do not waste your money on lies, provisions, excuses, rather obey from the heart and you will be rich. "IF" you will turn from your wicked ways, if you will depart from iniquity, if you will stand in awe and sin not, if you will Go and Sin No More, if you will wash your hands, if you will purge yourselves, if you will obey. All of these denotes your WILL. If it is your will to follow the will of the Lord God Almighty, then you are free to follow His will, "IF" you will!!!

What does it not say? It does not say I have obeyed for you or turned for you, and departed for you, and plowed for you, and stood for you already so you do not need to stand. I went and sinned no more for you so you do not need to obey from the heart and Go and Sin No More. I purged it all for you, no work needed on your part, go back to sleep, go back to your lust. I keep looking for that sentence in scripture that says "no worries, I did it all already, you live how you want, you do what you have to do first and then whatever is left over, you can give that to Me", but I have yet to find it on the Path, the Way of the Truth.

Many think that riches in the world are a godly thing. They ignore the true riches, hearts set on the world and not the things of heaven. I do want to be rich inwardly. I was given so much and yet how could I not thirst for more? Tend to righteousness, seek the beauty of God, to be holy, obedient to the Truth, faithful. Get wisdom, Repent and be refreshed, know the quickening of the Spirit that is dead in them, by sin, for the wage of sin is death. Understand truly the Way few find. Know 2 Corinthians 7:11, understand the vehement desire after a godly sort. Know Acts 3:19, Acts 2:38, know the baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost, to have the breathe of Life breathed into you. Know what it means to AWAKE to righteousness and then SIN NOT, then Go and Sin No More. If you know of this, then speak of it, explain how the Spirit is refreshed. Get wisdom, to get it one must have the Spirit of God, must be reconciled unto Him. Understand 2 Timothy 2:25? Then speak of that understanding. Warn them, for many think they are in the service and are not. Who has been baptized in the fire? Who knows the quickening Spirit? Get wisdom, get the riches of God, cease from the foolishness of the world and the awful traditions that go against the Lord God.

Understand the ability spoken of in Romans 2:14, that it is not inability, it is ability, you do have the choice. You can do what is right, but it matters not without Christ. You are not a born sinner, you are free to choose. Defile not thy conscience, but have a clear conscience before God and all man.

Get ye wisdom, be about the riches of God, fill thine house with the Truth, get wisdom, get understanding, FORGET IT NOT!!! Do not decline from the words of the mouth of God. Wisdom is the principal thing, therefore get wisdom, ans with all thy getting get understanding. Awake and sin not, confess and forsake sin, turn back, Repent, it is not just repeating some words, do not fall for that lie. It is an actual invent that you will NEVER need be told you experienced it. You will not ask me or anyone if you have received it, you will be tell them all how you have received it. You will know it and it will be glory to God. Having heard you will constantly speak of it, set free, yea Lord set free indeed. How much better is the riches of God than gold, how much better is understanding than silver? Fill thine house with real wealth, true equity, judge righteously, love mercy, have faith that is faithfully obedient to the Truth, in the Truth, by the Truth, buy the Truth and sell it not.

1 Corinthians 15:34, " Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame. "

Proverbs 4:5, " Get wisdom, get understanding: forget it not; neither decline from the words of my mouth. "

Proverbs 4:7, " Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. "

Proverbs 16:16, " How much better is it to get wisdom than gold! and to get understanding rather to be chosen than silver! "

Truly look around and see, everything is the opposite of the Truth and none regard it, none inquire of it. From the heart, it is from the heart, not just a change of mind, but from the heart.

Riches, freely given, freely give. Justice, mercy, judgement, equity. Wealth that can not be truly measured, has no need of a vault, to be hidden, to worry about it being taken. A house filled freely, give it all without measure. Rich beyond any dream, open the windows and let it be seen.

Psalms 37:21, " The wicked borroweth, and payeth not again: but the righteous sheweth mercy, and giveth. "

Psalms 89:14, " Justice and judgment are the habitation of thy throne: mercy and truth shall go before thy face. : "

Proverbs 20:28, " Mercy and truth preserve the king: and his throne is upholden by mercy. "

Isaiah 16:5, " And in mercy shall the throne be established: and he shall sit upon it in truth in the tabernacle of David, judging, and seeking judgment, and hasting righteousness. "


Psalms 45:4, " And in thy majesty ride prosperously because of truth and meekness and righteousness; and thy right hand shall teach thee terrible things. "


Proverbs 14:24, " The crown of the wise is their riches: but the foolishness of fools is folly. "


Proverbs 22:4, " By humility and the fear of the LORD are riches, and honour, and life. "

There is a way that seems right to man, but it leads to death and hell. There is a Way the is right and it leads to the Truth to have Life. Get ye wisdom, and forget it not.

This is the day the Lord God Almighty rested, this is the day the Lord Jesus rose up. This is the forth Commandment. This is a day God made for man and not man for it. This is the seventh day, it started on the evening of the sixth day and it will end on the evening of the seventh day. It is a delight, it is a day to rest, it is a day to do good. God rested this day, the Son rested this day and woke at the end of this day. There is a way that seems right to men but leads to death, true death the everlasting separation from the presence of the Lord, there will be weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Seek, Repent, Sin No More.

It is remission of sins past and not permission for sins future.

It is power, ability, be ye able.

Blessed be the Name of the Lord Amen and Amen...

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