My Lord:
Saying always, tearing it down always, it is not just believe, it is not just any one thing. It is all of it, every word. Study to show thyself approved, doing works worthy/meet for the Masters use. A path defined by definition, grace is time to work out ones own salvation with fear and trembling. To learn the Truth, that they who are of the Truth know the voice of the Lord, they hear Him and no other. Eat of the butter and the honey to know to refuse the evil and choose the good.
Philippians 1:29, " For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for his sake; "
There are many things the book of the Lord begs of us. Something begged must bare importance, must truly be consider, pondered, meditated upon. Give heed, take the time to truly weigh it, why is this so important, what are all the angles, if I do this what will be reaped?
The suffering caused by placing another before you. My walk with Christ is short compared to many, six years now since that faithful night, yet I was not completely absent in hearing others speak about what they believe was the Truth. I have ponder many things in my life and surely was one of those things. I try to recall as a child going to church how many times did I hear "just believe" or "just have faith", or any of the anecdotal (skilled in telling story, a fable, a tale, anecdotal inventions, provisions) things people say to show a way that is easier than it truly is, or to placate someone quickly as to not get into any conversation with depth. I try to think since hearing from the Lord how many times I have heard those placating words, "just" with whatever words was added to the end of it it be "just" do this one thing. It has been more that all my years prior to having found the Lord. I have read it, heard, listened to many quote John 3:16. Yet not one time and I mean not even once can I recall from my childhood to after coming to the Truth of the Lord and Savoir Jesus Christ that it is believing with suffering. Yet I have written of this many times since coming to the Truth. It was made clear to me there are many things to suffer and many ways. Just to make and oath brings suffering, something that now must be suffered by pleading oneself, a burden no matter how light is a burden. All things must be endured no matter how light or how heavy.
Truly one should take the time to weigh it all before taking that leap, striking that hand. It surely would save one from being offended when it turns out to be a greater burden then they had realized or been told it was. For many have indeed crept in and lead many astray with words that placate, appease, allure, entice, make things more appealing then they really are. The Path that is broad is a path that pleases, placates, makes provisions for the flesh to fulfill the lust thereof. A reason to do what one wants to do.
Many do not want to work it out, but have others do it for them. Being told what the book says rather than dig deep and learn through the Spirit what the book says. This takes many forms as well and one could write just about this alone. Those who read the whole book and never take from it the Truth, those who read a bit here and there and never question what they have been told is the Truth. Those who read it a lot and are certain they know the Truth, yet never seem to finish the whole Truth when speaking of it ie Faith being a work of love proven by deeds, believe yes but you pay a cost and that cost ought to be realized before making that pledge of faithfulness, or the simple complete Truth that believe is faith, is being faithful. It seems that would be self evident or even common sense but it is not. It must be learned, it must be fought for, striven for, yearned for, true knowledge is not just imputed, imbued, it is a work, a battle to find it, a battle to keep it, to retain it, a battle to put it into use, to be that doer of it rather then just speaking about it. Easy to hear, easy to speak, but when the heart must come into play provisions spring up like weeds after a spring shower. Choking out the good seed before it can get a foothold, deep roots. It is stunted with all the placations, anecdotal, antidotes for not being able to keep, maintain, do. Why I do not have to keep the Law, why the Sabbath is a day to do as one pleases (yet it is acceptable to do good on the Sabbath), why one can hate others/murder, why one will not ever forgive this one thing but surely wants forgiveness themselves, the many provisions created to stem the suffering of putting someone before ones self. When I read that a mother might be saved through childbirth, I see that that is the ultimate denial of self. Yet that word many leave off to placate, "IF" they remain in the faith, faithful, sincere, trusty, loyal, fidelity, monogamy, severity, obedient. Which are all the same as charity, holiness, sobriety etc... Placating, oath breaking, I will do this for the Lord and then days, weeks later they are no longer doing that thing for the Lord, or for love. I have heard this many times, yet the cost of denial of self is more costly then many are willing to pay.
1 Timothy 2:15, " Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety. "
The whole Truth, yes believe, but know the cost, weigh it, measure it, be certain of it. For to build upon the foundation of life (Christ is Life) bears a cost. The free gift, that work Christ did that no other could have, has been given, done, completed, fulfilled and that work was a free gift. The Father gave his only begotten Son for a sacrifice, no one did anything to make God do this, and the Son did it not by force or by the will of men but out of Love. He did show forth His love and mercy to give all a Way, this is a free gift indeed, when all deserved death by the Law. But beyond what many say, there is much more to the Truth then spoken of ALL the time. To receive the fruit of that work (Christ's work) costs and it ought to be told, spoken, known up front, so none can be offended when the cost of it is to be payed. That belief bears a cost, faith bears a cost, acknowledging the Truth bears a cost, pleading ones self to Christ bears a cost, being set free bears a cost, Truth bears a cost, Life bears a cost, it is not just believe, it is much more and shame on them that do not speak the whole of the Truth. Shame it is to not prepare others for what is truly involved with making an oath. To make every effort to explain the whole Truth before ones begins to build so they do not start and find they are unable to meet the cost required of them, faithfulness! No flattering foolish words, empty, great swelling, pleasing, enticing, alluring, beguiling, tricking, entertaining, amusing, musing, bemused, no witch craft, no sorcery, no guile. For the Truth is love and love seeks not its own but you.
Cost comes in many ways, but tribulation and persecution are surely a cost that will have to be payed. You are told in advance, so one will not be offended, for blessed are they that are not offended in Christ.
Matthew 13:21, " Yet hath he not root in himself, but dureth for a while: for when tribulation or persecution ariseth because of the word, by and by he is offended. "
Matthew 11:6, " And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me. "
When the real Truth is spoken of many are offended, at first it is mainly them so sure they have the Truth but are told they do not have it. There is not one thing changed today from yesterday, they so certain of knowing mostly do not, the reason the "few" is spoken of. The reason we have examples of this Truth given to us in the book of the Lord. By a simple teaching of the Truth many turn back, are offended. Know this, that one can turn back but still appear to have not done so simply by believing what they prefer to believe. This is easily found everywhere, people hate correction, will continue to proclaim to love the Truth in the face of being told they do not know the Truth, not just by someone telling them this, but more so by their own actions, works, fruit. These thing testify to them and they chose to ignore the prick and kick against it. Once a lie is bought, many do not want to let it go, to be told they have been fooled or have been foolish. Age does not seem to effect this lack of willingness to acknowledge they have been tricked by what pretends to be the church of the Lord God Almighty. They have been enticed with empty words, placated, appeased in their sin, in their inability to rule over themselves, to bring their bodies into subjection. To add to knowledge, temperance/self control. They say I walk by faith and not by sight, but show no faithfulness, even profess to not have faithfulness or be able to be faithful and yet they have faith. The double mind is a thing that receives nothing of God.
Matthew 15:12, " Then came his disciples, and said unto him, Knowest thou that the Pharisees were offended, after they heard this saying? "
Many false prophets arise and deceive many, many have crept in and deceive many. Many find the broad way that leads to destruction. Many buy the provisions, are allured through the lust of the flesh with words that do not convict, have no severity, no gravity, no sobriety. True love offends, for it does not spare lies. Does not placate other just to be liked, to have followings, have money, to not have to deny ones self the world. To be a friend with the world and still profess to not be of the world. The double mind never gets any rest. Where iniquity abounds, love does not, it is faked, it is pretended, but it is not true. The outward appearance given, having that form of godliness but denying the power of truly being that doer of it. They deny the ability, to be broken means they can not do anything. When being broken in Christ means you have power, when weak through submission one is truly stronger than ever. They who profess the be weak to sin are made stronger in sin, not the Truth. Yet they do not see it or hear it like this. They weak to sin make Christ stronger in them, this is the empty place the double mind lives. Devoid of Truth and filled with imaginations. The world loves to sell the never land story of a world filled with the inventions of man, it is a subtle and pretty lie. Just watch the movies they sell you, the ideas of ones imagination keeping alive the world of another realm or dimension, fantasy. How a fantasy like being loved just the way one is, props up delusions, allows one to ignore the Truth and to love a lie. To always be pleasing to a persons person and not offend.
Love spares not the Truth to be a respecter of any persons person. Love does not fail, it spares not the rod. The Father corrects whom he loves, He does not allow those He loves live in lies, in deceit, in confusion. They who seek sincerely will find, if they knock it will be opened. Ask not amiss and it will be given.
Told in advance, to warn, so one will not be offended, feel as if they have been hoodwinked, tricked, fooled into doing something they would not of done of if they had know all the facts of the Truth of it. Many ignore begging, beseeching, pleading, heeding, warnings and just look at the pleasant things that please the eyes and ears and nose. It was good, pleasant and to be desired, Eves eyes sought it, here ears heard it and the nose smelled it. The flesh wanted it and rather than deny herself and obey from the heart the warning of the cost to be paid for disobedience, she freely chose her desires and passions over those of the Truth. Not only for herself but she gave to Adam to eat of it as well, knowing full well what she was doing. For upon eating of the mixture of good and evil her eyes were open to the Truth of it. Misery loveth company!
John 16:1, " These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended. "
I warn of this constantly, for love warns, it fights to keep in remembrance the Truth. Do not be a forgetful hearer, and do not forget what thou has been given. Search it, ponder it, fight for it, for their are many who seek to kill, steal and destroy it.
And Jesus said, that you should not be offended I have told you these things in advance.
John 16:2, " They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service. "
I have told you,
John 15:10, " If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love. "
How can one abide in the Vine that is Christ?
If ye keep My Commandments, ye shall abide.
If you love Me, keep My Commandments.
They that love the Son are loved by the Father.
Who is loved by the Son?
They who are doers of the Word which says, keep my Law that is established in them that have pledged their faith in Me. For faith establishes the Law.
I have warned you, they who abide not will be cast into the fire, it is not fire of instant, but a fire of everlasting. Do not make up your own version of what God must be for you to love Him, but be that which God has said you must be to love Him. As I was shown it in a vision, the image of lust. Hell was everlasting and it tormented me to be separated from the Lord completely, the smoke of my torment was instant and it was the most complete definition of the word hell. None need learn of this, none need perish to this place devoid of the Lord. All are free to chose to not go there. All are free to Seek, Repent and Go and Sin No More. All are free to work this out in this time of grace, grace being time, mercy and a teaching of how to love the Father in Truth, not by the vain imaginations of men. Not by some mans book sold to you and bought by you that have no greater value then to have merchandised you and given your money to someone who would actually sell the Truth if they had it. No man of God would ever desire to profit from the Truth, for the idea of it is disgusting. Freely given, freely give.
I have warned you and told you, that all who truly live godly lives in Christ will suffer. The world hated Me before it hated you. If you separate yourself from this world it will hate you. If you speak the whole Truth is will hate you.
When I found Christ that faithful night. I had been confessing my thoughts and things I felt, things I suffered, just thoughts typed out for all to see. I was being as truthful as I had ever been. For that, people stopped speaking to me, unfriended, mocked me, and with my own eyes and ears hated me. God knows what I speak and I do not speak of to offend. It is just the Truth of what I lived. It began instantly the very night I professed to have found Christ and pledged my faith to Him, in Him. Made an oath to be faithful to Him, yet I did not know all of what was going to take place because I chose Him. I have written of all of this many times, yet every time I find myself aligned with the scriptures, to know I lived this or that verse literally, it gives me pause. I marvel at it, this is my life, I have lived this thing I now read. It is so easy to digress and want to analyze it all, to share it and hope I hear from someone who will say I lived this also.
I sympathize with all who are weak, who have failed, who have lived ungodly lives, who struggle to know the Truth. I think not of myself anything, but I truly do think of you more. I do not want my own, or yours, I want you, I desire you all to know as I. To be warned of all the things that took place when I was filled with the Holy Ghost. How it changed my life and it was nothing like I had been told in advance. It was nothing like what I had witnessed it to be by other who professed to love the Lord. It was nothing like what I heard in church. It sounded nothing like what I heard of anyone at all, no not even one. That is offensive, that the only witness this world seems to know is the false witness, fake churches, false preachers. That people fall over themselves for the lies and the false but when the Truth stands before them the deny it, mock it, hate it, kill it, spit on it, have no time for it. It was what I witnessed when I was in the Spirit. I did not give this to myself, or make it up out of some fantasy. God knoweth I lie not of it and I have no fear of speaking of it, for it is the Truth.
They just want to be happy and it is happiness to glory in infirmities, it is meet that I should, in the the end it is honor. It is an honor to suffer for the Name of the Lord not matter how that suffering manifests itself. It is much easier I believe if that person knows it before hand. What to truly expect before hand. Rather than all the provisions men have laid up for not being able to obey from the heart. Or to believe and yet show no fruit of it, to pledge and yet one can not truly tell, but it take the form of what parades itself to be of God. I wanted to join a church (so called), I thought what most consider to be the way was the way. I was shown it was not, is not and I should not align myself with them but with the Lord and that which I was being taught. That no matter what they said, no matter who left me, no matter what I lost, do not turn back.
It was affliction and yet joy, it was pain and yet I smiled. I cried and begged upon my knees over and over and yet I was strong beyond anything I have ever known. I wrote of this constantly in the beginning. I loved crying out and yet I did not love why I was crying out. I loved knowing the Truth and yet I did not love hurting anyone because of the Truth. Yet true love as no choice but to tell the Truth regardless of persons person. I did not want to hurt people by saying none knew Him and yet I wanted nothing more than to tell them, warn them so they could do something about it. I realized who was I to tell anyone anything and yet I did not choose myself. I was called and I was asked to do so and I have done as I asked. I was and am effected by it all, the suffering and the joy. I say it again, I hate my life in this world but my life in Christ I love. This new man that sees the waste of time it is to love the world and the things the world offers. The things so many work for, that in the end will have no value, yet some are needed to for this life. My house is not my joy, my job is not my joy, my bank account, that I have plenty is not my joy. My afflictions are, my infirmities for they testify to me the Truth. Not only do I deserve to suffer for I have done many things worthy of suffering. More so though is to suffer for the Lord, what true glory this is. To believe on Him and suffer for it as foretold in the book.
Told I was going to be all alone, the one thing I truly feared in my life (maybe most do). The pain of it, being told by the Lord that I was going to suffer the one thing I feared most and that my family was going to leave me. I had no idea of the suffering that I would feel and have to endure, not that it was glory to do so. I was told by someone I care for who was certain of their understanding of the Lord, "what kind of God did you find?". When I spoke of suffering, the pain, the hurt I felt, the crying. It made me feel as if I was wrong, that what I was given was wrong, it made me question and doubt. At every turn those closest to me did the most harm. Those who I thought would be my greatest advocates where not at all. Until I read the book and realized that this was normal and to be expected, then I smiled knowing the Truth of it.
Told I would be surrounded by women and they would all deceive me, I was laughed at for speaking of this, mocked over and over for it, it was a joke literally In the end, all glory it is. They who sell the false image to you, causing doubt, are deceiving you. Again, no one can give you what they do not already possess. They only can give what they have. Many think they are in the service of God but are not, it is not me who first said this, yet I can without question proclaim it to be absolute Truth.
Told that in the end it would all be alright. This at my worst moments give great comfort.
Told to be careful for what I asked for and I could write much about this and have.
To feel so much hardship, is not the image that men create. The one man creates placates, is vain, is foolish, is deception.
To suffer for doing what is right, and hearing the Truth and obeying it is right. So I can not just say it once and feel I have done what I was asked to do or given. The image sold in this world is a lie and it never is the whole Truth. The greatest of lies contains mostly Truth but mixed with a little lie, it is very subtle. Live against the will of God and your life in this world will not be hated. Live by the will of God and it will be hated. To tell someone what they are doing or living is wrong brings instant hatred. Most lash out with the same worn out provisions, judge not, self righteous are two but there are many more. John the Baptist is a beautiful example of the reward for proclaiming the Truth and the hatred the Truth inspires in the wicked.
Matthew 14:8, " And she, being before instructed of her mother, said, Give me here John Baptist's head in a charger. "
The great Truth that another would desire to have a man beheaded, not just a man but and innocent man and not just innocent the greatest man to live besides Christ Himself. To tell someone they could not marry against the will of God. To be told what was right created hate in them that had done what was wrong. Tell someone if they divorce they are not to remarry, watch at the indignation in the face of them that proclaim to love Christ, love the Truth, and yet will mock the Truth and them that share the Truth. Listen to the provisions, the reasons for one to disobey the Truth and accept a lie. The fight to have ones own will and love of pleasure over that of the one they proclaim to love most. This is simple example and yet the head of John the Baptist moves none of them. The provision loved by a lot of these is that God would not want them to live like that. Yet endlessly we read how God does want us to keep our oaths. Yet to do so, to obey God would cause discomfort, pain, suffering, affliction, infirmities, tribulations, persecutions, then "that is not my God" is the usual response. Then the idol worship is revealed and it is always the image of corruptible man! They always turn the image of God into there own lust, own passions and desires, affections and lusts that are to be crucified with Christ but are not. Self evident is the fruit.
Mark 6:17, " For Herod himself had sent forth and laid hold upon John, and bound him in prison for Herodias' sake, his brother Philip's wife: for he had married her.
Mark 6:18 For John had said unto Herod, It is not lawful for thee to have thy brother's wife. "
We see how they worship many things, not just their own images, but those of creation, birds, beasts, creeping things. We are told then that we all worship the same God, are seeking after the same God, but we are not.
Romans 1:23, " And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. "
I do not worship pain and suffering, or happiness and joy. I worship God and what comes by the way of that is glory and honor.
The Way:
Seek, Repent and Sin No More.
Deny thyself, bear thine own cross and follow Him..
To deny the flesh the lust thereof causes suffering. To bear ones own cross causes suffering, for Christ surely carried His cross and suffered for it. To follow Christ down a Path that the world hates and will hate you, for it causes suffering. To be peculiar in a world were being faithful is mocked, to obey is foolish and none are supposed to be able to obey. Christ followed the Commandments of the Father and for doing so, He was hated, mocked, hung upon a cross and crucified. Not all crosses bare the same things to bear.
Few love to hear Hebrews 11 or the parts that speak of the furnace we are called into. For His Name sake, whose Name is Truth. In these texts we see a horror of suffering that men willingly went to for to obtain a better resurrection, suffered, yet rejoiced in knowing the Truth. There is a cost to be weighed. While not all suffer the same horrors. Being separate, peculiar, brings mocking, having family's turn on you, hate you, leave you, brings suffering. Yet we rejoice none the less in the Truth that is Christ. To be subject to the froward, perverse, is suffering. To obey is to suffer and if one can not see that then they are strongly delusional about the Truth. This is how so many fall prey to false images, vain imaginations, great swelling words of emptiness, how they are enticed, allured with flattering images and words.
How love becomes the lie of unconditional love, when love clearly has conditions and the greatest of them is faithful obedience. How the lie of "God loves you just the way you are" becomes held up as truth, when it is a filthy lie. He loves them that love Him and yes we love Him because He loved us first, for He gave his Son a sacrifice for us. Yet for them who walk in the darkness of wickedness, they are not loved. God is not sending those He loves to hell. When they stand before the Lord and He tells them to depart it is not because He loves them without condition. When He tells them that He never knew them, this is not "loving them just the way they are". The Truth brings suffering in a world who hates the Truth. The god of this world has no love of the Truth. Those whom serve satan do not love the Truth. They who spare the Truth for a lie, do not love anyone but themselves for they do want to suffer the Truth in the face of a lie. They do it for themselves, they stand silent for themselves, they refuse to bark for themselves. Making false images of themselves, turning love into their own type of love, unconditional. Justifying the wicked, condemning them that are righteous to be unrighteous. Refusing to do what God loves and He loves JUDGEMENT. All the ways of God are JUDGEMENT. The weightier matters of the Law are JUDGEMENT, mercy and faith.
Hebrews 11:33, " Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions,
Hebrews 11:34 Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens.
Hebrews 11:35 Women received their dead raised to life again: and others were tortured, not accepting deliverance; that they might obtain a better resurrection:
Hebrews 11:36 And others had trial of cruel mockings and scourgings, yea, moreover of bonds and imprisonment:
Hebrews 11:37 They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword: they wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins; being destitute, afflicted, tormented;
Hebrews 11:38 (Of whom the world was not worthy:) they wandered in deserts, and in mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth. "
We can show more verses of the Truth about doing what is right and suffering for it is to be obeyed and rejoiced over.
Let's define faith again, it is important that we get this right.
What is faith?
It is blind?
Is it hollow?
Does it have something in it that makes it more than just a word to give lip service to?
FAITH, noun [Latin fides, fido, to trust; Gr. to persuade, to draw towards any thing, to conciliate; to believe, to obey. In the Greek Lexicon of Hederic it is said, the primitive signification of the verb is to bind and draw or lead, as signifies a rope or cable. But this remark is a little incorrect. The sense of the verb, from which that of rope and binding is derived, is to strain, to draw, and thus to bind or make fast. A rope or cable is that which makes fast. Heb.]
Faithfulness; fidelity; a strict adherence to duty and fulfillment of promises.
Word or honor pledged; promise given; fidelity. He violated his plighted faith
Sincerity; honesty; veracity; faithfulness. We ought in good faith to fulfill all our engagements.
In defining the word we see a clear path. Faith is synonymous with Believe, they mean the very same thing. To believe is to have faith in what one believes. To have faith is to believe in what one has faith. Faith obeys, so belief obeys also. They both obey what one has faith/belief in. If you have faith in someone, you trust in them, in this case Christ, we love Him and they who love Him, obey Him. Why call Him Lord, Lord, then not do what He says to do. If you love me, Keep My Commandments. Faith binds, so belief binds. If you have faith in Christ you are bound to Him, drawn to Him and lead by Him. him is that which one has faith and believes in.
Faith is like a chain, so belief is like a chain. As Paul wrote "remember my bonds/chains"..
Colossians 4:18, " The salutation by the hand of me Paul. Remember my bonds. Grace be with you. Amen. [Written from Rome to the Colossians by Tychicus and Onesimus.] "
Acts 28:20, " For this cause therefore have I called for you, to see you, and to speak with you: because that for the hope of Israel I am bound with this chain. "
2 Timothy 1:16, " The Lord give mercy unto the house of Onesiphorus; for he oft refreshed me, and was not ashamed of my chain: "
Unity of mind, to be bound with Paul, was to have likeness of the same faith, the same belief. To be bound also speaks of suffering, affliction, adversity, things to be endure for ones faith, ones belief. All who TRULY live godly lives will suffer for His Name sake. Being bound, chained, in bonds afflicts.
Hebrews 13:3, " Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body. "
Faith is faithful, it is faithfulness, so is believe. If one believes, has faith in something they are faithful to that thing in which they have yielded themselves servants to obey. Which leads to fidelity, to have fidelity is to be loyal, monogamous. To be strict in adhering to that which one has faith and believes. In this case it is Christ we have faith in and the condition of faith is strict adherence to Him, obeying Him. Loyalty to that which one loves and has pledged, made an oath to. To be married in the future, so the bride to be prepares for that day. Is ready, watching, waiting, at the door even now. If the Master knocks, the door will be opened instantly for Him. God absolutely wants us to keep our promises, out oaths, our pledges. For He keeps His absolutely.
We see that faith is sincere, so believe is also sincere. To be honest, pure, true to ones pledge, ones oath. Faith is honesty, so believe is honesty. Faithfulness is honest and truthful, trusty, can be counted on to endure till the end. For better or worst, for richer or poor, in sickness and in health, true love fails not, true love endures all things. Faith is veracity, so believe is also. It conforms to what one has faith in, what one believes in, it shapes, it molds. The hands of the Potter molds the clay to the image that the Potter desires, not that the clay desires. The clay is faithful to the hand that molds it, it does not say "what does Thou makest", it obeys.
Isaiah 45:9, " Woe unto him that striveth with his Maker! Let the potsherd strive with the potsherds of the earth. Shall the clay say to him that fashioneth it, What makest thou? or thy work, He hath no hands? "
Isaiah 29:16, " Surely your turning of things upside down shall be esteemed as the potter's clay: for shall the work say of him that made it, He made me not? or shall the thing framed say of him that framed it, He had no understanding? "
That which made you has the right to do as He pleases with what is His. When one pledges themselves servants to obey, how much more so? This Truth makes the flesh suffer in it self, look at the haughty that defy this Truth. Not them that do not have faith and believe, but them who profess to have faith and believe. High minded, proud, I will not live this way, God would not want me to live this way. One could go on and on with how God must conform to the vain imaginations of man.
Isaiah 64:8, " But now, O LORD, thou art our father; we are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand. "
To be born again as all must do, a condition set upon all.
Jeremiah 18:4, " And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter: so he made it again another vessel, as seemed good to the potter to make it. "
Can not God require of us to conform if we profess Him to be our love? Ought He not to expect those who call Him Lord to obey Him? Is it not reasonable in our service to obey?
Jeremiah 18:6, " O house of Israel, cannot I do with you as this potter? saith the LORD. Behold, as the clay is in the potter's hand, so are ye in mine hand, O house of Israel. "
Say ye have faith? say ye believe? then who hath the power over that faith, over that belief? To whom ye call Lord, are ye not to obey? To whom ye yield yourselves, are ye not servants to obey?
Romans 9:21, " Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour? "
By this we see even clearer, that faith and believe are absolutely one thing, obedience. Faithful obedience to the Word of God, the Logos. We will conform by faith, by belief to the Truth, He who treadeth the clay.
Isaiah 41:25, " I have raised up one from the north, and he shall come: from the rising of the sun shall he call upon my name: and he shall come upon princes as upon morter, and as the potter treadeth clay. "
We could define what is reasonable in our service to God. What is acceptable for a living sacrifice to God Almighty, but to shine, shoe forth the beauty of God in you. what is the beauty of God? Holiness... I beg you, brethren (they who do the will of the Father). present yourselves HOLY! It is reasonable that you become the image of God.
Romans 12:1, " I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. "
Greek - G4102
Word: πίστις
Transliteration: pistis
Phonetic: pis'-tis
Part of Speech: Noun Feminine
Definition: conviction of the truth of anything, belief; in the NT of a conviction or belief respecting man's relationship to God and divine things, generally with the included idea of trust and holy fervour born of faith and joined with it, relating to God, the conviction that God exists and is the creator and ruler of all things, the provider and bestower of eternal salvation through Christ, relating to Christ, a strong and welcome conviction or belief that Jesus is the Messiah, through whom we obtain eternal salvation in the kingdom of God, the religious beliefs of Christians, belief with the predominate idea of trust (or confidence) whether in God or in Christ, springing from faith in the same, fidelity, faithfulness, the character of one who can be relied on...
When Peter said to add to your faith virtue, one sees clearly. Virtue is making it effectual, an operation, a fact of ones state of being. Faith conforms, convicts, it SPRINGS from faith the quality's of faith and believe, fidelity, faithfulness, trustworthy, sincerity, loyalty, monogamy, reliability, ability, obedience. The ability to obey from the heart the doctrine/teaching received of God. That holy fervour, like Jeremiah said "a fire deep within my soul". Faith as quality's that are far more than just some empty blind word.
Once one defines faith and belief one sees that true faith is not simple blind faith, but rather eyes open and true, certain, sure, able, clear. It knows, it has knowledge and it understands, it is in an operation, working, established. All of this suffers the flesh, afflicts it, Lots wife turned back for that very reason.
But continue down the Path...
Established - to institute, to make firm or stable, to bring into existence, to put on a firm basis, setup, to put beyond doubt, prove.
One establishes the Law by what? Faith...
Romans 3:31, " Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law. "
Faith and belief puts into effect the Commandments of God, the conviction, the proof, the fact of ones state of being is loving the Lord thy God with all thine heart, mind, soul, body, might, strength. Faith works by love and love is what? Keeping the Commandments. The Law of God is love, His love shown to us that we may walk with Him in Truth. That we may have conviction when we stray a bit, or that godly sorrow that repentance brings. It all is one thing truly love but to obey it, it obedience to it. To have the knowledge of what love is and how by true faith and belief it builds, increases. How by doing what is right grows one in the power of the Truth, the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of Power. To faith virtue added and one becomes effectual, in a working operation, set up, bring the Law into existence, putting the one with faith and belief on a form base, foundation in which to build upon.
To build bears a cost and the cost must be understood, do not be offended to find that it is not like the profess say it is. There is more to it, simple truly but it must be understood.
Believe and to suffer for His Name sake. Whatever that affliction may be, whatever the state be content and rejoice in the Lord. Physical and mental, whatever may come, if thou truly believe in the Lord, truly serve Him, there is sorrow, heaviness, sighing, crying, mourning, sadness. Just to be kept from the presence of the Lord is great sadness. I yearn to be back in His presence. I have hope I will be back in his presence.
Saved by hope, by faith, by belief, by grace, by it all.
You realize it is by ever word and they all lead to the same place and it is not any one thing, yet it is all in one body. That obedience contains all of these, love contains all of these, faith contains all of these, grace contains all of these, believe contains all of these, righteousness contains all of these, godliness contains all of these, holiness contains all of these, perfect contains all of these, complete contains all of these, uprightness contains all of these, purity contains all of these, piety contains all of these, sincerity contains all of these, loyalty contains all of these, monogamy contains all of these, fidelity contains all of these, faithful contains all of these, honesty contains all of these, Truth contains all of these, hope contains all of these. One Way, One Lord, One God, One Truth, One Baptism, One Faith, One Hope, One and yet many, all of these leading to One.
Hope - to cherish a desire with anticipation : to want something to happen or be true, to desire with expectation of obtainment or fulfillment, to expect with confidence, trust, reliance.
Hope - To desire with expectation of good, or a belief that it may be obtained.
Romans 8:24, " For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for? "
In the hope, the faith, the belief we find adversity to be endured and honor and glory for them who do endure till the end.
ADVERS'ITY, noun An event, or series of events, which oppose success or desire; misfortune; calamity; affliction; distress; state of unhappiness.
Adversity - a state or instance of serious or continued difficulty or misfortune.
Greek - G2558
Word: κακουχέω
Transliteration: kakoucheō
Phonetic: kak-oo-kheh'-o
Part of Speech: Verb
Definition: to treat ill, oppress, plague...
Not only to believe but to suffer. Not just to suffer but to rejoice in that which they say is not the way but is the Way. Faithful obedience unto death. A faith working by love and proven by deeds. For without faithfulness it is not possible to please God. They who diligently seek Him, truly must obey Him from the heart. It is the the greatest of all Commandments, all thine heart!
Hebrews 11:6, " But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. "
By faith Abraham did what? Obeyed! Proved is faith working by love. Abraham did what they say God would not want me to live like this, would never do, obey! Faithful Obedience.
Hebrews 11:8, " By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went. "
Hebrews 11:17, " By faith Abraham, when he was tried, offered up Isaac: and he that had received the promises offered up his only begotten son. "
Without obedience you can not please God, can not love God. Words empty have no value, it is only vanity, self serving. The provision God would not want me to live like this, is just that, an excuse. God would not want me to faithful to a husband that was froward. The God of ones own image surely does not want that for me. The God of Truth does want us to keep our oaths.
1 Petter 2:18, " Servants, be subject to your masters with all fear; not only to the good and gentle, but also to the froward. "
Just me working out my own salvation and sharing freely that walk. I pray you also work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. Be mindful of the time, for it is short, but a vapor. The bride must be ready for the Masters return, not ready after He returns. Do not buy from them that live in error, rather escape from them, avoid them, for a little leaven leavens the whole of the lump. A little hypocrisy sounds good, is pleasant and by the flesh through lust is to be desired. Do not do this thing for the latter end of those who have escaped from them who live in the liberty of their own corruption, it will be far worse to fall back then to never have known at all.
Romans 16:17, " Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. "
For the obedience of faith, it is made known. Truly read that and understand it. It is made known through the OBEDIENCE OF FAITH. May the Truth set you free indeed and the grace to be found in that freedom teach you to refuse the evil and choose the good.
Romans 16:26, " But now is made manifest, and by the scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, made known to all nations for the obedience of faith: "
They who have escaped are most easily snared again by the false preachers. For they use the lust of the flesh, the enticing filthy words that please the wantonness. To have liberty in sin, lasciviousness, licentiousness, license to sin. To sell you born again sinner, heaven is filled with sinners, total depravity, irresistible grace, sin inherited, a gene that foretells your inability through the wisdom of men to obey. So many things the false teacher has to regain your trust in a lie. If you do not stand fast, be diligent and do the work, you will be overcome by them and once overcome, easily torn down to the ground. Having once escaped, never go back!
Luke 9:62, " And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God. "
Never look back!
Genesis 19:26, " But his wife looked back from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt. "
Buy the Truth and sell it not!
Hebrews 12:16, " Lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, as Esau, who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright. "
The men of God are they who turn people from sin, they do not make excuse for it. They speak of denial of self and the Lord Jesus said to do. To mortify the members of the body, mortify the deeds, the affections and the lusts. First thing deny thyself, be born again. Take up thine own cross, Repent! Follow Christ, who said Go and Sin No More, which said simply, OBEY Him.
satan tells you and them that serve him, that you need not deny anything, it requires nothing, surely not your all. Their words will please your flesh to hear it and not your spirit but that spirit in you be evil. The gift of Gods Son was free but to yield the fruit found in the testators will, requires what? Faithfulness...
Name Him and depart from iniquity, stand in awe and sin not, awake to righteousness and sin not, all mean the same thing, obey Him who gave His lie for yours. Be unmovable from the faith that works by love and is proven by deeds. Faith without works is useless and know that true faith, true belief will bring suffering, do not be offended in Christ. Praise ye the Lord, magnify His Name, from faith to faith, all glory to the Lord.
This is the Lords day, it is not any day man says it is, but the day God Almighty proclaimed it to be. It is a day made for man and not man for it. It is a day God rested from all His works, yet it is a day to do good, you be the judge, what is good? You answer that, search it out and what ye find, obey it. Say and so do as that book of tempered mortar tell us (James). This day written in stone by the very hand of God, it is the forth Commandment and it is of the Ten Commandments, not the nine. Do not take from it nor add to it. Gods will be done Amen.
It is remission of sins past and not permission of sins future.
Seek, Repent and Sin No More...
We are the words we speak and we will give an account for every idle word that proceeds from our mouths. We will be justified by them or we will be condemned by them. For out of the mouth the heart speaks of the treasure it contains, Sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness. This is the second thing I heard from the Lord after being told I was forgiven. It was an open vision and I share it freely. Freely given, freely give.
Blessed be the Name of the Lord Amen and Amen...