My Lord:
How is a city set upon a hill not seen to be a city set upon a hill?
How is a candle lit not seen so the light coming from the candle can be guide of the Way to others?
Why would I have to tell someone I was a candle lit?
Why would I have to tell others that I was a city set upon a hill?
Ought not anyone who meets a man of God be able to to recognize this by the standard set, the banner flown, the pattern shown forth?
If one is about the business of the Father ought not that be clear to almost anyone that you are here to tell about Jesus, to tell of Christ and Him crucified?
If you have truly heard, then would you not be constantly speaking about that which you have heard?
Do men of God go about cussing like sailors appearing like the world so they can not be recognized, not being peculiar, separate from all the rest as to be a good steward, faithful?
Ought not we always be sober, is it not written to be so?
To always be shinning the light, always being peculiar, easy to spot, easy to hear, Jesus is the Way to the Truth to have Life. Christ and Him crucified, died for our sins past setting us free whom truly believe. Not a lip service, but a belief that bears faith (fruit), and a faith that has virtue added to it, it becoming an effectual operation of a FACT of ones state of being in love with Christ. For one whom has been forgiven much surely loves much. A true love that shines forth for all to see and hear being unable to not speak about that love, to be always giving the testimony the Lord has given to them by setting them free indeed from the bondage of sin, death and hell. It matter not even a little bit if they believe it or think you are a nutter, the Truth is simply the Truth and no man of God goes about speaking of anything but the Truth no matter how it may appear to others. An adult seeks the Truth no matter the cost even unto death. Meat belongs to them that are of full age. I was a child as Paul said but I am no longer a child. Paul was that old man but testified He was no longer that old man. Just another of many verses Paul wrote of once being a filthy rag, but was no longer that filthy rag. Also, just another of many verses Paul wrote that the professed use but refuse to hear the Truth written in it.
Matthew 5:14, " Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. "
The word "cannot" is the word that speaks loudest to me. A city set upon a hill "cannot" appear to be anything but a city set upon a hill "but" it be not a city set upon a hill. To a man pretending to be a man of God this means nothing, a false witness has no shame in saying look a city when there is no city to be seen. This goes to the fact that men of God turn people from sin for the heed the Word of God, they listen to Him and obey. They who pretend do not listen and obey they can not be distinguished from the rest, they look just like them all, yet "profess" to be of another, yet are of the same as the world. Hating God, yet saying they love Him, are of Him.
Jeremiah 23:22, " But if they had stood in my counsel, and had caused my people to hear my words, then they should have turned them from their evil way, and from the evil of their doings. "
A man acting just like the world is not turning anyone from anything but is partaking with them that do evil. Being ordained of man is nothing, being ordained of God is everything. Doing what is right is right, doing what is wrong is wrong. They who do righteousness are righteous even as Christ is righteous. Lip service is nothing, doing as you speak is everything. When Paul said I become all things to win them that He was fighting for, sin was the one thing he absolutely never became to win anyone. For love does not fail if it be love truly. Paul did not bear false witness as this whole so called church system in this world does. Paul through the power of Christ turned people from evil, he did not turn them to it by being evil. Yet this is taught everywhere that he was just a wicked forever sinner unable to do anything that he wanted and always did what he did not want to do. Sad they refuse the Truth and loveth a lie. Men of God are filled with the ability, they are absolutely able to do what they want to do and do not what they want not to do. They absolutely understand the true nature they possess, free will to choose. They eat of the butter and the honey and they absolutely know to REFUSE the evil and CHOOSE the good.
By the Grace of God I AM WHAT I AM, AMEN? AMEN!
Matthew 5:15, " Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. "
A man saying they are an ordained candle to shine forth light, do not then hide that light and shine not at all so none could recognize that man to be the light of a candle but that light provide only lip service and tell then "hey, look, I am the light", then they could recognize this ordained candle was actually shinning light even though it was not present in the ordained candle as it appeared to be just as them who had no light.
Mark 4:21, " And he said unto them, Is a candle brought to be put under a bushel, or under a bed? and not to be set on a candlestick? "
A man of God does not hide the light by appearing as the world so the world could not recognize him. Like a Jack in the Box, suddenly pops out and takes hold of you, Surprise I am a man of God, I know I sounded just like the world but I am really a man of God that just acts like you who have no light? This confusion is great among such, yet this is bought and people accept this more than they will accept a man of God who actually is the light. For no man can be righteous, not even one, right?
Luke 8:16. " No man, when he hath lighted a candle, covereth it with a vessel, or putteth it under a bed; but setteth it on a candlestick, that they which enter in may see the light. "
The witness of the Lamp that is to be upon the feet of them that actual follow the Lord tells us that NO MAN who lights a candle hides that light, rather that man shines that light for all to see at all times so them that are entering can see. That man having ACTUALLY ENTERED truly wants others to enter also as he has entered. They false witness shines forth a false light and has not entered at all, yet wants others to think he has entered so he can guide others. Men of ego, of self, they desire to be seen rather then do what is right and that is for Christ to be seen. Just because a mans lips are moving saying how much they love Jesus and are in love with Him, means nothing but they are actually producing the fruits of obedience to Christ, ABILITY, DOING, ABLE, the candle lit and shinning.
Luke 11:33, " No man, when he hath lighted a candle, putteth it in a secret place, neither under a bushel, but on a candlestick, that they which come in may see the light. "
Again, look how many times this topic is spoken of, expressed. NO MAN hides the light if they have the light. The man shinning the light is peculiar indeed for the light is easy to see in that man who bears the light. This man is separate from them that have not the light, so them that have it not can come to the light and see how to enter in. REPENT and make ye straight the Way of the Lord, confess and forsake and Go and Sin No More, that is the light shinning upon the Gate. Want to enter in? REPENT, REPENT, REPENT, REPENT and do the works worthy of repentance, GO AND SIN NO MORE, shine that light, which light? GO AND SIN NO MORE is that light. The Way to the Truth to have Life, Repent and Go and Sin No More. The Gate a man of God is to shine light upon is Christ whom said if ye love Me, you will obey Me. Christ said REPENT and Go and Sin No More. This is love that ye walk after the Commandments, Go and Sin No More. This is the love of God, that we keep the Commandments. I wonder who actually hears those words "this is the love of God"? What is the love of God? His Commandments. Why are the Commandments Gods love? For they teach us if we abide we can walk with God, to be near to Him, for sin can not be present with God, it is impossible for sin to be near God, I tasted of this and know it. It physically can not be so. To be in His presence without anything being done, it is automatic, sin simply said can not bear His presence, it is perfectly impossible. Like a train that can not be stopped, when sin is present it must be destroyed, the train is unstoppable and is absolutely going to destroy sin for God is just and righteous and good, and holy, and perfect and that is what the quality's of God do without even trying. They who are just, righteous, good, holy, perfect by default destroy sin, death and hell, just as Christ. It is all very simple, so simple a child understands it, but they faking it and wanting another make it into something so difficult no person can figure it out, that is the gift of all the false witnesses in the world. They hide the Way in confusion so no one looking for it can find the Gate to enter in. They are the Pharisees that shut up the gate to them looking and they call themselves the church. For anyone who says they are of Christ and has no ability to do anything but sin have no part in Christ, do not know Him, nor have they ever known Him. He does not them and they will weep and gnash their teeth and it will be a terrible day indeed.
Luke 11:36, " If thy whole body therefore be full of light, having no part dark, the whole shall be full of light, as when the bright shining of a candle doth give thee light. "
That old pesky word "IF" again. "IF", "IF", "IF" you are the light then your whole body is light, there is no dark, no mixing, no sharing, but all light. The eye is single looking only upon that which ye love truly. One Master, not two, for you can not truly love two. The world teaches you can, but the world is a filthy liar as all who are in it are. Even without realizing it, changes the Truth not about it. The whole world is testifying of God, but the whole world is trying to hide it. "IF" you walk in the Spirit there is no condemnation and only if you are in the Spirit. "IF" you walk in the flesh you are condemned absolutely. Friendship with the world is hatred towards God even when ones mouths professes love for God. The carnal mind is the enemy of God, not His friend. A man confessing to walk in the flesh is not of Christ. A man confessing to be carnal minded is NOT a friend of God but an enemy. Go look at them that profess to be flesh walkers and carnal minded who are certain they love Christ and are in Him and loved by Him. Then go read the Truth and see to whom they truly belong. For with their mouths they yield to Christ, but in their actions, deeds and works they yield to another. Christ is of the ability, satan is of the inability, they are not the same, they are the perfect opposites. You can not be of ability and of the inability. You can not be able and unable at the same time. You can not be fresh water and mixed with salt water, you will become salt water and no longer be fresh. You can not do all the things the fake pretend churches say you can be and love Christ. You can go to these lost places until Christ comes and it will not matter at all, dead works are dead works they can not become life no matter how many sacrifices one makes.
I had a great temptation laid at my feet and by the GRACE OF GOD, that is to say by the TEACHING OF GOD THROUGH THE HOLY GHOST, the conscience pricked and not kicked against, temptation refused, the offered denied, sin not conceived but rather denied the right thing was done and I remain free indeed from the bondage offered to me. This is how simply it is, grace has taught me to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts and to live sober (GRAVE), righteous and godly in this present world. Right here, right now, not waiting for Christ to come and then it being all done for me, NO! Doing it now, preparing for the Masters return, ready, watching and waiting for Him. Standing at the door even, hand upon the handle to open instantly upon His knock. A bride preparing and ready, not cheating with the filth of sin, but faithful even unto death. Till the end enduring, till the end, unmovable by them that call, unmovable by the temptation to go have pleasure in sin, which is not pleasure at all but an illusion of it. I am not missing anything of this world, I am missing Christ.
A man whom said he was a ordained priest, or a worker that laboured with God. Testified that people who just looked at him would not ever know that he was a priest because he swore just like the rest of them. That is perfectly said, a man that looked just like the world was in some way not of the world, we know this is a lie. Only if this man told them that he was a priest would they ever know it. A witness so false that it hurts to speak of it. Yet this makes perfectly the scriptures true in ever single word. A man proclaiming the Name of Christ yet surely refuses to obey Him and depart from all iniquity. To show forth a pattern and a standard that is meet/worthy of anyone who works with God in the garden. A man who clearly professes he is a friend of the world and the book that condemns him that says "they that are friends with the world are enemies of God". I wonder how this ordained priest reconciled the Truth in himself? I wonder how those who see him and hear him reconcile this man to be a fellow labourer of God? He, sounding like a labourer of the god of this world? For he is a worshiper of the god of this world. To whom ye yield yourselves servants to, is to whom ye serve. Speak like a devil because you are a devil. Believe like a devil and your faith is as a devil. Act like a devil and you are a devil. Walks like a duck, talks like a duck, it a duck. No matter how you dress up sewage, the stench remains, the evidence is clear to see, the fruit of sewage is the stench of death, foul and vile and has no redeeming quality's. Devils do believe there is one God and tremble, yet they do not obey Him, just like all who pretend, who bear false witness, who give lip service but whose hearts are far from Him. The devils heart is far from the Lord God Almighty, but that foul thing has not problem pretending to love Him, no problem feigning salvation, no problem providing lip service, no problem saying it loves Him, no problem quoted scripture, no problem lying and causing others to go down that broad way to hell.
No matter where you go the false witness if there already giving the false testimony. This man looked innocent enough but is that not the "art" of the subtil one? Is it not the "art" of them that look like lambs but speak perfectly as this man did, a dragon? A sweet old man who would harm no one and yet bears false witness of God. How much worse will it be for a man that professes to be a worker with God, that shows forth the false witness and takes Gods Name in vain making God useless in the eyes of them lost from Him, how much worse will it be for this soul? How much worse will it be for a man that shuts up the gates before those trying to enter in? A man saying he is light and is shinning the light for them to enter but is just pretending to be the light and is shinning not at all and that gate is just a pit for them foolishness to lean upon man to fall into. The blind leading the blind will fall into the same pit.
1 Timothy 3:8, " Likewise must the deacons be grave, not doubletongued, not given to much wine, not greedy of filthy lucre; "
Again, the one word that is always missing everywhere, "grave" (sober). To be grave a man professing to be ordained priest, but ordained of men, not God. This man displays no gravity (sobriety) of the situation set forth before all mankind. The terror of the Lord was not found in his words but the ability to make light of it was. Look at me and you will not know me to be what I am, I swear with the best of them, I look just like the world, just like you, yet I am not of the world? Pure confusion... Just as my friend who told me that joke told to him by another man who professed to love Christ no doubt to be saved no doubt. We should not look twice to lust after the flesh of a women but that first look make it a long look so as not to be sin. In this joke is drunkenness, nothing sober about being able to make light of something so grave, life and death.
As I walk with Christ I find this testimony of the professed all the time, it is always the same relaxed testimony baring no fear of God before them. To make light of the Truth, a man proclaiming to be of God not being grave, not wanting to offend or appear rude, to not turn anyone away from the Truth, makes light of hell and death and the path he sees others on, is not a man of God and this man is on the same path as them going to hell. Many seek, but few are what? ABLE. Few are able but many profess the inability, this man said he cussed, or used profanity with the best of them, or just like them showing absolutely no difference between him and them. Making no difference between the clean and the unclean, no difference between the profane and the holy. I see more and more why James said "above all things swear not". Consider all the beautiful things James wrote but in the last chapter he made a point to say what was most important to help you run the race was to swear not, to promise no man, to make an oath to no man, to mean what you say you mean. To say yes and mean yes, to say no and mean no. To be what? Grave, indeed. To be what? of no variableness, yes. To be what? No shadow of turning to the left or the right, to be an eye single, one faith, one truth, one Lord. There is no other way but the Way. I find James to be absolutely hard as iron able to sharpen iron. A man who could not see that James was solid as iron is a fool indeed. See men will apply this quality to God but refuse to find it in themselves. I speak of the so called saved man whom says he knows Christ. This man will profess to stray, profess to fall, but will not profess to be able to be like God as we are told to be. Man may be variable, may change from day to day, be faithful this hour and in the next unfaithful and yet magically loves God the whole time. A man professing to know the Lord says "no matter where I stray, I know the Lord changes not at all", imagine how unfaithful this man must be to think this is wisdom found. This man acknowledges the quality's of God but refuses to be that expressed image. Happy to know he is going to stray, makes ready to stray, to fail, to walk away and no matter what the god of his own image, failing, God will always have to accept him just the way he is. God will love Him just the way he is. Never mind God loves them that love Him, and anyone straying does not love Him, their eyes are not single but surely double. Seeing that temptation and taking a long, long first look.
James 5:12, " But above all things, my brethren, swear not, neither by heaven, neither by the earth, neither by any other oath: but let your yea be yea; and your nay, nay; lest ye fall into condemnation. "
A man professing the ability to not be able to bridle his own tongue is not rare or special, nothing peculiar about that at all. Nor is there anything peculiar about the book of the Lord condemning this man for his false witness. The book making no qualms about it, to the liars it is rude and contemptible even to say this man ordain of men to be of God, a priest who speaks like the world to not be a man of God is foolishness and indeed rude, offensive even? Yes. Yet the Truth holds no punches it expresses the Truth regardless. Anyone who professes to be religious and bridles not there tongue as no true religion but a fake one. This man is vain, useless, of no value to God, that is, but to the world which seeks liberty in sin, this man is a hero indeed, of great value to them, is loved by them and well spoke of by them just a Luke 6 tells us. Well spoken off no doubt as this man is, for any man that will allow sin to reign is a man of the world through and through and it does not matter what he proclaims to love, his actions, deeds, works profess of whom he is truly a servant to.
James 1:26, " If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion is vain. "
Luke 6:26, " Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets. "
Faithful in all things is not applied to women only (we are all bides to Christ), it is REQUIRED that a steward be faithful. Again we find that we come to the word "faith". So we must again express it truthfully. Faith is faithfulness, it is sincerity, loyalty, monogamy, fidelity, truthful, it is obedience. For all these words profess obedience to that which is loved. Faith is a WORK of love so it is of WORKS, just not the works of the law of the flesh, circumcision, that sacrifice that pleases not God and that sacrifice that Christ did once and FOR ALL. Faith is a WORK of love and proven by deeds, actions, works. It must have virtue added to it or it is as a body without the soul, dead, useless, vain, worthless, of no value, no equity, no purpose, an empty well, a cloud blown about from this to that and never being able to come to the full knowledge of the Truth, ever learning and NEVER ABLE. A dead to be buried into the dirt and be no more. If it hath not works it is dead. If it has not faith it is dead.
1 Timothy 3:11, " Even so must their wives be grave, not slanderers, sober, faithful in all things. "
Whom is the faithful servant? The one who is never able or the one who is able? Is it the one professing their sin to be so to make the Lord Jesus of use and the gospel needed as Martin Luther and all of them that follow his foul traditions say? Is total depravity a requirement or is being grave and sober? I despise using their names who have fouled that waters of Life with the sewage of lies. Yet it must be so, Augustine must be proven to be the liar he was and Martin Luther with him. All of them that foolishly follow them must understand they follow lies, have been sold a false witness. Lambs looked like but in reality were just more of the same subtle creature speaking deceit, dragons, serpents, devils. Unfaithful and had no problem saying it and no ability through Christ to overcome it, for they had no part in Christ but lip service. All who follow these so called teachings are in the same shipwrecked boat as these false witnesses of God Almighty.
Luke 12:42, " And the Lord said, Who then is that faithful and wise steward, whom his lord shall make ruler over his household, to give them their portion of meat in due season? "
This is what a man testified to me about these men who absolutely taught lies and are well spoken of then and now. What they taught then is what people needed to hear then, what we are teaching today is what people need to hear today. Truly listen to what is being said by this man. Men suppossedly of God taught lies because this is what they needed to hear back then and now what is being taught today is a correction of those lies and it is what people need to hear today. Even though the same foul lies are still be taught today as then and have always been. It made no sense at all, but to this man that made perfect sense. The liars back then needed to teach lies for that is what God wanted them to hear, God did not want them to hear the Truth. Men back then did not need to hear the Truth, the time they lived was just bad luck, I guess. Utter nonsense, God always wants the Truth to be told and the Way to be made straight. Always wants all to Go and Sin No More, but men are always lying about God to allow themselves to be more than they are and to be well spoken of. They do not want to offend or be rude, or turn anyone away so they compromise with evil, make provisions for the flesh to fulfill the lust, make room to stray away and yet absolutely be in love with Christ. Mans love always fails, but it is love right. Gods love never fails and it is love indeed. One is true love and the other a deception called love.
Not a suggestion, but a statement of fact, something that is not done for you or anyone. It is something require all must do themselves, all must be faithful unto the very end. Endure till when? The End! To endure till the end faithfully in the obedience of their faith, or as written faith is obedience and there is not such thing a faith that is not obedient or faithful, regardless of whom they are faithful to, be it sin, death and hell or righteousness, Life and heaven. They who are faithful to death, love death for they are faithful to it. All who hate God (even though they say they love Him) love death. All who love God, love Life, love Christ for He is the Way to the Truth to have Life. The Truth is not rude to them that love the Truth. The Truth is not contemptible to them that love the Truth. Correction is loved of them that love the Truth, for they do not want to be found wanting, but desire to be perfect, spotless and without blemish. They strive to enter in that Gate that is narrow and straight. They make straight the Way of their Lord preparing for His return. Standing fast at the door to open unto Him the moment He returns. Watching, waiting faithfully, holding fast to that which He has said. Not being moved by any other voice, unmovable by all the world has to offer. The eye that offends plucked out, the hand that offends cut off, the axe laid to the root of the bad tree and cut down. For a bad tree can not produce the fruit of the Lord ever! A good tree produces good fruit for it is of the Lord and can not be of any other. There is not any good trees and bad trees that are one in the body of Christ. There is no mixing and sharing, a good tree is good and a bad tree is bad.
1 Corinthians 4:2, " Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful. "
Grave - all seriousness, nothing to joke about, to be authoritative, weighty in the matter in which one professes to be of or about. Rude even, contemptible for the Truth appears to be to them not of it.
Grave - significantly serious : considerable, great grave importance. having a serious and dignified quality or demeanor a grave and thoughtful look.
Grave - of an accent mark : having the form.
I find no chance in the ways one finds the Truth, it is there for all to find if they truly desire it. Grave is a mark of them that are being formed by the hands of the Potter. They not grave are being formed by the hands of something else, a thing foul beyond all expression. To be able to joke about sin, to make light of it and to make light of salvation is a mark indeed. The simple Truth, they of God are marked by the quality's of God. They of the devil are marked by the quality's of the devil. It is not some foolishness created by the world, a chip, or system, or tattoo, it is a mark of whom ye yield. Sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness. Finding pleasure in sin and death or sighing and crying. To be grave or not make a joke, it is that simple. The mark of the beast, 666, mankind who live in sin. The mark of God, sighing and crying over having lived in sin and them that are living in sin. Those who look for signs are filled with them and are ever learning but never able. They invent foolishness at every turn and complicate what needs no great sign from the world to see it. Yet that is the only place they know for it is of what they are. They always look to that which they know best.
Ezekiel 9:4, " And the LORD said unto him, Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof "
To be grave is to be sober. Told over and over to be sober.
In my walk, I want perfection, I want what is told to me by the Lord to be true. Not what men have made themselves, it has no value at all, it is ugly and not at all what I desire. I want to be grave and marked by it, to be seen and heard to be a man of God fighting the good fight of faith working by love and proven by deeds. I want to be sincere in all my works and known by them. I want to cry and to sigh now for all that I was and for all that I see that is. I want to cry for the Lord who suffered to so much for me. I want to cry for being set free from the lies that are so bold in the world. I want to sigh everyday until what I want I have, Christ. I will wait patiently for Him to come. I will sigh as I wait, I will cry as I watch for Him. My love is in Him and all that I possess is His.
Sober - marked by sedate or gravely or earnestly thoughtful character or demeanor.
The odds that to be sober is to be MARKED? I had no doubt it would be so.
Grave - To carve or cut letters or figures on stone or other hard substance, with a chisel or edged tool; to engrave.
The fact that we find the word "edge" here is wonderful indeed. It is hard to contain my smile, but the Lord never ceases to impress Amen. Like a razors edge, sharp. The demeanor is witnessed with the eyes and is understood without question of to whom one has yielded. Be it sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness. It is understood by deeds, actions, works and is witnessed in them that the Lord liveth.
I could not ask for a more excellent definition then this.
Grave - To clean a ship's bottom by burning off filth, grass or other foreign matter, and paying it over with pitch.
Paying - to be worth the expense or effort.
To bear the cost, to count it and pay it. Interesting how words come to express the Truth if you are seeking it.
Pitch - to put aside or discard by or as if by throwing.
Set aside all manner of filthiness, pitch. To let go of, to discard, to get rid of, to set down, to thrown down, throw over, to place far from you.
Sober - marked by temperance, moderation, or seriousness. Serious; solemn; grave.
MARKED BY TEMPERANCE/SELF CONTROL and Paul preached to Felix about righteousness, temperance and the judgement to come. Paul was marked indeed by the fruit of his actions, he being able to be a preacher of righteousness, who brought his body into subjection to the OBEDIENCE of his faith in Christ.
Find a man serious, solemn (marked by grave sedateness and earnest sobriety ) and grave, not making light of their inability but proclaiming the power of Christ in them and their ability to do all things and you will have found something peculiar and not common, but a rare thing separate from the world and them in it.
Find a man boasting of his sins to make Christ enough and you have found common dirt, that is not peculiar but found upon every corner in all the world. You will have found the seed of evil and a man in the service to it. A man not striving but a man wanting it all done for them, totally depraved indeed.
Could anyone imagine Christ making light of salvation, of sin, of taking a long look at the beauty of a women so He would not do it twice, for if you did it twice then it would be sin, so get a good first look to carry with Him in His heart so lust could have its fill? Yet this is the testimony of a saved man to my very ears, a man who wanted it known to me how much longer he had been in the Lord then I. I still find that part has more reason then I yet known. God will reveal it if it needs to be.
I wonder how many times Christ joked of salvation and the seriousness of it?
I wonder how many times Peter, Paul, John, James, Luke, Mark or Matthew made light of being evil and not good?
Who in the face of the Lord would be able to make light of sin? NOT EVEN ONE COULD MANAGE IT OR WILL MANAGE IT.
For in that day it will be dark and terrible and there will be weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth and if this rude Truth is contemptible to you, then you will be the one weeping. If you love to laugh today, you will weep tomorrow. If the gravity of the situation of life and death set before us all is not sobering to you, then it will be a horror for you in the day of the Lord. This is the Truth and it is not anything to be taken lightly. It can not be dismissed by them whom say hell is temporary or that you can eventually get out, or hell is not even real. These who say such things and repent not, will have their part in the lake of fire, a place separating them from the presence of the Lord and the smoke of their torment will rise forever and ever. I know this torment and it's far worse then these words express it to be.
The drunk man acts foolishly, even when faced with that most grave of situations this man drunk can not see the danger, or the harm caused by his state. Can not see the harm of his lackadaisical position created by not being sober. How he threatens the safety of not only himself but them around him. Making light of a moment that puts others in danger. Making light of moments he is in danger. To not be able to pay attention to what is taking place and give it the respect the situation calls for. Not just drunk on drink, but them drunk in sin. Someone so high in the pleasures of sin that they make light of it, make light of doing it, and make light of them following their example. They lost in sin care not that others are lost with them, in fact they encourage others the follow them in the same type of behavior. To not be grave and sincere but to make light of the Truth before them. You can find this foolishness in the preachers everywhere. Who make light of their sins and make it the position of God to be the one that must to do the work to save them and not only to do it, but to have already done it. It is like a mandelbrot set, no matter which part you go to look at you find the same thing. No matter how this is explained it always leads to the same thing. No matter how you slice the Truth it remains the same Truth, any single micro part of the Truth remains the same Truth as the whole of the mandelbrot set. I never knew that years ago when I found mandelbrot sets I would find the Truth of the Lord in them and be using them to express the Truth of the Lord with them. It never ceases to amaze the ways the Lord uses all things to testify of Him. All creation testifies that God is, if you are looking for Him you will find Him.
Being drunk in sin one can not understand to Truth of laying aside, setting aside, putting down, turning from, Repenting, letting go of, doing it no more, setting it not before thy face, making no provision for it, mortifying the members, digging deep, affirming constantly, going over it and over it, not forgetting, Going and Sinning No More. There is no ability in drunkenness but to be drunk and foolish. No ability to do what is right, but to do everything that is wrong. To be drunk is to be unable to bring your body into subjection, but it ruling absolutely over you. No temperance, no patience, no sincerity, just foolishness and we know that foolishness is sin. The thoughts of foolishness are sin and the thoughts of a drunkard are foolishness indeed. Abstain from all appearance of evil. Abstain from fleshly lusts. Abstain from fornication for it is the WILL OF GOD ALMIGHTY THAT YOU DO THIS. Abstain from meats offered to idols, abstain from blood, abstain from things strangled, abstain from fornication. Abstain from the pollution of idols.
Prov 24:9, " The thought of foolishness is sin: and the scorner is an abomination to men. "
Acts 15:20, " But that we write unto them, that they abstain from pollutions of idols, and from fornication, and from things strangled, and from blood. "
Acts 15:29, " That ye abstain from meats offered to idols, and from blood, and from things strangled, and from fornication: from which if ye keep yourselves, ye shall do well. Fare ye well. "
1 Thessalonians 4:3, " For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication: "
1 Thessalonians 5:22, " Abstain from all appearance of evil. "
1 Peter 2:11, " Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul; "
Abstain - to choose not to do or have something : to refrain deliberately and often with an effort of self-denial from an action or practice. To forbear, or refrain from, voluntarily; but used chiefly to denote a restraint upon the passions or appetites; to refrain from indulgence.
Which part of "abstain" means do nothing, that it is all done for you, no work required? Which part is truly paid already past, present and future? Which part is the finished works of Christ becoming your works that require you to do nothing?
As I read about abstain I see clearly it is something we choose to do ourselves, something along the lines of free will to choose to refrain from something that God has Commanded those that love Him to not do. It is a list of do nots and do this. Looking further we see that abstain is about self-denial from certain actions, practices, deeds, dead works, such as Going and Sinning No More. Just as Christ said, deny thyself. The word "voluntarily" makes prefect sense for it is something chosen out of a love and not by a thing forced. It denotes "restraint" from PASSIONS and DESIRES. The word "abstain" fits perfectly into the Gospel of Peace that requires of them that actually love the Lord Jesus, they who Name Him as Lord actually being able to depart from iniquity and not the false witness excuse of not being able to do anything but be totally depraved.
Romans 3:25, " Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God; "
Just listen to them drunk in their sins and all the foolishness that comes out of the mouth by that foolishness. All the vain inventions of men, all the vain imaginations of men drunk in their sin. All the effort put forth for such commonness as dirt. All the effort to be allowed to remain drunk in sin, to be free in sin, to have liberty in sin. Again its like mandelbrot, no matter where you look you find the same thing. In this case you find men drunk in sin who make God into their own image of corruption. Wanting it all done for them, all paid for them, to be able to just provide lip service, to say a word and be in the body of Christ without the works of truly loving Him. Just say grace, just say you believe, just say the sinners prayer, just plead the blood, just say His Name, irresistible grace, total depravity, unconditional love, once saved always saved, present and future sins forgiven, no judgements, the book of the Lord is corrupt, pre trib, always a filthy rag, always a wretch, none are righteous, He loves us just the way we are, heaven is full of sinners, can not be taken out of His hand, do not judge, chief of sinners, license to sin, just have faith, just say this prayer, not of works, moral transfer (Christ righteousness is transferred to us, so we do not have to be righteous), He is our substitution rather than our example, grace is a forever cover, when God looks at you He sees Christ and not you, if we say we have not sinned or no sin, that Christ obeyed for us, LEGALISTIC, sin nature, born to sin, born in sin, if we stop sinning then we are saving ourselves never mind Acts 2:40, It is not what you do it is what has been done, its not a sin thing its a Jesus thing, no one is perfect, nothing is pure or can be ever, come as you are, no need for holiness, no need for godliness, no need for purity, no need for righteousness, clothed in the righteousness of Christ, the finished works of Christ are our finished works, faith alone, perfected by sin, Christ is my rest, after Christ comes then we will be sinless, eternal security, born a sinner, moral depravity, all things are possible with Christ BUT ceasing from sin, using scripture to defend sin, to excuse sin, they spend more time finding ways to sin then reason they can stop sinning, doctrine surrounds freedom in sin, sin is always greater than God, NO ONE HAS EVER KEPT THE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD!, the Commandments were not meant to be kept, nobody will ever keep the Commandments, nothing can separate me from the love of God, nothing can snatch me out of His hand, there are many paths, I live in freedom and then professes sin, Jesus is not God, Christ is your liberty so you can live in sin, do not get into the sins of the flesh thing, its a private matter, sin can not separate you from God, only unbelief can keep you from God, original sin, a work in progress that never progresses, sin until the end but God loves you no matter what you do, we ought not sin but we can not but sin, the foot prints in the sand are when He is carrying you, no more sacrifices, mark of the beast is a chip or bar code or www or energy drinks, the new temple being built, peace and safety in sin, irresistible grace is a filthy lie read Romans 13:2, pleading the blood, can not out sin grace, do not have to endure till the end that was for the old church?, can not be spotless, can not be without blemish, can not be without wrinkle, the bar was not raised by Christ he lowered it, greasy grace, easy believeism, do not have to cease from sin, can not cease from sin, none are righteous no not one, the heart is infinitely wicked, just repeat after me this sinners prayer, altar calls, just say grace, saved in sin, liberty in sin, antinomianism, lasciviousness, licentiousness, not under the law, the Commandments of God are no more, it is the nine Commandments, you can take from the word and add to it, I am saved and yet I am still a sinner, clean but filthy, no one can judge me, God made me this way, God is not equal, God is at fault, God is not fair, Penal substitution (the Lord did not take your place), total depravity, total inability, the false gospel of inability, the gospel of no one can, could or will, the ism's, calvinism, lawlessness, iniquity, lasciviousness, licentiousness, sinning saints, born again but all remains the same, walk by faith but no pattern of faith to be found in the Lord Jesus. Moral depravity, to make Christ enough we must sin, to make the gospel needed we must be depraved, Christ alone (this is true but not to the degree they use it, it is Christ and you alone, no other before Him and you, they make it so that Christ must do it all and has done it all), license to sin, liberty as they serve corruption, license to sin,
(left open with a comma for there is always another lie to add)
All of these things are a license to sin, everything that man invents and chases after is inability, and freedom to be as they desire. They do not want a Lord in Christ they just want their own images lording over themselves. It is sin unto freedom and no need to obey, no need to have a Lord but self. When the Truth is sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness.
They use many "just this one thing", when it is a sum of many things! EVERY WORD THAT PROCEEDETH OUT OF THE MOUTH OF GOD.
These are the wicked lazy slothful servants who are going to have the door shut in their face and there will be weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth!
These are the ones who will be judged by their own mouths and all will be.
Matthew 25:26, " His lord answered and said unto him, Thou wicked and slothful servant, thou knewest that I reap where I sowed not, and gather where I have not strawed:
25:27 Thou oughtest therefore to have put my money to the exchangers, and then at my coming I should have received mine own with usury.
25:28 Take therefore the talent from him, and give it unto him which hath ten talents.
25:29 For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.
25:30 And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. "
Judges 18:9, " And they said, Arise, that we may go up against them: for we have seen the land, and, behold, it is very good: and are ye still? be not slothful to go, and to enter to possess the land. "
Proverbs 12:24, " The hand of the diligent shall bear rule: but the slothful shall be under tribute. "
Proverbs 12:27, " The slothful man roasteth not that which he took in hunting: but the substance of a diligent man is precious. "
Proverbs 15:19, " The way of the slothful man is as an hedge of thorns: but the way of the righteous is made plain. "
Proverbs 18:9, " He also that is slothful in his work is brother to him that is a great waster. "
Proverbs 19:24, " A slothful man hideth his hand in his bosom, and will not so much as bring it to his mouth again. "
Is it hard to find them that refuse to labour, they love to boast not of works, they are upon every side.
Proverbs 21:25, " The desire of the slothful killeth him; for his hands refuse to labour. "
Proverbs 22:13, " The slothful man saith, There is a lion without, I shall be slain in the streets. "
Proverbs 24:30, " I went by the field of the slothful, and by the vineyard of the man void of understanding; "
Proverbs 26:13, " The slothful man saith, There is a lion in the way; a lion is in the streets. "
Proverbs 26:14, " As the door turneth upon his hinges, so doth the slothful upon his bed. "
Proverbs 26:15, " The slothful hideth his hand in his bosom; it grieveth him to bring it again to his mouth. "
About the business of the Father. We are not talking fleshly works in this world.
Romans 12:11, " Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord; "
Hebrews 6:12, " That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises. "
How can faith be slothful, I thought all you had to do was believe? Faith is a work, a work of love. You must truly love Him and be faithful to Him and it takes work, it is war and a soldier works very hard, even unto death for that which he serves. To whom ye yield are ye servants whom ye obey. To which ever you submit yourselves are to whom you are of, SIN UNTO DEATH or OBEDIENCE UNTO RIGHTEOUSNESS. They who do righteousness are righteous even as Christ is righteous. They who sin are servants of sin, they are children of the devil as the book of the Lord has written in it and as Christ Himself has spoken it.
Romans 6:16, " Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness? "
Romans 6:17, " But God be thanked, that ye were the servants of sin, but ye have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered you. "
Romans 6:18, " Being then made free from sin, ye became the servants of righteousness. "
Romans 6:20, " For when ye were the servants of sin, ye were free from righteousness. "
Romans 6:22, " But now being made free from sin, and become servants to God, ye have your fruit unto holiness, and the end everlasting life. "
Jesus did not get it wrong when He said:
John 8:34, " Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin. "
Do people think they can run upon you with filth and you will smile, approve, say nothing, remain silent, do nothing, accept it, enjoy it, partake of it with them? Or, when they see you they already know YOU ARE A SERVANT OF GOD ALMIGHTY AND YOU WILL NOT HAVE ANY PLEASURE IN UNRIGHTEOUSNESS? So they take their filth a go away from you, for evil departs from them that serve the Lord God Almighty, it does not enjoy the company of Truth, it is rude and contemptible to it. It offends the flesh that has pleasure in unrighteousness. Notice who wants to be with someone who has no pleasure in evil but always reproves, rebukes and exhorts. There it is hard, to find, even one willing to hear the Truth. Even who would dare to die for a righteous man but a good man they would even dare to die.
Abraham said even if you find just ten men and the Lord said if I can find ten.
Genesis 18:32, " And he said, Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak yet but this once: Peradventure ten shall be found there. And he said, I will not destroy it for ten's sake. "
Romans 5:7, " For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die. "
Be instant to reprove, to rebuke and exhort, do not be of that watered down inability. Be ye bold as a lion and please the Lord, be instant to tear down any stronghold built upon lies. Untempered mortar is easy to tear down with the Truth. Ye must study always to show thyself approved, you must always be confirming, affirming in yourselves the Way to the Truth to have Life. I must be always ready to give an answer for the hope that is in me. Do not allow the evil to go freely without an open rebuke. Do not allow the lie of offending anyone set you down from the Rock ye have been placed. Stand fast and show them the power of ability through Christ to do all things that is asked of you. In my case tell them about Him, do it and do not cease from the task given, fight with all your might to maintain the Commandment, "if you stay, tell them about Me". You are able or I would not of asked it of you. I have given to you all that which you will need, for I forsake none that are Mine.
2 Timothy 4:2, " Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. "
Gravity - dignity or sobriety of bearing, importance, significance especially : seriousness. A serious situation or problem. Earnest, earnestness, graveness, intentness, serious-mindedness, seriousness, soberness, sobriety, solemnity, solemnness, staidness.
Titus 2:7, " In all things shewing thyself a pattern of good works: in doctrine shewing uncorruptness, gravity, sincerity, "
The PATTERN of good works, SHOWING UNCORRUPTNESS, DIGNITY or SOBRIETY of BEARING, IMPORTANCE, SIGNIFICANCE, ESPECIALLY SERIOUSNESS of the situation that is at hand. No time is there for lacking sincerity of the urgency that was set in me when I was filled with the Holy Ghost. It may not be there now, but it was shown to me and I must be able to maintain it through Christ, for I am able. Set ye up a standard, flying the banner of whom I belong for all to see. This is the Way to the Truth to have Life eternal, Repent! The city set upon a hill is seen. The candle lit is seen, it can not be hidden, it is not a private matter. It was said to tell them, who is them if no place was set to be just a certain select? It was all whom the Lord would allow to be before me, I knew it then and I heard it in me. It has not changed, it remains the same, together with the Lord I work and labour, it is Christ alone, as in Him and I together working in the garden. Nothing in between, no man standing between us giving me access, no object created of any mans hands. It is the object of my desire, either I love Him or I do not. If I do I will keep His Commandments for that is love. This is love that we walk in the Commandments of God, walk after them, delight ourselves in them. God is the Law and the Truth and it is His love towards us. That we might follow after them so we can be with Him Whom there is no shadow of turning and no variableness. The same today, yesterday and tomorrow, the Truth is always the Truth no matter what they do to it. Hate it, shame it, despise it, bear false against it, spit on it, curse it, blame it, saw it asunder, nail it to a tree, murder it and it remains always the same, unmovable even in death, the Truth remains the Truth and a lie remains a lie.
Liars will lie and the righteous will be righteous, let them be as they will be.
Revelation 22:11, " He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still. "
This is the Lords day and it was made for man and not man for it. This is the day God rested from all His works and I do the same as I see my Father do.
It is remission and not permission.
Seek, Repent and Sin No More.
May they know you when they see for you will look nothing like them and they will know God is and Christ liveth. So show forth His death to know among them one thing, Christ and Him crucified.
Blessed be the Name of the Lord Amen and Amen. . .
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