My Lord:
Murder can not kill murder. Hate can not defeat hate. Evil for evil begets evil.
Matthew 5:39, " But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also. "
The Lord certainly did not obey for you and He surely does not resist the devil for you. You are to stand fast and do that which must be done, that which is required of any FAITHFUL servant, faithfulness, obedience. You resist not the evil that is in the world turn thy cheek and bear it, you resist the temptation offered to you by the devil and all who are his children and who do its work. You are not to resist the evil becoming that which you are to resist, it then is no longer resistance but becoming that which you resisted. Being evil is evil no matter your intentions, doing evil is evil. You are to Go and Sin No More, show forth the ability to do all that is required of a servant. So again, what is a servant? What is a friend? Do no harm...
James 4:7, " Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. "
They who are called are forgiven and they are cleared of the conscience defiled and if they endure till the end they will be saved, will have salvation, will rise in the resurrection of life and not the resurrection of damnation, that crown laid up, then is it no longer laid up but put on. They who are called are not the servants of the Lord Jesus Christ but they are obedient unto the call. The servant is required to be faithful, for that is the meaning of the word faith that so many use, faith is faithfulness and faith has nothing to to do with unfaithfulness. What is required? Obedience to the Commandments, everything Paul wrote was a Commandment of the Lord Jesus and no doubt every disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. SO WHICH COMMANDMENTS? Again faith, a word used by many but truly meant by few. So we hear the Truth, many called but few chosen. For God has called ALL men everywhere to Repent, to Work, but not all go to the work. Again the parable of the two sons in Matthew 21:28-32. The number two, one refuses but Repents, the other refuses and Repents not. One obeys from the heart and one does not. One does the will of the Father and one does not the will of the Father. Two choices. either obey unto life everlasting or obey not unto damnation everlasting. Again freewill, to choose to whom one will yield themselves servants to obey that which they love truly. It is NOT obeyed for anyone, don already for anyone, paid in full already for anyone so that they need not WORK. This fake church is a great whore which rides the beast. In pretense it serves the Lord with lips service but the heart is far from Him. They glory indeed outwardly for all the world to see but inwardly there is no conversion, no new heart, no new life, no Spirit of God present. If it contained that which it ought then it would not be filled with the unrepentant, there would be power present though the Spirit of God and all the divorcing, cheating, adultery, fornication, lust, and ever other vile thing that takes place in what is called the body of Christ would not be so. In the body of Christ none of these filthy things are present. For any leaven would be removed by all that serve the Truth and not gloried in.
Who speaks of a word but fulfills not the contents of the word? If one says I will and then does not, they are not filling the word, they have made it hollow, of no use, vain, powerless, no equity, no value. It is Power through obedience, faithfulness absolute loyalty unto the end, I say yea and so I do, I show forth the Truth. No such thing as a servant unfaithful, you can not be a servant to that which you do not abide in. a branch can not be of the vine it is not part of. It can grow along the side of the True Vine but that does not make it part of that Vine. You can pretend but that just makes you a liar and no lover of lies will ever enter into the Kingdom of God. You can provide lip service but without the heart there is no value, no increase. We must decrease so the Lord may increase. Given talents, we increase God, we do not bury them in empty words. The slothful servant is cast out into darkness. They who work will eat and they who work not will eat not. All reap what they sow, and whatever the state, so be it, praise ye the Lord.
1 Corinthians 7:22, " For he that is called in the Lord, being a servant, is the Lord's freeman: likewise also he that is called, being free, is Christ's servant. "
Only the free are servants of the Lord, they who sin are not free, they are of the devil and they are bound to him. Being called in the Lord ye be servant if you obey. You be friend if you do no harm, do well. You can not serve the sin and the Lord. There are no sinners in heaven, just the born again. There are no sinning saints of God, just saints of God. There are servants of evil and servants of good. The good tree can not produce bad fruit, ever! A bad tree can not produce good fruit, ever! To whom ye yield ye are servants to that which ye obey. Sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness. It is the same thing over and over and over again. Sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness. From day one it was obey this and live. Obey not this and surely, absolutely, you will die. Always seeking, searching, defining that Path by definition. Use mortar tempered in the furnace of affliction, tried in the fire of obedience. Go over it and over it, cement it, make it permanent, solid, unmovable. Absolutely devoted, which is "ALL", brings a view that is clear and absolute. I seek absolute, I seek no provision, I desire perfection and all I hear is none can be, none can have any of these things. All I ever hear is the seed of doubt and inability mixed with the "so called" faith that can not be faithful. The church of can not and all must be done for you, they are everywhere, and their servants all appear like sheep. The servant so called who serves not, because no one can in the body of Christ do anything. It is sad and sickening to hear this mantra chanted over and over. Told this without end, at ever turn one hears the same filth over and over again. One must then put before themselves the Truth even more so to combat this chanting of how it is all paid for, past, present and future and how it is all done for you, all obey for you so you being incapable of anything whatsoever must have it this way. The very reason all must set down these filthy provisions, they make is so no one can enter in, once saved always saved is disgusting on its face. It creates people who are incapable of anything but lip service. They say license to sin and they say no license but they create a license to sin absolutely, no matter if they profess a license or not. No matter the provision made by men it in some way produces liberty in their sins. They can not cease from sin and who really needs to be told what is written about them that can not cease from sin? They only reason we hear the filthy lie of born to sin, sin nature is by filthy provision made up by men who refuse to Go and Sin No More, refuse to obey, so they make up a reason for it. It is not difficult to understand this Truth, it is simple, a simple choice. Refuse the evil and choose the good or not. Go to the work that all are called to do or not. Repent truly or not.
Go over it and over it, cementing it, becoming strong in the Truth so the endless lies have no more power, no chance of getting through. The fiery darts of the devil and by his followers, are always being shot at those who live righteous and godly. They who obey from the heart will suffer for the Truth. It takes many forms and by many ways one can see the world makes those who obey pay. You who profess to obey, to keep the Commandments, who live righteously in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. All of you will suffer for His Name sake. It is written so it is. Persecution comes in many forms, just to simply deny yourselves is a form of suffering, how much more when someone else inflicts upon you?
All one hears is Truth mixed with lies at every turn. God would not want me to live like this or that and so on, man always applying their image of God and refusing the Truth. We are called into a furnace of affliction. We glory in infirmities if we must glory, no matter the state we strive to be content, for if one truly knows the Lord in their heart, then just knowing the Truth, this world and what is to come is something that nothing could remove that joy of knowing the Truth in Truth. Without doubt, absolute knowledge God is, it is not a fairy tale of men, it is not a vain useless imagination of men, it is absolute fact. The fact known is joy indeed and yet there is suffering, there is tests, tribulations, afflictions, persecutions, trials, standing in the fire and yet able to joy in the Truth.
There is something greater, there is a purpose, there is a reason, there is more than the utter foolishness of happenstance, just a accident, evolution, the ideas of men. There is a reason to wake and profess the Truth whether they will listen of not. If one truly has heard, then that one can not be silent about having heard and if they will continue on the Path set forth for them they in the end will receive a crown of life everlasting, but only if they endure till the end. It is not irresistible, it is not unforgettable, one can forget, one can forsake, can choose to turn back and become entangled in this world. One can find their life and have it in this world but will lose it in that which is absolutely to come. I heard the Truth, I can not but profess it out of the love I was shown and found in the Truth. Forgiven much, love much more. Out of love one can stand anywhere, surrounded by anything and not be moved.
If that is the desire of thine heart, ye shall have that desire. God is good, what is to come is unspeakable. The presence of the Lord is unimaginable, perfection is real, spotlessness is Truth, ability is absolute though Christ. I am not Romans 3, I was, I am not Romans 7, I was. I wanted to do good but I always ended up doing what I wanted not. I am not that man anymore, I have received a new heart that is not infinitely wicked anymore. I have literally been born again, I did die and was given the choice to stay of go. I am now free to choose to live soberly, righteously and godly in this present world. If "I" choose to be a doer. What is obedience but doing that will of that which is obeyed. I do seek after God and I have nothing to do with the unfruitful works of darkness. I am doing all I can to stand in the day of Lord, for many will try but will not be able to stand.
God help us all to understand the Truth, to know the Spirit of Power and deny that evil sold, the inability, the sinning saint, the born to sin, the sin nature, the no one can. Let us be faithful servants, branches that abide in the Vine of Truth. Do not just say I believe, believe, know the Truth of the word believe filled and over flowing in you, the cup, the vessel, the tabernacle, the temple, the house, the tent. Do not just say faith, be faithful, do not say grace, understand what grace is. Be able to tell others the Truth of grace being time to work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, and that it teaches us how to live in this world, how to walk with God and not be separated from Him. For sin "is" the divide, is the gap in between man a God.
2 Timothy 3:12, " Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. "
Be filled with the knowledge, define it for yourselves, do not allow anyone to steal your crown laid up to them who endure till the end, of the salvation that is to come. Not obtained till one obtains it, one must run the race to win the race. Not of the works of the law of circumcision, of sacrifice of animals. Of the works of the Law of Love, of Truth, the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ. Which is Power, ability, absolute destruction of the works of darkness. He came to destroy the works of satan, not hide anyone in them. Show forth this power, this power that true love supplies to all who attain to it, I will not fail, I will not move, I will stand right here and no matter what lie is told I will not take it up in my hand and walk with it. I shall be grounded and settled indeed, which is unmovable in this faith I have been taught not of any man, but through the Holy Ghost whom teaches all who will walk in the Truth and diligently obey from the heart.
To walk worthy, why say walk worthy? When all you can find is how no one can walk worthy. One is a lie and one is the Truth. You can walk worthy doing WORKS worthy of any who knows repentance. Bringing forth fruit of works worthy of the Lord who has given all a chance to obey from the heart. To realize the horror of sin, of evil, of obeying not and seeing it turn from it willingly. Desiring in thine heart Truth, change, more than empty words of promises that can never be fulfilled by that which is evil. To be strengthened with ALL MIGHT, not, all I can't so it must be done for me. What is "all might" for if no one need do anything, or can do anything but continue in the old man sin repent, sin confess ways of man? According to His glorious power, where does the power of God fall short? In them that have it not, believe not, have faith not, know grace not. They who frustrate it and change it to fit ones own image of corruption. Anyone can open their mouth and speak of love, without Christ one can not produce the fruit of love. A servant is faithful, not unfaithful, love is faithful not unfaithful, love is able not unable. God made no man evil, men choose to be. God made no man to disobey, men choose to disobey. God gave man ears to hear, they refuse to hear. God gave man eyes to see, man refuses to see. God calls all men everywhere to Repent, men refuse to Repent. God giveth the Holy Ghost to teach, men refuse to be taught by the Spirit of God.
It says "DELIVERED FROM THE POWER OF DARKNESS", so then where does the inability to obey the Truth come in? Why so much evil in places that profess to absolutely love the Truth? Why is so much evil done by those who profess to love so much? What is lacking? One can not do if one does not possess that which is required to be able to do. If one is truly delivered from the power of satan, then why are so many doing the works of satan? You can only abide in that which you are of, it is not difficult. A good tree produces good fruit, a bad tree produces bad fruit. To whom one yield is to whom one obeys. Where thine heart is, is where thine treasure is. Servants are faithful, it is required, even those who serve satan, they are required to be faithful to him, their hearts belong to him. They who serve Christ are required to be faithful to Him or they can not be servants of Christ. Saying you are and pretending you are, does not make one a servant. Words do not produce anything but they do the works. Faith without works in truly dead, useless, vain, no value, no profit, no equity.
Again, always one absolute factor, "IF". If you will continue, if you will obey, if you will stand fast, if you will be grounded, if you will be settled, if you will hold fast, if you will be unmovable, if you will be faithful, if you will truly believe, if you will not take your hands from the plow, if you will not turn back, if you will place all your hope, if with all your heart, if with all your mind, if with all your body, if with all your soul, if with all your might, if till the end, if you will endure, if like a child, if it is not empty but filled and overflowing. If one is true, if one truly loves the Truth and believes with all thine heart, ye you may indeed.
Dearly beloved, stand fast!
If there be any virtue, any effectualness, any operation that is of love, any absolutely unmovable, think upon these. Think upon the Truth of the power found in the Truth and they who wield it wisely, I can this day stand fast, I will not be moved. I am thankful unto the Lord Jesus Christ for the ability to hold this day fast, true and faithful. I will obey from the heart because I can obey and Go and Sin No More. I have awakened to righteousness and I sin not. I do stand in awe of the Truth and sin not. Through Christ I am able to do all things for He is my strength, not sometimes, but at all times. I will not allow the Truth to leave me, I will meditate night and day of it. My mind will be stayed upon the Lord and I will be kept in peace, when afflicted, when suffering, not matter the state I will know peace through Christ.
SERV'ANT, [L. servans, from servo, to keep or hold; properly one that waits, that is, stops, holds, attends, or one that is bound.]
- A person, male or female, that attends another for the purpose of performing menial offices for him, or who is employed by another for such offices or for other labor, and is subject to his command. The word is correlative to master. Servant differs from slave, as the servant's subjection to a master is voluntary, the slave's is not. Every slave is a servant but every servant is not a slave.
Servants are of various kinds; as household or domestic servants, menial servants; laborers, who are hired by the day, week or other term, and do not reside with their employers, or if they board in the same house, are employed abroad and not in the domestic services; apprentices, who are bound for a term of years to serve a master, for the purpose of learning his trade or occupation.
In a legal sense, stewards, factors, bailifs and other agents, are servants for the time they are employed in such character, as they act in subordination to others.
- One in a state of subjection. (subjection to the will of another, in this case willingly)
3.In Scripture, a slave; a bondman; one purchased for money, and who was compelled to serve till the year of jubilee; also, one purchased for a term of years. - The subject of a king; as the servents of David or of Saul.
The Syrians became servants to David. 2 Samuel 8:2. - A person who voluntarily serves another or acts as his minister; as joshua was the servant of Moses, and the apostles the apostles the servants of Christ. So Christ himself is called a servant, Isaiah 42:1. Moses is called the servant of the Lord, Duet. 34.
- A person employed or used as an instrument in accomplishing God's purposes of mercy or wrath. So Nebuchadnezzar is called the servant of God. Jeremiah 25:9.
- One who yields obedience to another. The saints are called servants of God, or of righteousness; and the wicked are called the servants of sin.
- That which yields obedience, or acts on subordination as an instrument.
- One that makes painful sacrifices in compliance with the weakness or wants of others.
- A person of base condition or ignoble spirit. (God chooses whom?)
- A word of civilith. I am, sir, your humble or obedient servant.
Our betters tell us they are our humble servants, but understand us to be their slaves. Swift.
Servant of servants, one debased to the lowest condition of servitude.
Greek - G1401
Word: δοῦλος
Transliteration: doulos
Phonetic: doo'-los
Part of Speech: Noun
Definition: 1. a slave, bondman, man of servile condition
a. a slave
b. metaph., one who gives himself up to another's will those whose service is used by Christ in extending and advancing his cause among men
c. devoted to another to the disregard of one's own interests (Denial of Self, that which grace teaches all who know her)
- a servant, attendant
Devoted: characterized by loyalty, faith, faithful, sincerity, trusty, obedient, obedience.
Servant is devoted to another without regard to one's own self. (What is Love?)
Love does what? Seeks not its own but anothers. Lives not just for itself but for another, more so for the other.
1 Corinthians 13:5, " Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; "
Faith working by love and proven by deeds, for we are that which we speak, for out of the heart the treasures we carry are expressed and the mouth opens and speaks. We are that which we do for it is what we do that proves who we yield ourselves to. Sin is not imbued in the flesh, one has no predisposition to sin, one foolishly has a lack of desire to sin not. One either fasts and denies themselves or one does not. It has nothing to do with the inability to fast but the willingness to fast. One refuses to endure the temptation, refuses resisting the devil and one gives into it, then that one conceives sin in to the world proving that which they love more, serves more, obeys more, not because they had not a choice, not the ability, but they chose to not have it. Seeing pleasure to be greater than the need to obey the Truth. They serve whom/what they love most. Their own pleasure, lover of pleasure more than lovers of God.
What I hear now, I never heard from any of them. Going to churches so called I never once heard the whole Truth. Never once heard the word Repent, or salvation cometh in the end to them that endure till the end. It was one endless vain imagination of men repeating the same lies over and over. These people are traitors and they are held up as people to speak well of.
2 Timothy 3:4, " Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; "
Not one time in all my life was I ever told to take pleasure in my infirmities, in being reproached, in my necessities, my persecutions, my distresses, no matter how small or great they may be. I still hear it now when I speak of this, the very words heard, "What kind of God did you find?". People who claim to serve the One True Living God spoken of in the very book they quote as gospel, as Truth, as absolute, to be held with absolute faith, blind, without question, it is because it says it is and nothing more is needed. Yet as I have lived these last few years all I have heard is the opposite of the very Truth written in the book of the Lord by them.
I heard how one is weak to sin and in this weakness Christ makes that person stronger. I heard this all my life in some form or another. Forget submission, forget obedience, forget faithfulness, forget sincerity, forget, monogamy, forget fidelity, forget loyalty, Christ did all of that already. Forget being sober, lets keep getting high and drunk, not just drugs and alcohol, but lust and sin. Just keep serving ones own want. Reading Colossians 2 we hear of those who worship their own wills, there own ability, how thin is that line?
When I found Christ, I heard it even louder from them, and it still is chanted to this day. As If this was what Paul meant when he wrote in weakness he was made strong. As if Paul who brought his body into subjection did so through being weak to sin? This concept they sell is so foreign to the Truth of what Paul wrote and yet it is the belief of them all. Sin nature, made strong in sin, salvation through sin, original sin, moral depravity, total depravity, born to sin, born in sin, to be delivered by committing abominations before the eyes of God, doing awful acts would some how deliver them. Proudly confessing these things and then going and doing them more. They would be made strong in sin, if they sinned enough it would some how make it so God would reveal Himself to them. This teaching is strong and taught in many ways, by many different groups, all serving the same god of this world. All so sure they know the Truth, so sure they are in the service of God.
Again, faith is obedience, is submission, submit thyself unto God as written, it is weakness in the purest form. To obey is faith perfected, to understand it. Made perfect through suffering, and who suffers willingly what they could run from, turn from? They who have submitted their own for the greater. Through obedience quenched the violence of fire, refusing to bow to idols of men. Their obedience quenched the fire of furnace they were thrown into. Through obedience stop the mouth of lions. By faith, by faithfulness to the Truth they knew without doubt. Standing fast in the face of all refusing to accept a lie over the Truth. Refusing to go along to get along. Refusing to have anything before God, to break the Commandment. To break the greatest of all Commandments, greater than love thy neighbor as thyself. To love God with ALL ones heart, mind, soul, body, might and strength. To have no other gods before Him. To make no graven images, in physical or spiritual. To take His Name not in vain, to not make God useless. To proclaim the Truth and show Him to be weak, unable. To remember the day God Himself rested and keep that day of rest. To honour the father and mother. To not kill. To not commit adultery. To not steal. To not bear false witness. To not covet.
Quenched all that was against them by faithfulness to the Truth. Belief indeed, Faith absolute, and by the teaching that all who love Him come to know, grace. The time to learn to refuse the evil and choose the good. To live sober, for the spirit of God gives a sober mind. To live righteous, for it is obedience unto it. To live godly in this present world. To simple obey from the heart that willingly gives its all to that which is loved most. Quenched it all by true faith, obedience. Resit not the evil, do not become that which you hate. Men tell you there is always compromises. They sell this lie in the arts and entertainment. They try to make this lie strong, always reinforcing it. Always keeping them entertained, with the same lie the profess sell. No one can, no ever can, there is always compromise, always provisions. As told to me, " I did what had to do", when I did what I wanted to do. I do not want excuses, I chose to be that which I was, not because I had to, but because I loved myself more than those afflicted by my actions. No compromise, the Truth is the Truth and if one does not reinforce it constantly, it will be lost. It will be stolen, it will be forgotten, it is not irresistible, it must be fought for all the time. The armor must be put on everyday. Fight the good fight of faith that works by love and is proven by deeds.
Hebrews 11:34, " Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens. "
The just do not resist...
2 Corinthians 12:10, " Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong. "
James 5:5, " Ye have lived in pleasure on the earth, and been wanton; ye have nourished your hearts, as in a day of slaughter.
James 5:6 Ye have condemned and killed the just; and he doth not resist you. "
Addicted? No, they simple love one thing more than another. Lovers of pleasures, they who do not want to obey the Truth refuse to deny themselves. Christ said if any desire Him they must Deny themselves first, take up their cross and follow Him. To experience true grace one understands they must deny themselves, deny ungodliness and worldly lusts. They who do not want to deny themselves talk of being hidden from the eyes of God so only Christ can be seen, they make that provision to hide behind the lie. They do not want to deny themselves of anything, suffer anything. They say love has nothing to do with suffering, that is a lie. The flesh wants, and temptation is always offered to the flesh. To love something more than ones own self is to make the flesh suffer. For some it is worse than for others. One must live Sober, Righteous and Godly lives in this present world, that is denial and it causes suffering, separation is suffering. True faithfulness working out of love possesses the Power found only in the Spirit of Power received of God through the Son. For without Christ we can do nothing, but with Him we are absolutely able to do anything. Submit thyself to the Truth and the Truth will set you free. Free to be able to do what is asked of any who will come after Christ. We are able to Keep the Commandments and to obey from the heart the teaching received of God, out of true love. Able to deny ourselves for the love of another if we truly desire to do so, if it be love.
If it be the desires of thine heart. What is the treasures found in ones heart?
True love does not force anyone, but does what is right despite ones self. Shines the light no matter what evil is around. It is a shame to see the evil, a shame to see so many give into it. To not resist the devil, but resist the evil and become what one proclaims to hate. Resist not God, what is more important, obedience or sacrifice? Better to obey then to sacrifice. No need to force anyone to do anything, let evil be evil still and let the righteous be righteous still. One must show forth the obedience at all cost. Count the cost to build upon the foundation that is Christ and His disciples. They love to say it is free and if you had to do anything it certainly could not be free. They twist the Truth to fit their lust, they being unable to obey. They make provisions for being disobedient. The work Christ did, to give His life for us all, was free. No one had to do anything, HE DID IT ALL. To receive what He freely did, to partake of that which He offers requires exactly what He said it did. So count the cost before you build, do not start to build and then be unable to finish because when the Truth is realized truly, one becomes offended and turns back from the work. Not wanting to pay the cost, not wanting to deny themselves for real, bearing their own cross and following for real. Easy to go to church on sunday, but to follow the actual Truth requires so much more then most are willing to pay. Obedience is not for the puffed up, the high minded, the proud, the rebellious, the disobedient.
It requires everything that this world refuses to give. To deny thyself the pleasure of sin. It is the cost, heart, mind, body, soul, might and strength. It requires all any man possesses, everything anyone has to give, all. Only the devil would say it requires not ones all. Only the devil would say you do not have to keep the greatest Commandment of all, to Love God with ALL ones heart, mind, body, soul, might and strength. Nothing before Him ever, no matter what is offered, not even the whole world is worth losing ones soul. Love does not fail, can not fail but it was not love. Love does not divorce and remarry, evil does this thing. Love endures till the end without care of itself, it does not seek it own. Go find this witness in what professes itself to be what it is not!
Love is devoted to that which it loves. True wisdom, the Fear of God, to hate sin, to hate evil, to turn from it and take it not up in thine hand. I am devoted to thine fear O Lord. I am devoted to hate sin, to eschew evil, to set no evil before me. Told to do this, if it be love it would obey it, if it is love. Establish Thy Word unto Thy servant, to be a servant first one must be faithful, or one can not be called a servant, and one surely can not have the Word of God established in them, ever and be not devoted, reformed, changed, born again, true, faithful! MANY CALLED BUT FEW CHOSEN. MANY CALLED BUT FEW BECOME SERVANTS. One must be devoted to the Fear of The Lord God Almighty unto the very end. Matters not if you are first or last, what matters is faithful until the end. Whether you worked for and hour or all your life, both must endure till the end. They love to use the thief on the cross. look how he was saved in the very end, he did not have to work, endure till the end. I have heard this ignorance over and over. Care to be nailed to a cross for just an hour and see if you will turn your back on the Lord?
They who take their hand from the plough/plow are not worthy of the Lord Jesus Christ. One can not become evil to defeat evil, one can not disobey God to establish good, for there is nothing good going to come out of disobedience. One can not walk humbly with God and disobey Him. For to be humble is to obey Him. The penitent humbles themselves, which is to obey. To be made perfect is to suffer for the right reason, that is to be complete. It is acceptable to God that we suffer for well doing, and when we do so, we do so patiently. Praising the Lord no matter the state one is found. Hanging on a cross or alone on an island, and everything in between those two. Love is devoted, devotion to that one thing loved above all other things. Thine eye be single and look how the world mocks the eye that is single.
Things I love to find, absolutes. So I can measure myself by the Word of God, by the Truth as often as I can so I may always be found in the faith that works by love and is proven by deeds. Psalms 119:38 is an absolute, saying "who is devoted" not who is trying their best, but unable for they have some sin nature. NO, who is absolutely DEVOTED to the Fear that is hating evil and every evil way. Obedient absolutely, hating evil and loving thine enemy who is trapped by evil, not resisting them with evil, but with good. Showing forth the ability. If Christ, then I through Christ, I live but not I Christ liveth. If I, then so can you. What is good then? each time one must work this out for themselves, they must work it out by defining the Truth. What is the Truth? What is required of a servant? What is the whole matter? Have we not been told, DID NOT CHRIST SHOW US? They who hear is voice are of the Truth. They who hear His voice, will hear no other. They who hear His voice will follow no other. Can you hear, this is obedience without fault, it is perfect, I hear one voice and I follow after no other, faithfulness, faith, obedience unto righteousness. What is Truth?
Psalms 119:38, " Stablish thy word unto thy servant, who is devoted to thy fear. "
1 Peter 3:11, " Let him eschew evil, and do good; let him seek peace, and ensue it. "
What is Truth?
John 18:38, " Pilate saith unto him, What is truth? And when he had said this, he went out again unto the Jews, and saith unto them, I find in him no fault at all. "
What did Jesus say?
John 18:37, " Pilate therefore said unto him, Art thou a king then? Jesus answered, Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice. "
John 10:27, " My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: "
John 10:3, " To him the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice: and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out.
John 10:4 And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice. "
Harden not your hearts,
Psalms 95:7, " For he is our God; and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand. To day if ye will hear his voice,
Psalms 95:8 Harden not your heart, as in the provocation, and as in the day of temptation in the wilderness: "
Hebrews 3:8, " Harden not your hearts, as in the provocation, in the day of temptation in the wilderness: "
Hebrews 3:15, " While it is said, To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts, as in the provocation. "
Hebrews 4:7, " Again, he limiteth a certain day, saying in David, To day, after so long a time; as it is said, To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts. "
Christ surely did not obey for us, He obeyed to show us the Truth. He obeyed so we could know the Way to the Truth to have Life. Christ obeyed the Commandments unto death, resisted unto blood, loved the Father so much He kept Himself spotless so he could be that perfect sacrifice for sins past and to clear the conscience of all who would receive that gift, forgiveness. So they could have the ability to obey from the heart with a CLEAR conscience, without hypocrisy.
What is required?
1 Corinthians 4:2, " Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful. "
What is the whole of the mater? It is not new but heard from the beginning. It is the same God today as it will be tomorrow.
Ecclesiastes 12:13, " Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. "
Have we not be told and shown by the Lord Himself? What is Truth?
Micah 6:8, " He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? "
To be just, love mercy and walk humbly with God. To study and know what is the good and perfect will of God. Told with out doubt that if you truly know the Truth, being born again, having a new heart truly! One is transformed by the renewing. Yet all you hear from them who profess this born again state of transformation, is how they look the same as they ever did. They may polish up outwardly, but inwardly they are the same. They love to tell you how they are still filthy rags, unable to obey and how no one can or need to. No moral reform which still astounds me to know people teach this and believe it. I have heard over and over how they remain carnal sold under sin, they can quote all the verses that to them make provisions for them to remain lost in their sins. How the flesh is sinful, how they are born to sin, how God even made them this way. You can throw a rock and hit someone sold the lie they possess a sin nature, they are totally depraved, no moral change and yet saved!
Another absolute found. Having been born again one has a renewed mind that no longer desires to fulfill the lust of the flesh. Yes the flesh still can be tempted by the devil but it is up to them that love and are faithful to resist the devil and to endure the temptation. It is an absolute, that one must PROVE what is good and acceptable and the perfect will of God. It is not proved for them, imbued into them, clothed about them, finished for them, obey for them or any other filthy vain imagination of men. It is, they who do, are they who have. They who do righteousness are righteous even as Christ is righteous. They who are a good tree produce good fruit. They who are bad trees produce bad fruit. None can produce what they are not. What treasure one has in their hearts is what they will show forth in words, in actions. It is what they will sow and reap. Yet the devil is the most subtle of all so one must put in the work and test the spirits. Must prove what is Gods perfect will for them. It is an absolute fact each must work out there own salvation with fear and trembling and yes this refers to the very first thing the Law requires of all, Repent and it continues in them who do obey and Repent. They must then walk the Path that leads to Life, working it out for themselves, WITH the Holy Ghost, the very Spirit of God Almighty, trusting in no man but leaning upon the Lord, casting all their cares unto Christ. Workers together, labours together with Him.
Romans 12:2, " And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. "
Faith works by love and is proven by deeds. We are to add to our faith virtue, effectual operation of a fact of ones state of being. Whom do you serve? Whom do you yield? Whom do you abide? Knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness, charity/love. From faith to faith, a working love filled with the Power of the Truth. A PATH DEFINED BY DEFINITION, what is faith if not faithful, loyal, trusty, fidelity, monogamy, faithfulness, sincerity, submission, obedience. There are those who offer up great swelling words of emptiness and those who offer words filled with power overflowing. Those whose cups are empty and those whose cups overfloweth. Those who are unable and never can, and those who are able and always can through Christ do anything for He is their strength. Christ our righteousness, our righteous example to follow as we bear our cross and deny ourselves. Deny thine flesh, make no provision for the flesh to fulfill the lust thereof.
Do not resist evil, but overcome it with good. Wallowing in sin and being nice is not an act of love, or goodness, or kindness. It is an act of deception, it is breaking the Commandment of God. Do not take His Name in vain, but with all your might you fight to show forth the Truth. I heard so I obey that which I heard. All who have the Truth hear His voice and obey it from the heart!
Romans 12:21, " Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good. "
Nothing is irresistible, yet why do they follow them that say it is?
Acts 7:51, " Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did, so do ye. "
Romans 13:2, " Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. "
2 Timothy 3:8, " Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith. "
Many refuse, many buy the lies offered. Many pretend to have what they have not, rather than deal with the Truth of not having heard. Or the lack of desire to follow, the lack of desire to bear it, the lack of desire to deny themselves. Better to obey, then to sacrifice. It is not about eat not this, wash your hands, touch not that, it is not about the commandments of men. It is about the Commandments of God and if you love Him, you will keep His Commandments. It is not difficult to understand that Truth. Out of love one does what one truly loves, sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness.
This is the Lords day, it is the day God said it was, it is the forth Commandment. This day God rested, and if it was made for man and not man for it, why would there be any offended by it? Look at what they rail the most against and ask why? Why is it better to obey than to sacrifice?
We are the words we speak, out of the hear the mouth speak of the treasures it possesses. We will give an account for ever idle word spoken, yes I testify of this, God knows every single word you have ever spoken. Yes it can be played back to you perfectly. As I lived it, so I testify of it. Unworthy of the world are they who truly love God and obey Him. The world hates them, but know it, they hate not you truly, they hate the Lord Jesus Christ for the Truth. They would not have known sin but He come and show them. Be the light that shines into the dark, do not accept a strong hold of lies, tear it down but out of love. Learn the Truth and wield the sword wisely. Do not resist the evil, resist the devil.
May grace abound in all who love the Lord. Denial of self, refuse the evil and choose the good.
It is remission of sins past and not permission of sins future.
Blessed be the Name of the Lord Amen and Amen.