#Non Biblical Evidence as Historical Proof for Jesus Christ.#

in #jesus8 years ago

Non Biblical Evidence as Historical Proof for Jesus Christ.

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Virtually all New Testament scholars and Near East historians, applying the standard criteria of historical investigation, find that the historicity of Jesus is more probable than not

Evidence to Verify the Following.

According to the canonical gospels, Jesus, the Christ, was arrested, tried, and sentenced by Pontius Pilate to be scourged, and finally crucified by the Romans.

Jesus' crucifixion is described in the four canonical gospels, referred to in the New Testament epistles, attested to by other ancient sources, and is established as a historical event confirmed by non-Christian sources.

Gaius Cilo (61 – c. 113) Plinii the younger.

Governor of Bithynia Turkey. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pliny_the_Younger

Epistulae (Pliny)


“.......Having never been present at any trials of the Christians, I am unacquainted with the method and limits to be observed either in examining or punishing them. Whether any difference is to be made on account of age, or no distinction allowed between the..............."

The largest surviving body of Pliny's work is his Epistulae (Letters), a series of personal missives directed to his friends and associates. These letters are a unique testimony of Roman administrative history and everyday life in the 1st century AD. Especially noteworthy is (Epistulae VI.16, VI.20), which he asks the Emperor for instructions regarding official policy concerning Christians.

Galatians1:6. Epistle to Christians in Turkey c47 where St Peter was the first to preach The teachings of Jesus and his Disciples.

The Roman Provence was established in 25Bc. If the letter was written to reaffirm The teachings of Jesus and his Disciples to the Christians in northern Galatia then the churches were established on the second missionary journey and the epistle was written on the third c54. 46 years prior Plinii.

Emperor Trajan

Roman Emperor from 98 to 117 AD. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trajan


“ The method you have pursued, my dear Pliny, in sifting the cases of those denounced to you as Cbristians is extremely proper. It is not possible to lay down any general rule which can be applied as the fixed standard in all cases of this nature. No search should be made for ….... “

Corresponded with Pliny the Younger on the subject of how to deal with the Christians of Pontus, telling Pliny to continue to persecute Christians.

Senator Publius Cornelius Tacitus, c. AD 56 – c. AD 120)


“The annals of Tacitus”Section 44 https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/The_Annals_(Tacitus)/Book_15#44

“Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilatus”

Tacitus was a Senator of Rome with advisory and decision-making power and responsibility. He was a professional historian. His policy of critical investigation distinguish between confirmed and hearsay. If the account was unverified he would include his usual disclaimer.

He had access to extent Government records of the time, from the provinces that could easily prove one way or the other before making some flippant statement in context as matter of fact.

Tacitus describes the persecution of Christians by Nero. The Annals. Section 44 “...... “ Covered with the skins of beasts, they were torn by dogs and perished, or were nailed to crosses, or were doomed to the flames and burnt, to serve as a nightly illumination, when daylight had expired. Nero offered his gardens for the spectacle, and was....... “

Nero was Roman Emperor from 54 to 68 AD,


He was said to have seized Christians as scapegoats for the fire and burned them alive, seemingly motivated not by public justice but by personal cruelty.

Tacitus eye witness to the burning of Rome mentions that "Christians confessed to the crime, but it is not known whether these confessions were induced by torture."


Pontius Pilate

Latin: Pontius Pīlātus. was the fifth prefect of the Roman province of Judaea from
AD 26–36. He served under Emperor Tiberius, and is best known today for the trial and crucifixion of Christ Jesus.


Pontius Pilate had a ignominious Jew executed by Crucifixion on charge of sedition, placed the Latin inscription IESVS. ... IVDÆORVM (Iesus Nazarenus, Rex Iudaeorum) English "Jesus the Nazarene, King of the Jews" John 19:19

This was the sign that Jesus gave: “For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth” Matthew 12:40

Jesus was crucified taken down from the cross just before sundown “Now it was the day of Preparation, and the next day was to be a special Sabbath.” (John 19:31).

Jesus was 30 when beginning His earthly ministry. ... based on the decree of Herod (who died in 5 BC) to kill all the male children in.... His ministry was 3 and a half years.

The subject requires more research; however if in the year of Christ Crucifixion the Passover and Sabbath holidays were combined into “a Special Sabbath” we arrive at the hour and Possible date of the death of our saviour "the ninth hour" 3PM on Passover, Wednesday, March 25 - 31 AD.

Not Friday of popular belief but Wednesday. Christ was three days and three nights in the tomb.

“on the first day of the week Mary Magdalene went to the tomb early, while it was still dark, and saw that the stone had been taken away from the tomb.” John 20:1

Herod the Great Reign 37 – 4 BCE


"King of the Jews" The title was given to Herod the Great, him by by the Roman Senate in 40 BCE. ...

Lucian of Samosata 125 CE – after 180 CE)

A satirist and rhetorician who wrote in the Greek language during the Second Sophistic.

A fictionalized portrait of Lucian
Taken from a seventeenth century engraving by William Faithorne

Reference to the Christians of Judah “who deny the gods of Greece, and worship the crucified sage, and live after his laws.”

The Passing of Peregrinus or The Death of Peregrinus is a satire by the Syrian Greek writer Lucian in which the lead character, the Cynic philosopher Peregrinus Proteus, takes advantage of the generosity of Christians and lives a disingenuous life before burning himself at the Olympic Games of 165 CE. The text is one of the few Classical texts that contain explicit references to Christians or Christianity.

Flavius Josephus


Titus Flavius Josephuswas a first-century Romano-Jewish scholar,
historian and hagiographer, who was born in Jerusalem then part of Roman Judea.

The extant manuscripts of the writings of the 1st-century Romano-Jewish historian Flavius Josephus include references to Jesus and the origins of Christianity.

Antiquities of the Jews, written around 93–94 AD, includes two references to the biblical Jesus Christ and reference to John the Baptist in Book18.

“so he assembled the sanhedrim of judges, and brought before them the brother of Jesus, who was called Christ, whose name was James, and some others....”

“..... the Recognitions assuring us that they began about the days of John the Baptist;”

Reference to Christ in Book 20

“He was [the] Christ. And when Pilate, at the suggestion of the principal men amongst us, had condemned him to the cross, .................... “those that loved him at the first did not forsake him; for he appeared to them alive again the third day......”



Contra Celsum.


In which Celsus maintains numerous times that the miracles of Jesus were “wrought by means of sorcery,”.......... “having a suspicion that the great works performed by Jesus, of which we have named a few out a great number, would be brought forward to view, affects to grant that those statements may be true which are made regarding His cures, or His resurrection, or the feeding of a multitude with a few loaves, from which many fragments remained over, or those other stories which Celsus thinks the disciples have recorded as of a marvellous nature; and he adds: "Well, let us believe that these were actually wrought by you. But then he immediately compares them to the tricks of jugglers,”

According to the Christian father Origen, Celsus was a 2nd-century Greek philosopher and opponent of Early Christianity. He is known for his literary work, The True Word (also Account, Doctrine or Discourse which survives exclusively in Origen's quotations from it in Contra Celsum. This work, c. 177 is the earliest known comprehensive attack on Christianity.

The True Word (Discourse, Account, or Doctrine; is a lost treatise in which the ancient Greek philosopher Celsus addressed many principal points of Early Christianity and refuted or argued against their validity.

In The True Word, Celsus attacked Christianity in three ways; by refuting its philosophical claims, by marking it as a phenomenon associated with the uneducated and lower class, and by cautioning his audience that it was a danger to the Roman Empire. All information concerning the work exists only in the extensive quotations from it in the Contra Celsum ("Against Celsus") written some seventy years later by the Christian Origen. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_True_Word

Gaius Seutonius Anquillus

A fictitious representation of Suetonius
from the 15th-century Nuremberg Chronicle

Commonly known as Suetonius c. 69 – after 122 AD)[1], was a Roman historian belonging to the equestrian order who wrote during the early Imperial era of the Roman Empire. His most important surviving work is a set of biographies of twelve successive Roman rulers, from Julius Caesar to Domitian, entitled De Vita Caesarum.

Lives of the Twelve Caesars.

Mentions early Christians and may refer to Jesus Christ "Chresto" in his work.


“ should keep their kinsfolk of Ilium free from every burden. Since the Jews constantly made disturbances at the instigation of Chrestus, he expelled them from Rome. He allowed the envoys of ….”

expulsion of Jews from Rome by Claudius during his reign (AD 41 to AD 54), which may be the expulsion mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles (18:2).

In this context "Chresto" is mentioned. Some scholars see this as a likely reference to Jesus, while others see it as referring to an otherwise unknown person living in Rome.

Christians are explicitly mentioned in Suetonius' as "among those punished during Nero's reign. "

“ Punishment was inflicted on the Christians, a class of men given to a new and mischievous superstition.”

Suetonius describes "Christianity as excessive religiosity (superstitio)" as do his contemporaries Tacitus and Pliny.https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/The_Lives_of_the_Twelve_Caesars/Nero#16

Thallus 52AD


His works exist only as fragments. He was an early historian who wrote in Koine Greek a three-volume history of the Mediterranean world from before the the time of Trojan …

The works are considered important by some Christians because they believe them to confirm the historicity of Jesus and provide non-Christian validation of the Gospel accounts: a reference to a historical eclipse, attributed to Thallus, has been taken as a mention of the worldwide darkness described in the Synoptic gospels account of the death of Jesus, although an eclipse could not have taken place during Passover when this took place.

Sextus Julius Africanus quoted Thallus in his History of the World. Julius discussed the three-hour darkness which occurred during the passover of the crucifixion of Jesus. Thallus tries to dismiss the occurrence as a Solar eclipse. Julius Africanus debates the issue on the bases that the Solar eclipse could not have taken place on the Passover since there was a full moon at the time.


In the third book of his history makes this comment: “ Thallus calls this darkness an eclipse of the sun--wrongly in my opinion.”

Phlegon Van Tralles

A Greek writer and freedman of the emperor Hadrian, who lived in the 2nd century AD.


Origen of Alexandria (182-254 AD), in Against Celsus (Book II, Chap. XIV), wrote that Phlegon, in his "Chronicles", mentions Jesus:


Phlegon of Tralles on the passion phenomena.


“ A most terrible darkness fell over all the world, the rocks were torn apart by an earthquake, and many places both in Judaea and the rest of the world were thrown down. In the third book of his Histories Thallus dismisses this darkness as a solar eclipse, unreasonably, as it seems to me. For the Hebrews celebrate the Passover on Luna 14, and what happened to the Saviour occurred one day before the Passover. But an eclipse of the sun takes place when the moon passes under the sun. The only time....... “

Mara bar 'Serapion,

A Syriac Stoic philosopher in the Roman province of Syria. He is only known from a letter he wrote in Syriac to his son, who was also named Serapion, which allegedly refers to Jesus of Nazareth.



"...........Or the Jews by the murder of their Wise King, seeing that from that very time their kingdom was driven away from them? For with justice did God grant a recompense to the wisdom of all three of them. For the Athenians died by famine; and the people of Samos were covered by the......."

There is as much and more evidence for the existence of Jesus as there is for any important person of that time.

The subject of an exact date requires more research; however if in the year of Christ Crucifixion the passover and Sabbath holidays were combined, we arrive at a Possible date of the Resurrection of our saviour. Sunday Before dawn on 31 March 31AD.

John 3:16 KJV: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

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Great post! Very detailed. I knew that the Romans were excellent record keepers but I did not realize that there were so many sculptures of these Roman officials. It was nice to put a face with the name. Keep posting and remember that many are still blind to Jesus. We must pray for them that He will lift that veil off of their eyes (atomica). Upvoted:) Will follow.

Thank-you fg4jesus Christ Jesus is the King of Kings. Blessings

yup never doubted he was a real person.. i just prefer to worship God the way he did. I dont like associating partners with God. Pauline trinitarian doctrines.. thats too much for me.. Paul was just a man.. you made him the prophet and Jesus the God. Jesus was a a prophet. Yeshua.. Aysa. Isa. pbuh

He was known as The Mighty God since Old Testament.

Isaiah 9:6
6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

King James Version (KJV)

King James "version"
top christians scholar agree the bible is full of mistakes.
add that on top of your ridiculous interpolations and interpretations idk what to tell you.. sounds made up tbh

atomica Hello. I notice you did no provide any support evidence to qualify you claim.
What you might call contradiction in the gospels prove their authenticity. https://bible.org/seriespage/12-are-there-contradictions-gospels Virtually all New Testament scholars and Near East historians, applying the standard criteria of historical investigation, find that the historicity of Jesus is more probable than not. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historicity_of_Jesus#Existence. Police Detective J. Warner Wallace investigates the evidence from a detective “cold case” perspective. Recommended viewing

first of all there check your spelling steemit.it is not like facebook. your posts should have value. dont just post someone else's stuff thats called plagiarism. Now you wont read what i posted im sure of it. Youll skim over and then rant on.. but here is some common sense for you anyway.

you know what the qur'an and the bible(and all holy books) have in common? One God! especially what the quran says about the good book(the gosspel is a holy book) says the qur'an.. that the "people of the book" that is you sir, you will try to enter into a debate with me and argue and argue and argue. thats what idolatry does to people.. thats what it says.

but most importantly it also says jesus worshipped God. the same God that i happen to worship. and the bible confirms that when it says "jesus fell on his face and worshipped God". so then I dont need your secular video to discourage me from loving and worshipping and glorifying ONLY God! I studied the bible for 20 years and I love it! .. so that sir is my evidence.. my scriptures predicted you would do this. :D

God is Love, if you dont know Love then you dont know God!

We have the same God. Islam is what you were born with. destiny. the thing you struggle with. everytime they tell you to worship our beloved prophet like a god!

jesus spoke of the way.

peace is the way.

if you go to israel and talk about jesus they will stone you

yet you fund them to bomb people who for a long time have worshipped loved and served God. and called themselves "the believers" ie: muslimah.

may the holy spirit guide you always and may you find that we are brothers under one God!

peace to you.

Hello atomica. Firstly:- If you find a spelling mistake please point it out. Secondly:- Public domain documents are clearly referenced with Date Author and link to the Document. Thirdly:- Other reference material is clearly referenced Date Author and link to the Document. https://en.wikipedia.org/ Fourthly:- I do not consider the Qurin to be a holy book. Fifthly:- I am not interested into entering into a debate or argue with you at all, you can worship what you like. Sixthly:- I don't know that you or any other Muslim worships the same God that Jesus Christ worshipped.

Your* not you.. no you didnt check your spelling obviously. and this is a response to your comment.. within which you did NOT mention the source of the video. Clearly its a waste of time talkin to you you dont make any sense.


Watch the Islamic Dilemma by David Wood

As Arthur Conan Doyle said, "Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth."

Hello atomica .... yep we all have to find our way...... Yeshua has shown us he love of God. kindest regards.

Fraud, plagiarism, idolatry, hate speech. this loser has it all.