[Jeff Berwick] This might be an unpopular question, but I have to ask it: Is Jeff Berwick a Jew? (post it here since the relevant video was not posted on Steemit)

in #jewconspiracy8 years ago (edited)

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Jeff believes there's some truth to Jews controlling the world and flooding Europe with migrants to ethno-genocide whites, so if he's a jew he's a very honest one:

Everything he says in his videos is generally truthful. I have nothing bad to say about the guy and even if he was a jew I'd still respect him.
Unlike Stephan Molyneux who is a controlled opposition shill who pretends terror attacks are real, which ultimately helps the State pass tyrannical laws. https://steemit.com/anarchy/@jeffberwick/what-happened-to-chris-cantwell-and-how-government-causes-racism-with-adam-kokesh

 8 years ago (edited) Reveal Comment

all I know is that the surname Berwick is not jewish. It is an English/Scottish surname:

Of course to be jewish it is the moher's lineage that counts.
If I was to guess based on his facial features I'd say he looks a mix of British and Eastern European (Poland/Ukraine)....and in Eastern Europe there was many jews.....
ultimately only he can answer, but even if he was jewish I doubt he'd say. Being jewish in the truth community gets you dimissed immediately as controlled opposition. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berwick_(surname)

 8 years ago  Reveal Comment

yes, some of the people he associates with are clearly jewish controlled opposition. One example is Luke Rudowsky who's job is to deflect the attention from any Jewish involvment in the conspiracy. He even tried to do that with 9/11 blaming it only on US and Saudi Arabia until confronted face to face by othe truthers for leaving out the Mossad (the dancing israelis, the art student spy network residing in the towers etc etc).

 8 years ago  Reveal Comment

IMG_20180829_145314_120.jpgYou ve gotten my follow ! Your questions are similar to my own ! Just recently deprogrammed myself from #realalexjones:/ im sad i never saw that ! I feel betrayed and only now am i questioning those in movements that i follow ! Great questions and i wish more people are like you!

Very nice post. I upvote.

Why does it matter if he is a jew or not?

 8 years ago  Reveal Comment

"If" the world is runned by jews or what many believe to be, Zionists. Then it still is the matter of the fact that a lot of people being of jewish religion have nothing to do with it all...

 8 years ago  Reveal Comment

"Supposedly." And even if it were true, it doesn't mean that all jews are behind this ideology. That is the same kind of thinking saying all Islams are ISIS...

 8 years ago (edited) Reveal Comment

ISIS might be a fabrication, but that doesn't leave the fact that it currently exists in the world, and is often being associated with the Islam. It was just an example as to how you cannot take all people from one religion, and say they stand for the same believes. As for 9/11, I know for a fact that the official story that was told was false, seeing how those towers fell down in a way impossible to be caused by an airplane... Who did it I can't say for sure, only speculate.